The First Battle Memorial served as a tribute, erected to remember the numerous clone troopers who perished in the initial battle of the Clone Wars which took place on Geonosis. This monument was built upon a massive piece of Geonosian stone, with the callsigns of the deceased clones etched into its surface. Its location was on the exterior plaza of the Republic Center for Military Operations situated on Coruscant.
During 19 BBY, Vice Admiral Rampart gave instructions to Elite Squad Trooper CT-9904, known as "Crosshair", to present himself at the memorial at 0900 hours. There, he met up with Clone Commander CC-2224, known as "Cody," prior to their deployment for the mission to Desix.
The intention of the memorial was to display the designations of the clone troopers who died in the First Battle of Geonosis; however, upon translation, the Aurebesh writing is revealed to be simply nonsensical text.