Imperial Station 003, alternatively referred to as the Orbital Space, functioned as a space station in orbit around Coruscant, the planet serving as the capital of the Galactic Empire. Resembling a larger version of an ICM-092792 construction module in its visual design, the station contained numerous hangar bays and possessed the capacity to dock as many as eight Venator-class Star Destroyers using external docking arms.
During the year 18 BBY, the station was protected by a contingent of clone commandos along with TK stormtroopers. It served as a collection point for Force-sensitive children who had been captured across the galaxy by specific class one bounty hunters. These children were exchanged for a container of credits inside the station's hangars, after which they were transported to Tantiss Base, belonging to the Advanced Science Division, for experimental purposes. Furthermore, the station acted as the final stop before Tantiss Base for all vessels, undergoing crew and cargo inspections before receiving authorization to proceed. Following inspection, the coordinates were securely transmitted directly into the starships' navigation computer, enabling a hyperspace jump to Wayland without the crew gaining knowledge of the destination's location. This measure was implemented as a security protocol by Chief Scientist Doctor Royce Hemlock to maintain secrecy.