This particular installment, **HoloNet News Vol. 531 #56 **, represents one of the numerous HoloNet News publications that existed within the in-universe setting, appearing in close temporal proximity to the theatrical debut of Attack of the Clones. Specifically, this issue saw release on May 16, 2002, coinciding with the premiere of Attack of the Clones, and contained allusions that mirrored plot points from the motion picture. The initial iteration of the website's primary article detailed the purported assassination attempt on Padmé Amidala, as depicted in the film's introductory sequence; this report was subsequently revised to reflect her survival.
- NEWS : URGENT REPORT: Amidala Under Attack / URGENT REPORT: Amidala Found Alive Coco District Jailbreak Warning Loyalist Committee Divided on Vote Palpatine Remains Optimistic Regarding Negotiations Senate Speeder Thief Apprehended
- BUSINESS : Antitrust Lawsuits Dismissed Due to Corporate Restructuring Cybot Galactica Promotes Exclusive Prosthetics Salliche Ag Files Lawsuit Against Dasobo Meats for Gornt Imitation Balmorran Wins Musician Weaponry Deal
- REGIONAL : Lahara Patrol Ambushed, Jedi Intervention Requested Seizure of 100 Metric Tons of Ryll Sluis Van Proposal Receives Skeptical Response
- JEDI WATCH : Jedi Starfighters Relocated to Eriadu Base
- SPORTS : Noviee Revealed to be a Shapeshifter
- LIFE : Doubts Arise Regarding Validity of Healthy Vacation Claims