Metamorphosis (episode)

"Metamorphosis" marks the eleventh installment of the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the animated television program. Its initial broadcast occurred on March 1, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

The Batch stumbles upon a strangely abandoned spacecraft.

Plot summary

The abandoned spacecraft

A science vessel from the Imperial fleet, emitting smoke and completely empty, emerges from hyperspace and floats erratically through the cosmos, surrounded by space dust and scattered fragments. Within the ship, a clone commando sprints down a dimly illuminated passageway, clutching an electrostaff. As he pivots into a chamber containing spinning turbines, he stumbles over a detached canister and falls to the floor. Upon regaining his footing, his electrostaff sputters and then shuts off. The commando, visibly uneasy, scans the vicinity before an unseen entity seizes him from above. The electrostaff clatters to the deck, still activated.

The imprisoned scientist

A formation of Rho-class shuttles provides an escort for an Imperial transport shuttle as it approaches the Imperial base situated on Wayland. Scalder, accompanied by a pair of clone commandos, advances to welcome Doctor Royce Hemlock as he exits the foremost shuttle. The doctor, bypassing any pleasantries, delivers concise instructions regarding the imminent arrival of the remaining vessels before proceeding into the facility.

Halting outside a detention cell, Hemlock greets the inmate within, who is revealed to be Nala Se, a Kaminoan and the former chief medical scientist. Hemlock attempts to sway her into cooperating, commending her past achievements, before attempting to persuade her that her abilities could be better utilized in service to the Empire. When Nala Se persists in her refusal to cooperate, Hemlock threatens her, implying that he is capable of inflicting punishments far worse than mere imprisonment.

As he departs, leaving Nala Se to contemplate his words, scientist Emerie Karr approaches him with updates concerning Transport 904, with whom they have lost contact. Hemlock issues orders for recovery teams to initiate a search, and for the transported asset to be secured. He also makes inquiries about Kaminoans who were evacuated from Kamino prior to its destruction, and Emerie informs him of one - the former Kaminoan Prime Minister, whom Hemlock orders to be brought to him. Nala Se observes the Imperials as they leave.

Negotiating a new job

In another location, the Bad Batch are aboard the Marauder, traveling through hyperspace. Omega and Wrecker are scolding Ciddarin Scaleback for her lack of assistance after they lost their starship during a mission to obtain ipsium. Cid questions whether they prefer to sulk or earn credits. She informs them about a tip she received regarding a crashed vessel and offers them 30% of the recovered value. Tech successfully negotiates with Cid to increase their share to 35% for this particular operation. When the clones express a lack of enthusiasm, Cid raises their share to 50% as a gesture of goodwill.

She informs them that she will be sending the relevant intelligence and cautions them against returning empty-handed. When Hunter inquires about her expectation of their return, Cid warns them not to challenge her and to complete the task. Tech advises that ending their association with Cid would be problematic due to her knowledge of sensitive information about them. Tech suggests they consider this their final mission for Cid. Hunter points out that Cid only provided coordinates for the lost ship, without any transponder code or explanation for the crash. Wrecker is surprised by the limited information Cid provided, while Omega questions the difficulty of salvaging the wreckage.

The wrecked starship

Following the provided coordinates, the Bad Batch arrive at a village located on a planet. Tech deduces that the crash was reported quickly because of its proximity to the village. Based on the Marauder's sensor readings, he notes that the crashed vessel appears relatively intact and anticipates that the cargo should be in a suitable state for transport. The Bad Batch land their ship in a nearby clearing. As they approach the starship, Wrecker and Hunter observe the absence of any hull markings. Considering the extensive hull damage and the lack of communication signals, Tech concludes that the crew likely perished. Omega disagrees and suggests an internal investigation.

The Bad Batch explore the crashed starship but find no trace of the crew. Wrecker comes across a discarded high-voltage electrostaff. After noticing scratch marks, Hunter infers that the entity responsible for the crew's demise was not human. Tech states his intention to restore the ship's power and examine data logs on the bridge. Omega expresses concern about Tech going alone, but Tech assures her that he will be safe. Tech enters the ship's engine room, which sustained damage during the crash. Utilizing the visual sensors in his helmet, Tech searches for a power cable.

Concurrently, the other clones continue their exploration of the starship and discover a laboratory. Omega recognizes the Kaminoan medical technology but notes differences compared to those found on Tipoca City. Hunter contacts Tech, who is in the process of rerouting the reserve power. He successfully reconnects power and examines the engine room. Tech encounters a medical droid who alerts him to impending danger. Tech inquires about the nature of the attack on the starship, but the droid malfunctions due to power loss.

The Zillo Beast

In the meantime, Wrecker, Hunter, and Omega discover reinforced walls within the laboratory, coated with slime. In the dimness, the trio encounter a juvenile Zillo Beast. When the creature roars at them, Hunter and Wrecker repel it with their blasters. The creature retreats into the ceiling shafts as the back-up power is restored to the laboratory. The Zillo Beast rushes past them. Hunter alerts Tech via comlink to evacuate the ship. Tech responds that the ship is a research vessel. Wrecker confirms this information, while Omega deduces that the research subject has escaped. Hunter warns Tech that the creature is heading towards him.

