Boost, also known as CT-4860, was a clone created from the genetic material of Jango Fett, a renowned bounty hunter. He served the Grand Army of the Republic as a clone trooper during the Clone Wars, a conflict against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He was a member of the 104th Battalion, famously known as the Wolfpack, reporting to Clone Commander Wolffe and Jedi Master Plo Koon. One notable engagement during the war was the siege of Hisseen. Later, the Wolfpack was tasked with finding and eliminating the Separatist's mysterious superweapon, the Malevolence, which had been annihilating entire Republic fleets without any remaining survivors. When they finally engaged the Malevolence in the Abregado system, the Separatist capital ship utilized its ion cannons to disable Plo Koon's fleet, subsequently destroying the Star Destroyers. Boost managed to survive the destruction of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Triumphant by escaping in an escape pod with Wolffe, Plo, and Clone Sergeant Sinker.
Awaiting rescue in their Republic escape pod, the three clones and their Jedi general discovered that Separatist rocket battle droids were scouring the wreckage of Plo's fleet, killing any remaining survivors. After learning that Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were in the Abregado system searching for survivors aboard the G9 Rigger-class light freighter Twilight, Boost, Sergeant Sinker, and Plo emerged from the pod and fought off the droids attempting to destroy their escape vehicle. Plo Koon emphasized to Sinker and Boost that, despite being clones, he valued their lives, and then used the Force to guide Tano to their location. The four survivors were then brought aboard the Twilight, where the medical droid TB-2 provided them with medical attention. As the transport ship attempted to leave the system, the Malevolence detected its presence and fired its ion cannon; however, Skywalker skillfully evaded the blast and successfully jumped to hyperspace.
Later in the conflict, Boost and the rest of the Wolfpack joined Skywalker, Tano, and the 501st Legion in a battle on the planet Felucia. As part of a team led by Tano, Boost, Sinker, and Comet ascended the walls of a Separatist outpost, which was subsequently captured. During this assault, Tano was captured by the Trandoshan hunter Lo-Taren, who took her off-world to be hunted as a sport on the moon Wasskah. Under Skywalker's orders, Boost and the other clones on Felucia conducted numerous searches for the missing Padawan, but eventually abandoned the search after failing to find her.
Following the transition from Phase I clone trooper armor to the newer Phase II armor, the Wolfpack was rerouted to assist the planet Aleen, which had been devastated by earthquakes. Boost and Sinker were assigned to accompany the astromech droid R2-D2 as he downloaded instructions for using Republic equipment onto the computers at the Aleen mainframe station. After Boost forcefully entered the station, R2 successfully initiated the download, and the troopers left him to complete the task, returning to assist Wolffe and the other clones in helping the Aleena natives of Aleen. Protocol droid C-3PO and R2 eventually discovered that the earthquakes were caused by an imbalance between Aleen's surface and its underground, which they managed to correct, allowing the Wolfpack to depart Aleen and resume their involvement in the war.
CT-4860, a clone trooper who later adopted the name Boost, was a soldier serving the Galactic Republic. He was created on the planet Kamino using the DNA of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter who served as the template for the clone trooper army. CT-4860 fought in the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Separatist Alliance. He served under Clone Sergeant Sinker in the 104th Battalion, also known as the Wolfpack Battalion. The battalion was under the command of Clone Commander Wolffe and Jedi General Plo Koon, who was a member of the Jedi High Council.
At the beginning of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy initiated a siege on the planet Hisseen. In response, the Jedi Council dispatched the 104th Battalion, along with the 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion, to defeat the Confederacy military. During the siege, clone troopers defended a village from battle droids before receiving reinforcements from Jedi Generals Plo Koon, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi then pursued Count Dooku and Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress. While the clones were fighting a second wave of droids, Boost received a garbled transmission from Plo requesting Commander Wolffe. After Clone Captain Rex inquired about the situation, Boost explained that he couldn't understand Plo's message but that they needed to get the hologram to Wolffe, as it appeared Plo was in distress.
