"Retrieval": This marks the tenth installment in the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the animated television program. It was first shown on Disney+ on February 22nd, back in 2023.
The Bad Batch are toiling away at the dilapidated spaceport, working on a beat-up speeder bike. Meanwhile, Omega is engrossed in studying her scanner. Wrecker voices his discontent, complaining about boredom, heat, and hunger, arguing that their efforts on the skiff are futile. Tech counters, suggesting that with some work, it can become a functional, albeit imperfect, vehicle. He estimates the energy cells can power them to the town on the other side of the hemisphere. Suddenly, Omega realizes they've left Gonky behind. Tech explains that tracking the ship was impossible because the thief disabled the transponder. Omega clarifies she wasn't referring to the Marauder, but to Gonky. Tech acknowledges this as a clever idea, suggesting she attempt to trace Gonky's binary reference code. Wrecker advises her not to get her hopes up.
The Marauder approaches a settlement situated on a plateau. Inside the settlement, a speeder is bouncing around while Gonky approaches Benni Baro, a masked thief in the pilot's seat. Baro tells Gonk to be quiet, as he's getting annoyed. Removing his helmet, he reveals himself to be a human boy. Baro communicates via comlink with his superior, Mokko, who scolds him for his tardiness. Baro apologizes, mentioning he has found something of interest. Mokko deactivates the deflector shield, allowing the Marauder to be moved into a large hangar by a conveyor belt.
Inside the hangar, Baro munches on biscuits while Gonky beeps in Binary. Mokko, accompanied by several youths and droids, greets Baro. Mokko expresses his approval of Baro's acquisition, to which Baro replies that he acquired the ship from some novice miners in the "northern territory." Upon inspecting the ship, Mokko notes that miners don't typically travel in modified starships. He suspects Baro's discovery will lead to trouble and accuses him of being ungrateful. Baro defends himself, stating he was trying to be helpful. Mokko concedes but insists they must dismantle and sell the ship discreetly to avoid attracting attention.
Baro inquires if he will be the top earner this week. Mokko is noncommittal but permits Baro to keep Gonky. Baro then asks about water rations, reminding Mokko of his scouting for water. Mokko responds by mockingly sipping from a water bottle in front of the thirsty Baro, before allowing Baro to drink the remainder, claiming he always cares for his crew. Mokko then orders the other youths and droids to strip the Marauder. Gonky beeps worriedly.
Back at the abandoned spaceport, Omega manages to trace Gonky to a location 100 kilometers east. She infers that if Gonky is still on the planet, the Marauder must be as well. Following Gonky's signal, the Bad Batch and Omega ride the salvaged speeder bike towards the thief's hideout. Tech's scanner detects numerous lifeforms in a subterranean area. Wrecker comments that the place is even worse than the abandoned spaceport. Hunter instructs the team to split up.
Meanwhile, Baro informs Gonky that he will have to sell him for parts, deeming him "defective." He is then surprised by Hunter and Tech. Hunter states that Gonky belongs to the Bad Batch and demands to know the location of their ship. Baro attempts to escape on a speeder bike but is ambushed and knocked off by Wrecker. Omega restrains Baro, aiming her energy bow at him. When Baro questions their concern for a "beat up old battery," Omega disagrees.
Hunter reiterates his question about the ship's location. Baro informs the clones that Mokko, the town's owner, has their ship. Baro is hesitant to betray Mokko, who has taken care of him, but agrees to lead the clones to their ship. During the journey, Baro explains that Mokko seized the ipsium mine from the Techno Union. Omega concludes that Baro is both an ipsium miner and a ship thief. When Baro defends stealing as a skill, Omega disagrees. Baro retorts that it is when one is proficient at it.
Tech generates a schematic of the mine on his hologram, revealing guarded subterranean entrances and a [ray shield](/article/ray_shield] protecting the mine. Wrecker is unfazed, but Baro cautions against blasting into an ipsium mine due to the danger. Tech proposes infiltrating the mine through the factory stack, which has a lower access hatch inside. With precise timing, they can rappel down between exhaust cycles, Tech suggests. When Hunter inquires about the time window, Tech replies it is 60 seconds. Baro expresses his reluctance, fearing being burnt alive, but Hunter reminds him that he can leave once they have recovered their ship.
Teaming up with Tech, Hunter uses a grappling hook to descend into the factory stack. He soon spots a sentry droid, complicating the mission. After Baro drops a cylindrical rod, Hunter engages the sentry droid in combat. He manages to reach an access door before smoke is released at the 60-second mark. However, the droid is not so fortunate and is seemingly incinerated. Baro remarks that the Bad Batch are not miners, prompting Omega to tell him that he stole from the wrong people.
The rest of the team and Baro descend the factory stack and enter the access hatch. They observe workers pushing crates of ipsium under the supervision of armed droid sentries. Tech notices the harsh working conditions, prompting Baro to explain that the degraded state of the ipsium has forced Mokko to lower wages to keep the mine operational. Baro informs the Bad Batch that their ship is in the upper garage bay across from the central tower, offering to show them a shortcut. Hunter warns him against trickery, to which Baro responds that he doesn't want to be caught either.
Baro leads them to the Marauder. He attempts to leave, but Tech notices the hyperdrive is missing. Baro assures that restoring the hyperdrive will not be difficult. When Omega asks about the ray shield, Baro says that it can only be deactivated from the central tower. Hunter wants to go, but Baro argues that the adult clones will stand out too much. If they don't trust him to go alone, Baro suggests that Omega can accompany him since she can blend in with the miners. Tech instructs Omega to transfer the data onto a mini computer, which he can access. Baro gives Omega advice on blending in.
