Nova (clone trooper)

Nova was a clone stormtrooper fighting for the Galactic Empire. During the Mission to Desix, Nova served under the leadership of Commander Cody. Sadly, he met his death on the planet of Desix during the course of a mission. Commando droids shot him, causing him to drop a backpack containing explosives that then detonated.


Mission on the Ground

On the planet Kamino, Nova was created as a clone of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett. His purpose was to serve as a clone trooper within the Galactic Republic's clone army throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict against the Separatist Alliance. Following the Separatists' defeat in 19 BBY, Nova continued his service as a stormtrooper in the Imperial Army of the Galactic Empire, which had replaced the Republic. Although the droid army of the Separatists was deactivated when the war ended, the world of Desix chose to reprogram its battle droid forces, led by Governor Tawni Ames, and used them to oppose the Empire's annexation attempts. As a result, Grotton, the governor appointed by the Empire, along with his troopers, were arrested and held captive in Desix City.

Subsequently, Nova was deployed as part of a squad under the command of Clone Commander Cody to subdue the Separatist forces on Desix and secure the release of Governor Grotton. Carrying a backpack filled with grenades, Nova was accompanied by Crosshair, a clone commando and sharpshooter. The unit traveled to Desix aboard a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. However, Ames anticipated the Empire's strategy and ordered her droids to shoot down the shuttle. The Nu-class shuttle crashed in a sector of Desix's farmlands, resulting in the deaths of many clones on board. Nova, however, survived and hid with the other survivors as a scout party of B1-series battle droids searched for any remaining personnel. Cody and Crosshair, who were also among the survivors, eliminated the droids after they reported "no survivors," prompting the remaining clones to emerge from their hiding places.

Breaching the Defenses

With their shuttle destroyed, Cody led Nova, along with the other uninjured clones, on foot toward Desix's capital. As the squad approached the bridge leading to the city, which was guarded by several B1 battle droids and an Armored Assault Tank Mk I "AAT," Cody directed the clones to take cover while Crosshair positioned himself to directly engage the sentry forces with his sniper rifle. Nova and the others watched as the commando drew the tank's fire, allowing him to fire a precise shot into the barrel, destroying the tank and the nearby B1 droids. The squad then advanced to the wreckage of the AAT, coming under fire from droids equipped with RPS-6 rocket launchers positioned on the city walls.

After Crosshair neutralized the rocket launcher droids, Cody instructed Nova to use one of his thermal detonators to counter another wave of B1 battle droids, enabling their squad to advance. Cody, Nova, and another trooper then attached grappling hooks to their DC-15A blaster carbines and used them to ascend to a gap above the city's closed main gate. Upon reaching the gap, Nova dropped a Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade "droid popper" to disable several defending droids behind the gate as he, Cody, and their comrade descended to engage more of the B1 droids. With the other trooper opening the gate for the rest of the squad, the clones successfully captured the main gate area, with Nova holding position as his comrades joined him.

Assault Through the Streets

Nova and Wyler are alerted to the sound of droidekas.

Crosshair determined that a T-series tactical droid was coordinating the droid forces, prompting Cody to divide the clones into two teams. The commander selected Nova and the clone "Wyler" to accompany him and the sharpshooter in taking the north access, while the other team took the south access. Nova's team navigated through a residential area, eliminating sentry droids along the way. They then began to hear the approach of droidekas, causing the troopers to raise their weapons in anticipation. A droideka then appeared behind Nova and Wyler, fatally shooting the latter clone. After Nova took cover with Cody and Crosshair, Crosshair instructed him to use a droid popper. Nova threw one, but it bounced off the droideka's deflector shield without causing any damage.

The droideka advanced down the stairs, pursuing Cody and Crosshair. Nova fired at it from behind, drawing the droid's attention. As the droideka rolled forward with its shields down, Nova hit it with a droid popper, disabling it. The trio rushed up the stairs and through more of the residential area as two more droidekas fired from a position above them. Nova used another droid popper to eliminate two B1 battle droids setting a trap, and he and his comrades fired on further B1s as they moved into the next street section. They were pinned down by more droids firing from above, which Nova briefly held off. After Crosshair located the tactical droid at the city's Bell Tower, he had Nova throw a sticky grenade onto a droid, which then fell through a droideka's shield, destroying both.

The three clones proceeded through a courtyard and into the Bell Tower. Inside, they discovered an abandoned holding chamber with Grotton's Imperial kepi on a chair. Suddenly, BX-series droid commandos jumped down from above, forcing the clones to retreat towards a spiral staircase. While returning fire, Nova attempted to retrieve and throw a grenade, but he was shot down by a droid commando, causing his backpack to spill multiple grenades that activated. Cody and Crosshair ascended the stairs as the grenades destroyed the droids and what remained of Nova, with Cody shouting his trooper's name as he retreated.


As a clone stormtrooper, Nova wore standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor without any markings or color. He was armed with a DC-15A blaster carbine and carried a backpack filled with explosives.