After a new Separatist weapon destroyed several Republic fleets, leaving no survivors, Plo Koon and the Wolfpack were assigned to locate and destroy it. Traveling aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Triumphant with a fleet of two other Venator-class Star Destroyers, they discovered the weapon, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser named Malevolence, in the Abregado system. After Plo Koon informed Skywalker's fleet of the Malevolence's location, the Separatists cut off the Triumphant's communications and opened fire with the Malevolence's ion cannon, crippling the three Republic Star Destroyers and rendering them defenseless. Knowing the Triumphant wouldn't survive long without its shields, Plo ordered all personnel to evacuate in the ship's escape pods. Boost followed the order and ended up in a pod with Plo, Sinker, and Wolffe. Their pod launched from the Triumphant just before it was destroyed by the Malevolence.

Despite surviving their ship's destruction, Boost and his comrades found themselves without power in their escape pod, meaning the life support system was offline. Plo Koon instructed the clones to try and repair the power systems, which Sinker began while Boost watched. The air quickly became stale, and Boost and Sinker began arguing about the smell until Wolffe asked Master Plo what he thought their chances were. After the Jedi Master reassured them that someone would come, Sinker pointed out that a rescue mission wouldn't make sense. The four then spotted a second escape pod through their viewport, which Plo Koon used the Force to rotate so they could see inside. The clones were horrified to see their comrades dead, as the viewport had been cut open, exposing them to the vacuum of space. The clones returned to their repairs, and after more arguing, Boost and Sinker finally restored some power to the pod. As the communications systems reactivated, they were contacted by Pod 1977, another pod of clones who had survived the attack but were now being attacked by a Separatist vessel. Wolffe, Boost, Sinker, and Plo could only watch as rocket battle droids cut open Pod 1977, killing everyone inside.
After finishing their work on 1977, the droids quickly spotted the pod containing Boost and his comrades, and a Separatist boarding craft headed their way. Plo ordered the clones to put on their helmets to defend themselves. Boost and Sinker obeyed and exited the pod with Plo, while Wolffe stayed inside to monitor communications, hoping for rescue. As Boost and Sinker opened fire, Plo used the Force to push some of the Separatists into space. Just as the Separatist vessel began to crush the pod, Wolffe picked up communications from Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who had come to the Abreadgo system in the G9 Rigger-class light freighter Twilight looking for survivors. As Wolffe tried to make contact, Plo launched Sinker into space using the Force and maneuvered him behind the Separatist vessel, allowing him to shoot down the droids taking cover there. No longer under fire, the Jedi Master sliced through the attachment arms with his lightsaber, saving the pod and sending the Separatist boarding craft spinning into debris, where it was destroyed.
After Plo returned Sinker safely to the pod, he and the two clones hung onto the outside as Sinker admitted he never believed anyone would save them. Plo then reached out through the Force to Tano, who sensed his presence and piloted the Twilight to his location. As Plo reassured Sinker that clones weren't as expendable as he thought, the Twilight arrived and pulled the pod aboard with a tow cable. Once onboard, the clones and Plo collapsed and were examined by Skywalker's medical droid TB-2, who said they needed to recover on a medical frigate after he stabilized them. Skywalker informed Plo that they found no other survivors, making Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost the last surviving members of the Wolfpack. As the Twilight prepared to leave the Abraedgo system, the Malevolence approached again, and Plo demanded Skywalker cut all power to the freighter to avoid detection. Realizing the lights had gone out, Boost, Sinker, and Wolffe tried to head to the bridge, but TB-2 stopped them and went instead. Realizing the medical droid still had power, the Jedi quickly learned they had been detected and switched the power back on, sending TB-2 back to the clones. The Malevolence then fired its ion cannon, but the Twilight outran it and jumped to hyperspace, escaping the Separatists. Skywalker and Tano safely delivered their four passengers to Skywalker's flagship, the Resolute. Skywalker and Tano later tracked down and destroyed the Malevolence.
