The Wolfpack represented an exceptional squad of clone troopers within the 104th Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, which pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they were under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe. Among its members were Clone Sergeant Sinker, Clone Corporal Comet, and Boost.

The 104th Battalion's elite clone trooper squad, known as the Wolfpack, operated under the leadership of Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe. From the weeks that initiated the conflict, the members of this squad began exhibiting unique characteristics. Koon addressed fellow Jedi and Republic senators at the Jedi Temple, detailing the squad's strategies and emphasizing that the clones performed better when allowed to express their individuality, contrary to the claims of the Kaminoans. Grand Master Yoda concurred, advocating for the clones to be treated with the respect they deserved as individuals.
The Wolfpack participated in engagements such as the Mission to Quarmendy, the siege of Hisseen, and the Battle of Abregado, the latter resulting in significant losses for the 104th. Subsequently, Wolffe and his troopers were dispatched on a mercy mission to the world of Aleen.

As the Liberation of Lothal was being planned, the Spectres reached out to several former allies for assistance in liberating the planet from the Galactic Empire, including Wolffe. This Clone Wars veteran joined forces with fellow clone troopers Clone Captain Rex and clone commando Gregor during the liberation efforts. When it seemed the local resistance was trapped, Ezra Bridger summoned a pack of Loth-wolves to confront the stormtroopers. Witnessing the wolves' assault, Gregor remarked that it reminded him of the Wolfpack's clone troopers, a sentiment echoed by Wolffe, who noted the wolves fought with the same ferocity as his old unit.
Around 9 ABY, the flight helmet of New Republic pilot Trapper Wolf displayed the Wolfpack's insignia as he pursued the gunship Razor Crest in the atmosphere above Maldo Kreis. This pursuit was related to the Razor Crest's involvement in freeing the Twi'lek Qin, a former prisoner held on the New Republic Correctional Transport Bothan-5.