Cody and Crosshair's team was a group of clone troopers under the leadership of Clone Marshal Commander Cody, whose mission was to suppress a Separatist resistance force located on the planet of Desix. The clone commando Crosshair was among the members of this team.
Under the command of Clone Marshal Commander Cody, the unit consisted of several clone stormtroopers. The unit also contained team two, and they made use of a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle piloted by clone pilots. The clone soldiers were equipped with the standard Phase II clone armor and employed DC-15A blaster carbines, along with a limited number of BT X-42 heavy flame projectors. Crosshair, a clone commando, was also a member of this squad.
Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, a Confederacy of Independent Systems base on the world of Desix defied the Empire's authority and took their appointed governor, Governor [Grotton](/article/grotton], hostage. Subsequently, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart tasked clone commando Crosshair to a squad led by Commander Cody with the assignment of rescuing the governor and securing Imperial control.

The team was transported to the planet aboard a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. As they neared the primary city, they encountered missile attacks, resulting in multiple impacts. The shuttle subsequently crashed near the city's outer edge, resulting in the deaths of several troopers. After eliminating a group of battle droids dispatched to investigate, Cody, Crosshair, and the remaining clone survivors advanced toward the stronghold. After suffering several losses while destroying an Armored Assault Tank Mk I and a number of droids, the team advanced to the main stronghold. The team divided, with team two assigned to other objectives while Cody, Crosshair, Nova, and Wyler proceeded to free Governor Grotton. After Nova was killed by Commando Droids and Wyler was killed by a Droideka, Cody and Crosshair moved toward Grotton's location, eliminating numerous droids. Once the Separatist resistance's leader, Governor Tawni Ames, was convinced to surrender peacefully, she was executed by Crosshair under the orders of Governor Grotton. Team two eliminated any remaining droid forces, and members of the team were extracted from the planet aboard the same Nu-class shuttle that Grotton had previously arrived on as Imperial TK troopers arrived to occupy the planet.
Cody, uncertain if the Empire's actions were justified, left the Imperial Military following the mission. Rampart, who had never bothered to learn Cody's name and only knew him as CC-2224, assigned Crosshair to a new mission under clone trooper officer CC-1226.