Meanwhile, Mokko is indulging in food and drink inside his personal quarters. Outside, Baro explains that they can't simply walk in because only Mokko's inner circle has access cards. Omega learns that Baro aspires to join Mokko's inner circle. He warns her to act naturally or face punishment in the mines. The two descend into the a mess hall via a ladder. One of Baro's colleagues is playing a game and the two chat about competing to be in Mokko's inner circle. Mokko soon arrives to speak with the miners to announce the tally.
After giving a brief speech about the bleak season and everyone doing their part, Mokko announces Drake as the winner of the latest round. Drake is awarded extra rations, which he gulps down. Mokko tells the other adolescent miners that rations are low and that they will have to work harder to survive. Mokko promises not to let his crew staff and leaves them to fight over a bowl of soup. Baro feels betrayed while Omega is disgusted.
Meanwhile, Tech informs the other clones that they are not going anywhere until they have reconnected the hyperdrive. While walking on a suspension bridge, Baro grumbles that stealing the ship did not make him a "top earner." Omega says that they shouldn't have to compete for food. Baro says that they have to earn their share to survive here but hopes to impress Mokko. He leads Omega up a ladder into the control room. Once there, Omega informs Hunter, who tells her to get the shield code and get back to the hangar after that.
While Omega copies the data, Baro discreetly presses a button which glows green. He notices that the Bad Batch treat her like one of their kind, which he compares favorably to Mokko's treatment of his crew. When Omega observes that Mokko doesn't seem to care about any of them, Baro disagrees. He says that Mokko has promised that they will find better ipsium with more time and digging. Baro explains that he can't leave because it is his home and that is all he knows.
Omega says she can understand and says that the Marauder is their home, the only one they really have. Baro apologizes for stealing their ship. Omega offers him her rations to thank Baro for helping her. Baro reflects on Omega's kindness. Meanwhile, Tech has finished installing the motivator but says that he still needs to connect the primaries to the guidance system and adjust the navigation computer. Wrecker reports that the weapons system is online. Hunter decides that they will not reactivate the ship's system due to his concern about the plight of Mokko's child laborers. Tech remarks that Mokko appears to be using his power and means as a leverage over his workers, which he likens to the Empire.
Hunter senses movement and sees Drake approaching. A miner notices that the hyperdrive has been restored and asks if Bryce and Hugh removed the hyperdrive. He is startled by the Bad Batch. Wrecker responds that Mokko sent them while Hunter tells them that he is here to claim back their ship. Meanwhile, Omega has difficulty finding the shield codes on Mokko's computer but finds his profit reports. Omega informs Baro that Mokko had been lying about his ipsium being degraded.
Just then, Mokko enters the control room with two sentries. He thanks Baro for catching another thief before revealing that his left arm is a cybernetic claw. Baro informs Mokko that the others are in the garage bay. Baro apologizes to Omega. Mokko describes Baro as a prospective "top earner" before the sentries take Omega away. Meanwhile, Tech informs Hunter via comlink that the hyperdrive is nearly online. Hunter informs Tech that their "spies" have escaped and have summoned reinforcements.
Mokko confronts Tech and Wrecker on the suspension bridge. When Tech and Wrecker tell him that they have come for their starship, Mokko responds that the ship belongs to him. He warns that if the clones fire, they will ignite the ipsium. When the clones say they don't miss, Mokko threatens to order one of his droids to throw Omega down a molten chasm. Back in the control room, Baro reads the scans on Omega's mini computer.
Mokko orders his miners and droids to take Tech and Wrecker into the mines where he intends to imprison them as indentured workers for ten years. Mokko is interrupted by Baro, who reveals that Mokko lied about the degraded ipsium in order to keep a larger share of the profits for himself. Mokko claims that Baro is lying but Baro shows the mini-computer to Drake. Drake confronts Mokko for lying to them and exploiting their labor, The miners were shocked of their leader's selfishness. Mokko makes a lame excuse he was taking his share and that the miners wouldn't survive without him.
Mokko orders the sentry droid to throw Omega into the molten chasm. However, Omega instead drags the droid down with her. Hunter uses a grappling hook to swing her to safety. As the miners converge on Mokko, he insists on keeping his profit and orders his sentry droids to subdue the miners with electrostaffs. However, Tech and Wrecker quickly disable the droids with their blasters. Mokko attempts to defend himself with his cane but loses his balance. Baro extends his hand but Mokko attempts to drag him down with him. Drake pulls Baro to safety and Mokko loses his grip and falls into the molten chasm with his sentry droids. The miners look at their clone liberators.
Later, Wrecker hugs Gonky, telling the GNK-series power droid that it is good to have him back. Baro returns the Bad Batch's personal belongings under Hunter's watch. When Omega asks what he and the other miners will do next, Baro replies that they will continue mining ipsium because that is all they know. Omega responds that he can be whatever he wants in a big galaxy. Baro says that miners plan to share the profits. Drake tells Baro it is chow time. Before parting company, Baro tells Omega that if she needs a thief, he can help her.
After Baro leaves, Omega tells Tech that there are other threats besides the Empire like Mokko. Tech reassures her that there are many good people out there like themselves.