The Desix Bell Tower, alternatively known as the Desix fortress, was a structure situated in a city on the planet of Desix, and it was not far from the city square.
Within Desix City, the tower stood as its most substantial building, characterized by towering walls and a primary gateway. The structure itself featured a prominent dome at its apex, marking the location of the upper level. The tower encompassed two stories. The ground level was largely unoccupied, furnished only with essential items. A staircase provided access to the second story, which incorporated a viewport providing expansive views of the city.
Sometime during the Imperial Era, Governor Grotton arrived in the city, where he encountered the then-governor, Tawni Ames, at the tower's entrance. Because the Galactic Empire did not acknowledge Desix's independent status from the government and instead sought to replace Ames as governor, the Separatist holdout took Grotton captive.
This situation precipitated the mission to Desix, in which a squad under the leadership of Commander CC-2224 "Cody" was dispatched to rescue Grotton. Cody led CT-9904 "Crosshair," "Wyler," and "Nova" into the city after the team became separated. As they drew near, Grotton, initially held captive on the first floor, was relocated to the second floor. Upon the team's entry into the tower, they faced strong opposition; however, Cody and Crosshair survived and successfully reached the second floor, eliminating the T-series tactical droid. There, they encountered Ames, who was holding Grotton at gunpoint. Cody persuaded her to release Grotton, pledging to facilitate a peaceful resolution with her. However, immediately upon his release, Grotton commanded Cody to kill her. Unable to comply, Crosshair instead killed her, and Grotton then instructed the clones to display her body in the city square.