During the Clone Wars, the Endurance, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, functioned as the flagship for Admiral Shoan Kilian. This vessel was part of the Galactic Republic's naval forces, specifically within the Open Circle Fleet's Fifth Fleet, and fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Later, after [Boba Fett](/article/boba_fett]'s sabotage attempt to assassinate Jedi [Mace Windu](/article/mace_windu], the ship crashed on Vanqor, rendering it inoperable. Anakin Skywalker and Windu found themselves trapped within the wreckage, until R2-D2 journeyed back to Coruscant to request assistance. Soon after, Plo Koon, a Jedi Master, along with Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan, and the Wolfpack arrived to rescue Skywalker and Windu.
The Star Destroyer known as the Endurance, a Venator-class Star Destroyer measuring 1,137 meters in length, featured a ventral hangar bay and two bridges. It was also equipped with escape craft and a navigation computer, and its armaments included medium dual turbolaser cannons as well as DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets.
The animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season episode "Death Trap," which originally aired on April 23, 2010, marked the introduction and identification of the Endurance.