April 18th marks the 108th day of the year on the Gregorian calendar, with 257 days left until the year concludes. For leap years, it is the 109th day.
Here are some events that happened on this day:
- In 1930, the birth of Clive Revill occurred.
- Howard Roffman was born in 1953.
- Benedict Taylor's birth took place in 1960.
- The birth of Jane Leeves occurred in 1961.
- Conan O'Brien was born in 1963.
- David Tennant was born in 1971.
- Cavan Scott was born in 1973.
- Edgar Wright was born in 1974.
- Star Wars Weekly 60 saw its publication in 1979.
- The Race for Survival serial began at the Los Angeles Times Syndicate in 1983.
- The launch of Disney Channel took place in 1983.
- In 1983, The Empire Strikes Back: "The Clash of Lightsabers" was broadcast on National Public Radio.
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 44 was published in 1984.
- The publication of Dark Empire II 5 occurred in 1995.
- Jedi vs. Sith 1 was published in 2001.
- 2002 saw the publication of HoloNet News Vol. 531 52.
- The death of Peter Dennis occurred in 2009.
- Don't Wake the Zillo Beast was published in 2011.
- Star Wars: Battles for the Galaxy was published in 2011.
- In 2011, The Clone Wars: Secrets of the Force was published.
- The publication of The Clone Wars: Boba Fett: Jedi Hunter occurred in 2011.
- _Darth Vader and Son_ was published in 2012.
- _Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm_ 3 was published in 2012.
- The release of Star Wars Expert Guide took place in 2016.
- Poe Dameron 26 was published in 2018.
- In 2018, Star Wars Adventures (2017) 9 was published.
- Celebration Japan (2025) is scheduled to commence in 2025.