Zillo Beast incident

An event transpired in the era of the Clone Wars involving a Zillo Beast. This creature, initially located on Malastare, was transported to Coruscant, where it broke free and proceeded to cause widespread destruction throughout the city.

Following the discovery of what was believed to be the last known Zillo Beast in the aftermath of the Battle of Malastare, the scientists of the Galactic Republic along with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, were eager to analyze the creature's seemingly impenetrable hide. The goal was to develop invulnerable armor for the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The decision was made to conduct these studies on Coruscant, leading to the transport of the heavily sedated creature to a facility.

Doctor Sionver Boll, during her analysis, determined that removing the Zillo Beast's scales would cause it harm. Consequently, Palpatine gave the order for its termination. During the attempted execution, the Zillo Beast managed to escape. It then went on a destructive path through Galactic City, eventually arriving at the Senate Office Building, seeking revenge on the Chancellor. It was ultimately unsuccessful, as it was killed by a barrage of poisonous gas deployed from multiple LAAT/is. However, this was not before it had killed and wounded numerous clone troopers and civilians.

The following day, the Zillo Beast's remains were moved via a lift to allow for further investigation of the body. As Dr. Boll observed the transport, she was surprised to receive an order from Palpatine to clone the creature.

