CT-3278 was a clone serving the Galactic Empire. As a stormtrooper in the Imperial Army, he fought after the Clone Wars concluded. CT-3278 was stationed on Serenno several months later, serving in a company under the leadership of Captain Wilco.
While stationed on the planet of Serenno, CT-3278, along with two other clone stormtroopers, received orders to investigate a crashed cargo container. This container had been seized by the renegade clones known as Clone Force 99. The three stormtroopers utilized BARC speeders to reach the crash site, where they established a small perimeter. While searching the wreckage, they discovered Echo inside the container and opened fire. However, Echo managed to shut the container door, trapping himself and the rogue clone Omega within.
Meanwhile, CT-3278 communicated his findings and requested reinforcements. Simultaneously, one of his fellow soldiers set up a mounted cannon. After some time, Tech, another member of Clone Force 99, arrived and incapacitated one of the stormtroopers with a stun blast. CT-3278 and the remaining stormtrooper then laid down heavy blaster fire, pinning Tech behind a tree. CT-3278 commanded his comrade to cease firing as he advanced toward the tree, only to be swiftly disarmed by Tech. A hand-to-hand fight ensued, during which CT-3278 threw Tech to the ground and attempted to seize Tech's DC-17 hand blaster. However, Tech ultimately overpowered him. Clone Force 99 then shot down the gunship that CT-3278 had summoned, and subsequently escaped in their ship, the Marauder.
Being a clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, CT-3278 possessed a height of 1.83 meters. He also had [black](/article/color] hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.
As a clone stormtrooper, CT-3278 was equipped with standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor, lacking any distinctive colors or markings.