The twentieth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show, "Season Two's Death Trap," originally broadcast in the UK on April 17, 2010 and in the US on April 23. Notably, it serves as the initial chapter in a three-part narrative arc. The episode "Duchess of Mandalore," the fourteenth episode of Season Two, precedes this one in chronological order.
A squad of clones, all around six years of age, receive a briefing from a more seasoned trooper while heading to the Star Destroyer Endurance. Afterwards, the clones, distinguished by their various haircuts, playfully taunt "Lucky" (Boba Fett), the new recruit, before being corrected by who seems to be their leader.
Upon their arrival, the young soldiers are greeted by Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. The clones then get a chance to demonstrate their training by shooting at explosive skeet; the first two cadets fail to hit their target. Admiral Kilian, noticing Boba's focused gaze, instructs him to man the turret. The clone gunner launches one explosive skeet, which Boba expertly destroys. The gunner, thinking it was luck, sends out three skeets in a Separatist attack formation; Boba destroys all three, surprising him. As the cadets head to the observation deck, Kilian tells the gunner that he admires Boba's talents.
During the ship tour, Boba separates from the group and manages to sneak into Mace Windu's quarters where he secretly plants a bomb that will be triggered by a laser in the doorway. Mace is called away to a meeting as he enters his quarters, and instead orders a clone to bring something inside for him. The clone triggers the trap, resulting in his death.
The ship is put on high alert, and Boba is told via comlink to destroy the reactor core and kill everyone, though he seems hesitant. Boba again sneaks away from his group but is caught by an unaware trooper who calls for security. After a short fight, Boba defeats the trooper. He overpowers the clone, stunned him with his own blaster, and shoots the core command console. An explosion immediately destroys much of the hull, and the Jedi are almost pulled into space before the holes are sealed. Realizing that Endurance is damaged beyond repair, the Jedi and most of the remaining crew decide to abandon ship. However, Kilian refuses and stays with Ponds. The young clones, including Boba, are launched in an escape pod. Boba sabotages his pod, causing it to drift away from the others.
Eventually, Slave I finds the pod, carrying Aurra Sing and Bossk. Boba is revealed as the one who destroyed the Endurance, and Sing lets him choose to go with the clones or with them. Boba chooses the bounty hunters, apologizing to the cadets; Jax says he'll regret it. Aurra releases the pod into space as Boba enters the Slave I. Anakin and Mace arrive to find the cadets safe just after Slave I departs. Meanwhile, Admiral Kilian tries to land the badly damaged Endurance on the nearby planet Vanqor.
When Boba Fett is caught entering the Endurance's engine room, he asks the clone trooper if he has a DC-15A, and the trooper confirms. However, the blaster was actually a DC-15S. This discrepancy was resolved when the DC-15S was classified as Legends in 2014.
Commander Ponds is missing his kama and blaster pistols when he tells another trooper that he will stay on the Endurance with Admiral Kilian.
When "Death Trap" was broadcast in Australia on June 9, 2011, the scene of a clone trooper being blown up when entering Mace Windu's quarters and the scene where Boba hits a clone trooper with a DC-15A blaster carbine were removed. This may have been for rating reasons or due to a technical problem.