"The Solitary Clone" marks the third installment in the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the animated television program. It was initially broadcast on January 11, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming service.
On Desix, a Separatist planet, inhabitants are seen harvesting crops outside the perimeter of Desix City. A mother and her son are sharing a beverage. Alarms blare as an Imperial Nu-class attack/transport shuttle touches down on a designated landing zone. As Governor Grotton and a squad of TK stormtroopers exit the shuttle and approach a masked woman identifying herself as Tawni Ames, who is the Governor of Desix, the civilians scatter. Ames requests that Grotton state the purpose of his visit. Grotton informs her that, under the authority of the Galactic Empire, he is there to relieve her of her duties. Ames declines to acknowledge the Empire's authority and commands Grotton to leave. Grotton refuses, and Ames orders her B1 battle droids to encircle Grotton and his contingent.
In a parallel sequence, CT-9904, known as "Crosshair," awakens in his quarters. He then joins a group of clone troopers for their morning meal. Crosshair overhears a conversation between two clone troopers regarding the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, which they express hope will not be enacted. Crosshair approaches the pair, who subsequently move away. Before he can begin eating, Crosshair is summoned to the office of Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart without delay.
Within his office, Rampart informs CT-9904 that he has been authorized to return to active service. Rampart mentions that Crosshair had remained on Kamino for 32 rotations and inquires about his motivation for returning. Crosshair responds that his allegiance lies with the Empire. Due to his unwavering loyalty, Rampart assigns Crosshair the task of rescuing the recently appointed Imperial Governor of Desix, who has been taken as a hostage by insurgents demanding recognition of their world's independence. Rampart details that Crosshair will participate in a simulated diplomatic mission aimed at securing the city and ensuring Governor Grotton's release. Crosshair is informed that he will be under the command of a new officer and is instructed to report to the First Battle Memorial at 0900 hours.
Upon arrival at the Battle Memorial, Crosshair is greeted by Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody," who reveals that he specifically requested Crosshair for the mission. Cody also brings up the abandonment of Clone Force 99 following Order 66, referring to them as genetically defective clones. When Crosshair notes that regular clones have also been deserting, Cody mentions unconfirmed reports that more clone troopers are questioning Order 66. Crosshair dismisses them as traitors, likening them to the Jedi. Cody, appearing uneasy, replies that good soldiers adhere to orders. The two then board a Nu-class shuttle.
During their journey through hyperspace, Cody briefs Crosshair and the other clone troopers, explaining that a faction of Separatist insurgents has reactivated a battalion of battle droids, seized control of the city, and taken Governor Grotton captive. In response to a clone trooper's question about whether the battle droids received the shutdown command, Crosshair suggests the possibility of reprogramming. Cody outlines the plan to exploit the guise of a diplomatic mission to surprise the Separatist defenders, neutralize the droids, and locate Governor Grotton.
Upon exiting hyperspace, the Imperial pilot requests authorization for Imperial Shuttle 995 to enter Desix airspace. A tactical droid grants them permission to land. Meanwhile, Governor Grotton insists on his legitimacy as governor, but the battle droids disregard his assertions. Governor Ames pledges to release him once the Empire meets her demands. When Grotton argues that the Empire will not concede to her terms, Ames reveals her awareness of the diplomatic mission's true nature before removing her mask. Ames asserts that Count Dooku was correct in predicting the collapse of the Galactic Republic and its replacement by the Galactic Empire. Grotton retorts that her side was defeated in the Clone Wars and that she will face defeat in this conflict as well.
Using macrobinoculars, the tactical droid identifies the Imperial shuttle and informs Governor Ames. Reasoning that the Imperials have opted against negotiation, Ames directs her battle droids to mobilize Armored Assault Tanks (AAT) and rocket launchers, which are then used to target the approaching shuttle. The Imperial shuttle subsequently crash-lands in Sector Five, situated on the outskirts of the city. Ames commands her tactical droids to deploy scouts to search the wreckage for any survivors.
A squad of battle droids advances toward the shuttle and discovers several deceased individuals. The lead battle droid reports to Ames that they have found no survivors. Before the droids can return to the city, they are ambushed by Crosshair and Cody. Crosshair remarks that their ambush has bought them some time. Cody decides that the remaining squad members should proceed on foot. While Cody expresses concern for the injured squad members, Crosshair assures him that he has overcome worse situations.
