
Holmes was a human serving as a lieutenant—an officer rank—within the Galactic Empire's army. He oversaw Docking Bay 5-02 aboard Imperial Station 003, which orbited the planet Coruscant. Around 18 BBY, Alpha-44, a Rho-class transport shuttle, received clearance to land in his docking bay. Because the shuttle wasn't on Holmes' manifest, he interrogated the crew. Unbeknownst to him, the crew was a disguised group of renegade clones infiltrating the station, aided by former Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, who swiftly rebuked Holmes.

After leaving the hangar, Holmes returned, questioning the clone Wrecker about the shuttle's origin. Wrecker agreed to verify the signature key, but instead, he incapacitated Holmes. The unconscious Imperial officer was left in the hangar as Alpha-44 departed the station.


Manifest malfunction

Holmes questioned the crew of the shuttle Alpha-44 after it landed in his docking bay.

Holmes was a human who, during the Galactic Empire's reign, served in both the officer corps and the army. Holding the rank of lieutenant, he operated aboard Imperial Station 003 in orbit around Coruscant circa 18 BBY. At that time, he was in charge of Docking Bay 5-02 on the station when the _Rho-class transport shuttle Alpha-44 received permission to land in the bay.

Since the shuttle wasn't listed on his manifest, Holmes went to the hangar to question the crew, approaching the officer and three clones who had disembarked. He was unaware that the officer was the disgraced former Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, and the clones were the rogue Clone Force 99. They had stolen the shuttle to infiltrate the station and find a path to the secret Mount Tantiss Imperial facility. Receiving no answer about who was responsible for the shuttle, Holmes scrutinized the clones, questioning their division and noting that their armor didn't meet regulations. When the clone Hunter remained silent, Holmes pressed him, prompting Rampart to step forward and identify the clones as being part of his division.

Lieutenant Holmes received a dressing down from "Captain" Edmon Rampart.

Rampart, disguised as a captain with higher rank than Holmes, informed him that their mission was classified. He told the officer to address any concerns with Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, the head of the secretive Tarkin Initiative. Holmes, standing at attention, apologized, saluted, and quickly claimed there was no issue, leaving the docking bay at Rampart's command.

Wrecker's ruse

Wrecker knocked out Lieutenant Holmes.

Discovering an inconsistency regarding the shuttle's origin, Holmes later returned to Docking Bay 5-02 and boarded Alpha-44 via the ramp. He found the clone Wrecker seated inside. Ordering the clone to stand before him, Holmes inquired about Rampart's location. When Wrecker's response proved unhelpful, he instructed the clone to verify the shuttle's signature key instead. Wrecker then directed Holmes to a console, which he used to close the shuttle doors before punching the lieutenant in the head, rendering him unconscious.

Wrecker took the Imperial's cap and informed Hunter, who, along with the others, had moved further into the station, that he had to subdue Holmes. When they returned with a plan to reach Mount Tantiss, Wrecker carried Holmes out of the shuttle and left his still unconscious body in the docking bay. He placed the hat back on Holmes's head before the clones and Rampart departed Imperial Station 003 in the shuttle.

Personality and traits

Holmes exemplified the Empire's dedication to order, promptly questioning any unlisted visitors. Although the lieutenant stammered and conceded when rebuked by Rampart, the mere appearance of the supposed captain's authority couldn't completely suppress Holmes's suspicions about the newcomers. Holmes was two meters tall with fair skin, brown hair, and blue eyes.


Holmes wore a gray Imperial officer's uniform along with black boots, a black belt featuring an officer's disk on the buckle, and a second disk on his gray Imperial kepi. His rank insignia plaque displayed two red pips and one blue, and he carried a datapad while on duty in Docking Bay 5-02.

Behind the scenes

Ben Diskin provided the voice for Holmes in "Into the Breach," the thirteenth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's animated television series' third season, which premiered on April 17, 2024. While the character's name was listed in the episode's credits, it wasn't clear which Imperial lieutenant the name applied to until a databank entry for the character was released the following day.

