HoloNet News Vol. 531 53

HoloNet News Vol. 531 #53 represents a specific edition of HoloNet News, existing in-universe, that came out not long before the premiere of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The release date for this particular issue was [April 25], 2002.


  • NEWS: Capture of Potential Saboteur Official Appointment of Senator Aak Discovery of Death Sticks at Subadult School RRM Fundraiser Deemed a Major Success Menarai Watch Responds to Threat

  • BUSINESS: Increased Security Measures at Foerost Shipyards by Techno Union Implementation of New Cloaking Legislation

  • REGIONAL: Naboo Mining Operations Cause Port Congestion Due to Protests Tynna Considers Secession After Building Vanishes Leria Kerlsil Opens its Doors to Refugees

  • JEDI WATCH: Violent Conclusion to Gotal Standoff Two Fatalities Result from Three-Way Hunt

  • SPORTS: Collapse of Proposed Galaxy Gladiator Federation

  • LIFE: SPECIAL FEATURE: Twang's Observations

