HoloNet News Vol. 531 52

layout: article

HoloNet News Vol. 531 #52, an edition of the in-universe news source HoloNet News, came out not long before the premiere of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The release date for this particular issue was April 18, 2002.

What's Inside

  • NEWS: Agri-Worlds Acquired by Separatists as Abrion Sector Declares Independence Military Creation Act Receives Support from Carida Conspiracy Warning Issued by SBI Officer Gambling Suggested as Revenue Source by Greyshade Palpatine's Health Rumors Refuted

  • BUSINESS: Record Losses Plague Leisure Industry Exarga to be Fined by Mining Guild

  • REGIONAL: Refugee Ports Opened by Mid Rim Worlds Rimma HoloNet Blackout Triggered by Propaganda Circus Horrificus Becomes Truly Horrific Hostages Taken as Gotal Guerrillas Seize Commuter Hopper

  • JEDI WATCH: Kamparas Becomes New Home for Baby Ludi

  • SPORTS: Fastest Hexaped in the Galaxy Discovered Wan Nears 50 in 50 Milestone

  • LIFE: Miss Coruscant Title Awarded to Chatrunis Politics & Drama Intertwine in Rodian Campaign

