HoloNet News Vol. 531 55

HoloNet News, Volume 531, Issue #55, a publication within the Star Wars universe, was among the numerous editions of HoloNet News that came out just prior to the debut of the film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Its publication date was May 9, 2002. It is considered an in-universe publication.

What's Inside

  • NEWS : Senate Guard Breaks Up Anti-War Protest Judicial Official Removed After Species-Bias Allegations Dianogas Infest Desrini Loyalist Committee Adds Senator Farr

  • BUSINESS : IBC Refutes Claims of Supplying Separatists with Weapons Industrial Automaton Limits Droid Rocket Warranty to Two Decades

  • REGIONAL : Mid Rim Campaign Updates Arconan Smuggling Ring Taken Down Ord Tiddell Suffers Stone Mite Infestation

  • JEDI WATCH : Jedi Taskforce Sent to Capture Thranta Doubts Arise Regarding Cadinth's Loyalty Following Jedi's Demise

  • SPORTS : Teräs Käsi Championship Title Lost by Jedi

  • LIFE : Increase of .4 Credits in Recharge Costs

