Designation: Team Two was a specialized fire team unit composed of genetically identical clone soldiers, specifically stormtroopers. This unit operated as part of a larger squad under the direct command of Clone Marshal Commander Cody. Their assignment involved a critical mission to Desix, with the primary objective of extracting Imperial Governor Grotton from the clutches of the Desix Separatist holdout, which was then under the leadership of Tawni Ames.
Team Two consisted of six clone stormtroopers, each equipped with the standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor. While most members of the fire team carried the standard DC-15A blaster carbines, at least one trooper was armed with a BT X-42 heavy flame projector. Additionally, several troopers carried backpacks loaded with Thermal Detonators and specialized droid poppers. The unit demonstrated a high level of proficiency in engaging Battle droids and in close-quarters combat scenarios. They efficiently neutralized the reprogrammed droids while defending the stronghold on Desix.
The troopers assigned to Team Two were part of a larger deployment to the planet Desix, transported aboard a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. As the shuttle neared the Desix Separatist holdout's stronghold, it sustained heavy damage from rocket fire originating from reprogrammed B1 battle droids and an AAT tank, resulting in a crash landing in Sector Five of the stronghold's farmlands. While some clone stormtroopers were killed in the crash, and a few injured troopers remained at the crash site, Commander "Cody," the clone commando and sharpshooter "Crosshair," and other clones including members of Team Two, regrouped and initiated their assault on the Separatist fortress.
Following a series of engagements with numerous defending droids and utilizing Ascension cables to scale the compound's gate, Commander Cody strategically divided his forces to maximize coverage. He directed Team Two to breach the stronghold via the south access point. Inside the compound, Team Two encountered a complex defensive network comprising multiple B1 Battle droids and at least two Droidekas, all of which were rapidly neutralized. During the assault, the T-series tactical droid observed Team Two's effective use of a Thermal detonator to dismantle the defenders. As Cody and Crosshair confronted Tawni Ames, who was holding Governor Grotton hostage, Team Two methodically eliminated the remaining defending battle droids. Team Two seemingly sustained no casualties during their assault on the Stronghold. With Grotton rescued, Ames killed by Crosshair, and the stronghold secured, Cody, Crosshair, and the surviving members of Cody's squad were extracted from the planet aboard the same Nu-class attack/transport shuttle that Grotton and his TK Stormtroopers had previously arrived on, as additional Imperial forces arrived to occupy the planet.