"The Crossing" marks the ninth installment of the second season in the animated series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Its initial airing was on February 15, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming service.
Aboard the Marauder, the Bad Batch journey to a desert planet. Their destination is an ipsium mine acquired by Ciddarin Scaleback. Cid's objective is for the clones to extract the unstable mineral, which Tech compares to a live thermal detonator in its natural state. Wrecker shows enthusiasm as Tech opens the mine. Hunter, observing a shift in the storm's path away from their position, greenlights the mission. He tasks Omega and Wrecker with guard duty.
Tech objects, pointing out that with Echo's departure, they are short a man and require Wrecker's presence inside the mine. Omega volunteers to be a lookout. Hunter cautions her about potential poachers and instructs her to alert them to any unfamiliar individuals. Wrecker decides to stay with Omega. Unbeknownst to the Bad Batch, a masked figure observes them, using macrobinoculars to survey the area.
Within the mine, Hunter and Tech discover a near-complete depletion of ipsium. Tech believes Cid received incorrect information, while Hunter is determined to salvage any remaining ipsium. Venturing deeper, Tech detects a weak signal, indicating the ipsium's inaccessibility. Hunter suggests expanding the excavation, but Tech warns of the risk of destabilizing the mineral and triggering a catastrophic chain reaction. Hunter then asks Tech for his recommendation.

Outside the mine, Omega admits to feeling strange without Echo, but Wrecker assures her she will adapt. Hunter contacts her via comlink, requesting assistance inside the mine. Tech instructs her to drill through the fossilized quartz to reach the ipsium. He cautions her about the mineral's instability. Omega starts drilling with a precision tool, successfully extracting a yellow ipsium rod. After Omega places the rod inside a canister, Tech instructs her to retrieve more.
Simultaneously, the masked person draws near to the Marauder on a speeder bike. Returning to the mine, the Bad Batch regroups. Wrecker alerts them to a change in the storm's direction, prompting Tech to note the planet's erratic weather patterns. Hunter declares that they have obtained what they needed and should return to Ord Mantell. However, they find someone is in the process of stealing their ship.
Hunter expresses his anger toward Wrecker for failing in his sentry duties. Wrecker insists no one was there, but Tech disagrees. Omega inquires about a means to recover the Marauder. Tech questions Wrecker's failure to detect the ship being stolen. Wrecker claims the others distracted him. With the storm closing in, Hunter proposes seeking refuge in the nearest settlement. Tech consults his scanner and identifies a spaceport located 40 klicks south of the mine. Tech suggests they could find a ship there.
Wrecker complains about the distance, but Tech asserts it is their sole option. Hunter leads the group through a canyon. During the trek, Omega attempts to contact Echo, but Hunter reminds her of the distance. Tech reveals that Echo deactivated his communication device, believing he is on a confidential mission. The group detects movement and flees from a group of Ipsidon bucks.
The clones employ grappling hooks to reach a root. Wrecker, carrying the ipsium canister, drops it. At Tech's urging, he dives down and uses his body as a shield for the unstable mineral. After the herd passes, the clones descend the root. Tech warns Wrecker to exercise more caution, prompting Wrecker to suggest Tech carry it. The clones then run from the approaching storm, which quickly envelops them.
Tech identifies another mine using his sensors. While running inside the mine, Tech drops the ipsium canister. A lightning strike hits it, resulting in an explosion that dislodges debris in the canyon. The clones seek safety inside the mine. Tech points out that they are now trapped and have lost their ipsium. Wrecker asks how it is his responsibility. Tech replies that if he had been vigilant, they would be safely aboard their ship with the mineral.
Hunter steps in and convinces the clones that they need to dig their way out. Wrecker agrees. As the clones clear rocks and debris, Omega notices that the Marauder's transponder is not transmitting a signal. Tech believes the thief disabled it, while Wrecker complains. When Omega asks how they will locate the ship, Hunter says they should focus on escaping the mine. Tech agrees and says that it is unlikely that the Marauder will be recovered. Omega refuses to give up hope, but Tech says they can acquire another ship.
Omega states that the Marauder is their home and vows not to lose it like Echo. Hunter clarifies that Echo is on a separate mission. Omega retorts that he is not present and they are supposed to be a team. Tech counters that the Bad Batch existed before Echo and will continue to exist after him. When he asks what is bothering her, Omega throws a device at him and walks away to be alone. When Tech says he spoke the truth, Hunter responds that she is upset because she knows the truth.
