HoloNet News (original website)

HoloNet News, an official Star Wars webpage, was launched as a promotional tool for the 2002 cinematic debut of _Star Wars_: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The site presented various in-universe news reports that chronicled galactic happenings leading up to the movie's story.

Beyond simply covering major events directly related to the plot of Attack of the Clones, the website also featured articles that connected to other aspects of the Expanded Universe. A lot of the articles also included in-jokes and obscure references. It was claimed that in addition to its availability as a website, the site's content was archived and included as DVD-ROM material on disc one of the 2002 DVD release of Attack of the Clones. However, this feature was never actually present.

Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens wrote the site and its articles, while Joe Corroney provided the illustrations.

In October 2013, the HoloNet News site was taken offline, with its content being redirected to StarWars.com.


A total of twelve issues were released, all part of volume 531. Each issue and article was assigned an in-universe date, determined by the Great ReSynchronization dating system.

HoloNetNews.com was organized into seven distinct sections:

Additionally, there was a section that provided a five-day Weather Forecast based on a six-digit planet code input by the user. The link would generate a random weather page, regardless of the digits entered, or even if no numbers were provided. The page would display high and low temperatures, weather graphics, as well as a written report detailing issues and warnings like coronal flaring that could result in mass unicellular extinctions, EM shielding recommendations, seismic activity, or frog showers.



The site was succeeded by Republic HoloNet News entries in Star Wars Insider 65.

Beginning on October 3, 2008, StarWars.com revived HoloNet News in an audio format, created to follow the events of The Clone Wars animated series.


Notes and references

  • HoloNetNews.com — HoloNet News Vol. 531 (content now obsolete; backup link) (Final version)
  • "Dusting Off the Archives: Original HoloNet News Pitch" — Fragments From the Mind's Eye — Pablo Hidalgo's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Official HoloNetNews Discussion Thread on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; accessed February 23, 2013) (backup link)