Crosshair resolves to disable a Separatist AAT tank. He informs Cody that he will draw the tank's fire while the other clones move into position. He persuades Cody to trust his judgment. As Crosshair engages the tank, Cody and his troops crawl through a field of corn-like crops. Crosshair uses his rifle to fire a blaster bolt into the main cannon of the AAT, triggering an explosion that causes the tank to fall off its bridge. As Cody and his troops enter the ramp leading into the castle, they come under fire from battle droids.
Crosshair eliminates two snipers, enabling Cody and his troops to use grappling hooks to reach the top battlements of the castle. Cody commends Crosshair for his precision marksmanship. Crosshair deduces that the battle droids are being directed by a tactical droid, evidenced by their coordinated movements. Cody suggests dividing their forces, ordering Wyler and Nova to accompany him and Crosshair to the north access. The second team is instructed to enter through the south access. The tactical droid relays their movements to Governor Ames, who instructs the droid to initiate Protocol Four while she secures Grotton.
Cody and Crosshair locate Governor Grotton, but his captor escapes with him down a turbolift. The two clones are soon surrounded by droidekas and pinned down from above by battle droids. During the ensuing firefight, Cody uses grenades to disable the droidekas. They then move upstairs and eliminate more droid defenders. One of the clone troopers is killed. Crosshair spots the tactical droid in the bell tower but is unable to get a clear shot. Cody uses a grenade to destroy a droideka and battle droid above the stairwell.
Crosshair, Cody, and the surviving clone trooper reach a dark chamber where they discover Governor Grotton's cap. The clones are ambushed by BX-series droid commandos but destroy them with grenades. Ames dispatches more BX-series commando droids to secure the tower. The clone troopers eliminate several reinforcements using a combination of blasters and vibroblades. While proceeding upstairs, Cody eliminates several more BX commando droids to provide Crosshair with a clear line of sight to fire a projectile. After ricocheting, the projectile strikes the tactical droid, neutralizing it. Elsewhere, other clone troopers eliminate the remaining battle droids with flamethrowers.
Cody and Crosshair soon corner Governor Ames, who has taken Grotton hostage. Grotton pleads with the clones to intervene. Ames identifies herself as the rightful Governor of Desix, stating that the planet seceded from the Republic several years ago. She demands that the Empire recognize Dexis as an independent system in exchange for the return of Grotton and his troops. Cody responds that he is not there to engage in political debate. Ames urges him to reconsider the "unjustness" of his actions. Cody replies that her droid forces attacked two Imperial convoys, prompting Ames to respond that they were resisting a hostile occupation.
Cody argues that the Empire is not the enemy, asserting that it seeks to establish peace and security throughout the galaxy. Ames reveals that she once believed in peace and supported Senator Mina Bonteri's diplomatic efforts to end the Clone Wars. When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine rejected the proposal, she realized that peace was unattainable. Cody removes his helmet and lowers his blaster, stating that he is willing to negotiate peacefully to prevent further conflict. Cody believes that they can resolve the situation without further bloodshed. He persuades Ames to release Grotton to protect her people.
Once freed, Grotton orders the clone troopers to execute Ames. Cody objects, citing his promise of a peaceful resolution. Grotton overrides Cody's orders and commands him to execute Ames. Cody refuses, but Crosshair complies with Grotton's directive. Cody stares at the masked Crosshair in disbelief. Grotton orders the clone troopers to display Ames' body in the square as a warning to the inhabitants of Desix. Cody is visibly disturbed.
In the aftermath, TK stormtroopers conduct a systematic search of Desix's city, going door-to-door. Civilians are seen carrying boxes, while Grotton's surviving squad members board a shuttle. A second shuttle arrives, carrying additional TK stormtroopers. Cody boards a shuttle with Crosshair, maintaining silence throughout the journey back to Coruscant.
At the Battle Memorial, Cody questions Crosshair about whether their actions are contributing to a better galaxy. When Crosshair responds that they are merely following orders, Cody counters that clone troopers possess the capacity to make their own decisions and choices, unlike droids. He cautions Crosshair that they must bear the consequences of their decisions before departing. Upon reporting for his next assignment, Vice Admiral Rampart praises Crosshair for his successful operation on Desix. Crosshair is also informed that Cody has deserted and that his new commander is CC-1226. Rampart expresses doubts about the loyalty of clone troopers due to the rising rate of desertion, but Crosshair shows indifference.