The Bad Batch locate the Zillo Beast consuming electricity from power generators. Omega fires her energy bow at the creature. Tech instructs the clones to seek cover while he targets the transport's reactor, creating a breach in its hull. The Zillo Beast escapes the wrecked vessel and enters a forest leading to the nearby village. Hunter asserts the need to stop the creature before it harms civilians. Wrecker points out the ineffectiveness of their blasters against the creature. Tech speculates that the creature is not driven by hunger since it consumed the crew. Omega expresses shock at the Zillo Beast's consumption of the crew. Hunter tasks Tech with accessing the ship's files to find information on how to neutralize the creature. Omega volunteers to assist due to her familiarity with Kaminoan technology.

Hunter and Wrecker depart aboard the Marauder to pursue the Zillo Beast. They engage the creature with the ship's laser cannons. However, the Zillo Beast evades their attacks. Meanwhile, Tech and Omega discover that the ship's data is heavily encrypted. Omega uncovers information and technology related to extracting genetic data from a host. Omega informs Tech that she heard rumors of Kaminoan experiments conducted offworld.

Elsewhere, the Zillo Beast begins feeding on a power generator in the village. Back on the starship, Tech and Omega discover that the creature's genetic material was being utilized for modified armor plating. Tech deduces that the creature is resistant to blaster fire. He also discovers that the species sustains itself on energy, which accelerates its growth. Omega and Tech conclude that the creature grows larger by consuming electrical power. Tech reveals that the creature belongs to the same species that attacked Coruscant during the Clone Wars. Tech warns Hunter to prevent the creature from reaching a power grid, as it will increase in size exponentially. Hunter and Wrecker arrive at the power grid and discover that the Zillo Beast has grown to an enormous size.

Imperial intervention

Shortly thereafter, three Venator-class Star Destroyers, a transport ship, and multiple LAAT/i gunships appear above the planet. Meanwhile, the village's human and alien inhabitants react with fear and panic as the Zillo Beast drains their settlement's power grid. Hunter and Wrecker attempt to shoot down the Zillo Beast but are forced to retreat when Imperial gunships arrive. Hunter warns Tech and Omega via comlink about the arrival of Imperial forces. Tech insists on completing the data transfer before leaving. Omega persuades him to evacuate. The two escape before gunships destroy the wrecked cargo transport.

Imperial LAAT gunships engage the Zillo Beast in combat. They are joined by the transport ship, which emits a sonic boom that incapacitates the Zillo Beast. The corvette employs a grappling claw to hoist the immobilized Zillo Beast into its cargo hold. Wrecker informs Hunter that the Imperials are taking the Zillo Beast. Hunter decides to retreat to avoid capture. An Imperial shuttle deploys several Clone Commandos in the village. After shooting down two V-wing starfighters, Hunter and Wrecker evacuate Tech and Omega in the Marauder. They then escape into space, outmaneuvering the Imperial V-wings.

Aboard the Imperial transport, Clone Commandos secure the Zillo Beast inside a large tank filled with a turquoise liquid. Scorch and other Clone commandos gather the villagers aboard their shuttles. After jumping to hyperspace, Tech informs the other clones that the crashed Imperial vessel was involved in an Imperial cloning operation. When Hunter asks if the Emperor cloned the Zillo Beast, Tech clarifies that Palpatine issued the order while he was still Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

When Wrecker asks about the Emperor's interest in the Zillo Beast, Tech explains that the creature's genetic material has the potential to be weaponized by a skilled scientist. Hunter asks about the Zillo Beast's destination, but Tech is unable to provide an answer as the ship lacked a destination. Tech theorizes that the Empire did not destroy the cities on Kamino to end cloning but rather to seize control of the technology. Hunter instructs the other clones to share this information with Rex and Echo. Omega observes anxiously from the gun pod.

The former Prime Minister

Later, Emerie informs Dr. Hemlock that the Zillo Beast has been recovered and secured at Mount Tantiss. She informs Hemlock that Lama Su will be arriving shortly. Hemlock speaks with Scorch, the Clone Commando's commanding officer, and inquires whether any of the locals witnessed the Zillo Beast. Scorch replies that the locals have been detained and will be dealt with. He informs Dr. Hemlock that a military-class vessel escaped their assault. Hemlock tasks Scorch with investigating the vessel's owner before turning his attention to Lama Su.

Lama Su asks why he has been brought to Wayland. Hemlock explains that he is encountering difficulties in securing Nala Se's cooperation. Lama Su responds by suggesting that Hemlock must be frustrated by possessing the resources but lacking the expertise to utilize them effectively. He taunts Hemlock, suggesting that he may end up imprisoned like him. Hemlock informs Lama Su that he misunderstands the situation. Lama Su offers to motivate Nala Se in exchange for his freedom. He reveals that he must locate a young clone named Omega, whom he describes as the key to controlling Nala Se. Hemlock invites Lama Su for discussions.


