
Grotton, a human, held the position of governor on Desix in the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign. Upon taking his new role, he was taken as a hostage by Tawni Ames, the previous governor whom he replaced. Ames, with the support of her Separatist holdout on the planet, refused to acknowledge the Empire's authority. A squad consisting of Clone Commander CC-2224, known as "Cody," sniper CT-9904, known as "Crosshair," and other clone troopers, was dispatched on a rescuing mission to save Governor Grotton. Following his liberation, Grotton took control of the planet's governance.


Captured by Tawni Ames

Grotton surrendered to Tawni Ames and her Separatist holdout.

In the aftermath of the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Grotton, a young human, became associated with the Empire. He was assigned the role of governor for Desix, a planet that had previously sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This Confederacy represented a secessionist government that opposed the Republic, which was a democratic union composed of independent star systems. To assert Imperial control over Desix, Grotton, accompanied by six TK stormtroopers, journeyed on a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle to a city. Their objective was to instruct Tawni Ames, the de facto governor, to relinquish her authority over the independent government and submit to the Empire. As their shuttle entered the atmosphere, a stormtrooper informed Grotton of their imminent arrival. After the shuttle touched down, Grotton adjusted his kepi and exited the craft, followed by the stormtroopers. They proceeded to a central building, where Grotton surveyed the area. Ames approached them, identified herself, and demanded to know Grotton's purpose. Grotton declared that he was there to relieve Ames of her position under the Empire's orders. Ames retorted that Desix was not under Imperial rule and ordered Grotton to leave with his forces. When Grotton refused, Ames signaled for several B1-series battle droids to encircle Grotton's party. Grotton then raised his hands as Ames brandished a blaster, and Ames declared that she had a message for the Empire.

Grotton was subsequently held captive by the Separatist resistance. To address this situation, Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart dispatched Clone Commander [CC-2224](/article/cody], known as "Cody," sniper [CT-9904](/article/crosshair], known as "Crosshair," and a squad of clone troopers to rescue Grotton. He was bound to a chair, guarded by two B1 battle droids. Grotton demanded that the droids release him, but they refused, stating that the governor had instructed them to keep a close eye on him. Grotton countered that he was the rightful governor of Desix before insulting the droids. Ames then entered the room, stating that Grotton would be freed when Desix achieved its freedom, but Grotton asserted that the Empire would not accept her conditions. Ames explained that Count Dooku had correctly foreseen the Republic's decline, while Grotton claimed that she was destined to lose the war.

Rescue mission

Tawni Ames holding Grotton hostage

The squad of clone troopers were shot down, but they successfully infiltrated the city and eliminated Ames' battle droids. Cody and Crosshair then entered the bell tower, where they discovered Ames holding Grotton at gunpoint. Grotton urged the clones to intervene as he struggled to break free. Cody persuaded Ames to release him and resolve the conflict without bloodshed. Upon his release, Grotton commanded Cody to execute Ames. Cody hesitated, prompting Grotton to repeat his order in anger. Cody's hesitation continued until Crosshair shot Ames. Grotton then instructed the clones to display Ames' body in the square as a warning to the people of Desix. He then departed, followed by Crosshair. With the rebellion suppressed, Grotton oversaw the arrival of additional Imperial troopers and the occupation of the city.

Personality and traits

Grotton considered himself the rightful governor of Desix, and he reacted with anger when his authority was questioned. He demonstrated a commanding presence when he ordered Ames to relinquish her title and when he instructed Cody to execute her. He was willing to surrender when faced with overwhelming odds. He displayed fear when surrounded by battle droids and held at gunpoint by Ames.


Grotton wore a gray Imperial military uniform, complete with an Imperial Kepi, two code cylinders, and a rank insignia plaque displaying two red squares above two blue squares.

Behind the scenes

Grotton's first appearance was in The Bad Batch Season 2 episode "The Solitary Clone," which premiered on Disney+ on January 11, 2023. Max Mittelman provided his voice.