Omega explores the mine with a lamp and discovers a cave for shelter. She sees a blue light emanating from a tunnel. Using the drill, she uncovers several ipsium minerals inside a vein. Meanwhile, the older clones struggle with clearing debris. Wrecker complains it will take days, while Tech says they need an explosive. He says that a small amount of ipsium would have sufficed, but Wrecker points out that someone dropped it. To atone for dropping the canister, Tech offers to search the mine for potential extractions.
Hunter and Wrecker tell Tech to go and make amends with Omega. Tech replies that she wanted to be alone. Hunter explains that Omega is struggling with Echo's departure and tells Tech to talk to her. Tech agrees and enters the mine. Meanwhile, Omega examines the glowing blue ipsium mineral. Tech finds her and discovers that Omega has found a large cavern of ipsium. The two decide that they could use some of the ipsium to blast their way out of the cavern. Since this ipsium is purer than the one they found in Cid's vein, he tells her to extract as much as she can.
When Omega asks if he trusts her to do that, Tech replies that he knows she is fully capable. Omega asks Tech to retrieve empty vials from her satchel. Working together, they manage to retrieve enough minerals to fill several vials.
While reaching for an ipsium mineral, Omega loses her footing. She struggles to hold onto a rock face. Tech tries to reach her, but she falls down a chasm. Tech jumps after her and the two end up in an underground aqueduct. Tech manages to save her.
While working to clear boulders, Hunter and Wrecker sense movement. Hunter attempts to contact Tech and Omega but receives no response. Sensing something is wrong, they rush deeper into the mine. Meanwhile, Omega and Tech are swept by the rapids into a waterfall which leads to an underground shore. Tech manages to reestablish contact with Hunter and explains that they took an underwater detour. When Hunter asks where they are, Tech says that is a good question and tells Hunter to stand-by.
The two soon discover light, which Tech deduces to be a passage beyond this wall. Tech suggests using the ipsium to blast their way out. Tech tells Hunter that they have found an alternative way out but that they would need to retrieve their gear. Following Tech's instructions, Wrecker and Hunter retrieve Omega and Tech's gear. Tech instructs them to scale down the narrow crevasse and ride the rapids down the waterfall. He warns them not to compromise the mineral vials. Wrecker thinks this plan is too difficult and grumbles.
Tech tells Omega that once the others join them, they will find a way out of the mine. Omega points out they still have lost their ship, are stranded on a planet, and can't contact Echo for help. Tech responds that they do not need help and will figure out a solution as they always do. Omega is upset about change but Tech regards change as a fundamental part of life.
Omega asks why he is not bothered that Echo left. Tech responds that soldiers deal with change. Omega points out that they are a family and asks why he doesn't act like it. Tech reflects silently and says that Echo chose a different path like Crosshair and that they have to respect their decisions even though it can be difficult to understand. Tech admits he processes thoughts differently but says that it doesn't mean he is different from Omega.
The two are soon joined by Hunter and Wrecker, who have followed Tech's instructions. Omega is optimistic and says it wasn't so bad. Tech positions a vial of ipsium near the hole. When Wrecker asks why he can't shoot, Tech explains that it has to be precise. Tech shoots at the ipsium vial, blasting a large hole.
After exiting, Tech discovers the spaceport through his macrobinoculars. Tech notices the spaceport is deserted while Wrecker hopes to get some food to supplement their rations. Hunter agrees to explore the spaceport.
Upon reaching the spaceport, they discover that it has been abandoned. Wrecker grumbles they came for nothing. Tech reassures the group he can send out a long range transmission with a communications array. The Bad Batch ask Cid for help but the Trandoshan broker says that she is preoccupied with other matters and tells them to figure it out themselves.
Hunter reminds her that she sent the Bad Batch on this mission. Cid is unconcerned about their stolen ship. Omega tells her that they need help while Tech reminds Cid about how they helped her settle her problems with Roland Durand and Grini Millegi. Cid relents and says she can come in a few days. Hunter protests they don't have enough rations as Cid ends the transmission. When Wrecker asks what they will do, Omega says they will figure it out like they always do.