HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47, a publication within the Star Wars universe, appeared among numerous HoloNet News editions in-universe just prior to the debut of Attack of the Clones. The release date for this issue was [March 14], 2002. According to the established timeline, it was issued on the date 13:3:14, which is equivalent to 22 BBY.
NEWS : Corellian Borders Shut Down Point / Counterpoint: On the Military Creation Act Senate Approves a Tax on Transit
BUSINESS : IBC Profits from Currency Instability XTS Exonerated in Freighter Explosion Case
REGIONAL : Berchest Cities Experience Groundquakes Squibs Declare: "We're Staying Put." Scientists Predict Imminent Demophon Supernova
JEDI WATCH : Introduction of a New Jedi Starfighter UoC Datanet Overwhelmed by Baby Ludi Holos
SPORTS : Galactic Cup Opening Round Sees Coruscant's Defeat Another Season of the Greenputt League
LIFE : General Ministry Institutes Face Funding Cuts Aldera's Dean Suspended From Duties Valorum & Gunray Book Sales Mark Extremes A New Xim Exhibit Goes on Tour