Vice Admiral Rampart's office

The personal chambers of Vice Admiral Rampart served as the designated workspace for Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart. These chambers were situated within the Naval Intelligence Headquarters, located on the planetary surface of Coruscant. In the period spanning from 19 BBY to 18 BBY, he summoned the clone with genetic abnormalities, known as CT-9904 or "Crosshair," to this office. The purpose was to task him with joining CC-2224's unit for a delicate operation. This operation involved rescuing the Imperial governor dispatched to take control of Desix, who was being held captive by regional remnants of the Separatist forces. Following the successful conclusion of this assignment, Rampart once again summoned Crosshair to his office at a later time to assign him to work with CC-1226 on his subsequent assignment.

Production Notes

This office was initially showcased in "The Solitary Clone," which is the third installment of the second season of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Its premiere occurred on December 11 of the year 2023.

