Jax (clone cadet)

Jax, a clone cadet belonging to the Clone Youth Brigade, participated in the Clone Wars.


Within the ranks of the Clone Youth Brigade, Jax served as a clone cadet. Following a briefing for him and his fellow cadets that detailed the strategies of warfare, he offered his support to Boba Fett—who had disguised himself as a clone named "Lucky"—when the other clone youths were antagonizing him. However, Fett asserted his ability to manage the situation independently. Jax concurred, emphasizing their shared circumstances. As time passed, Jax and Boba Fett formed a friendship, with Jax remaining unaware of Fett's secret plot to assassinate Mace Windu in retaliation for the death of his father, the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett, during the First Battle of Geonosis, which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Jax assisted in the evacuation of the vessel Endurance following damage to its hall inflicted by Fett. Fett covertly sabotaged their escape pod to ensure they missed their designated rendezvous, leading to its interception by Fett's bounty hunter allies, Bossk and Aurra Sing.

Aurra Sing exposed Boba's true identity, resulting in condemnation from Jax and the other clones for Boba's betrayal. Boba offered an apology, but Aurra instructed him to eject the cadets into empty space. Boba objected, arguing that the crew was uninvolved in his vendetta against the Jedi and Windu, but Sing sternly commanded him to proceed. Reluctantly, Boba complied and jettisoned Jax and the other clones. Just before being ejected, Jax warned Boba that he would regret his actions. A few minutes following their ejection, Jax and Whiplash engaged in a minor dispute concerning Boba, at which point they were rescued by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, who brought them aboard his starship. Jax maintained his belief in Boba's inherent goodness, suggesting that if the Mandalorian shared their values, he would recognize his error.

Personality and traits

Being a clone derived from Jango Fett, Jax was a human male with a height of 1.44 meters, equivalent to 4 feet and 9 inches. He possessed brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He assumed the role of the unofficial leader among his fellow Clone Cadets within the Clone Youth Brigade. He was known for his kindness and unwavering belief in others, consistently defending Lucky, also known as Boba Fett, from the harassment of the other Clone Cadets. Even after learning of Boba's betrayal, he continued to believe that the Mandalorian shared their values and would eventually acknowledge his misjudgment.

Skills and abilities

As a clone cadet and the informal leader within the Clone Youth Brigade, Jax possessed knowledge of military tactics and was in the process of honing his leadership capabilities.