Later, after recovering from their encounter with the Malevolence, Master Plo and the Wolfpack participated in a battle against Separatist forces on Felucia alongside Skywalker, Tano, and the 501st Legion. The Republic forces attacked a recently reinforced Separatist outpost, splitting into three groups. Boost, Sinker, Comet, and other Wolfpack members split off with Tano and scaled the outpost walls using grappling hooks after shooting down the B1-series battle droid sentries. The clones successfully made it over the wall and began their attack, but before Tano could scale the wall, she was stunned and captured by Lo-Taren, a Trandoshan hunter. The Republic forces quickly destroyed the Separatist forces, not realizing Tano was gone until the battle ended. Skywalker ordered Boost and the other clones to search for his missing Padawan, but they had no luck. After many unsuccessful searches, Koon persuaded Skywalker to stop, promising that alerts had been sent out and the Jedi would be found. Tano, taken to the moon of Wasskah to be hunted, eventually escaped with the help of Wookiees and returned to the Republic.
While traveling in an Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship to the Qiilura system to block Separatist transmissions, the Wolfpack was diverted to help the inhabitants of Aleen, which had been devastated by earthquakes. Finding thousands of Aleena survivors, the clones were tasked with helping rebuild and then returning to the war. Sinker and Boost traveled to the surface on one of the Plo's Bros Low Altitude Assault Transports/infantry, piloted by clone trooper pilot Warthog, carrying other clones, supplies, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO. After disembarking, the Republic forces were greeted by the Aleena but experienced an aftershock. Wolffe ordered Sinker to take Boost and the squad, along with R2, to the Aleena's mainframe station to get it back online and allow R2 to upload instructions for using the Republic equipment.

Several Aleena guided the clones to the station, but the door was blocked by rubble. Boost tried to shoot through it with his blaster, but Sinker stopped him, fearing the station would collapse. Boost blasted the rubble anyway, impressing the Aleena. Inside, Sinker had R2 scan the building for safety and activate the computer to begin the download. After another aftershock, Sinker reported to Wolffe that the download was underway, and the Commander ordered Sinker, Boost, and the clones to return to helping the Aleena, leaving R2 to complete the download. On the way out, Sinker bumped into C-3PO, who Boost ordered out of the way. C-3PO and R2 entered Aleen's underground, where they found a breach between the underground and the surface was causing the earthquakes. They sealed the opening and restored balance, ending the earthquakes. Having completed their mission, Boost and the Wolfpack left Aleen to resume their war duties.

Boost participated in the Battle of Kadavo with the 104th, launching an aerial assault on the Kadavo slave processing facility holding Togruta and Republic hostages. The Zygerrian Slave Empire's forces launched their HH-87 Starhoppers and engaged in starfighter combat against the Republic Clone Z-95 Headhunters. Boost destroyed at least one Starhopper during the battle.
Nearly twenty years after the Clone Wars, Wolffe and former clone commando Gregor fought in the Liberation of Lothal from the Galactic Empire. During the conflict, loth-wolves joined the fight against Imperial forces. Observing the similarity between the wolves and the "Wolfpack" nickname for his squad, Gregor commented that Wolffe had his Wolfpack back. Wolffe responded that they fought like Boost and his other men.

Like most clone troopers, Boost was 1.83 meters tall, with brown eyes, tan skin, and black hair. He dyed his hair red and shaved it into two strips on top of his head.
While stuck in an escape pod with Sinker, he argued regularly with the other clone while they tried to repair the vessel. During the argument, Sinker claimed that Boost only bathed while on leave and was likely the cause of the stale air in the pod. On Aleen, when Sinker tried to stop Boost from shooting through rubble, he complained that the Sergeant worried too much and fired anyway.
Boost had piloting skills and could operate a Clone Z-95 Headhunter.
During his encounter with the Malevolence and the battle of Felucia, Boost wore Phase I clone trooper armor and used a DC-15A blaster carbine in combat, also using a grappling hook on Felucia. His armor, like other Wolfpack members, was decorated with a stylized wolf muzzle on the helmet and purple patterning. By the time of the mission to Aleen, Boost had switched to Phase II clone trooper armor. His Phase II armor bore the wolf's head and gray colors shared by the Wolfpack but was personalized with ragged gray markings under the eyes of his helmet.
Boost first appeared in "Rising Malevolence," the second episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In the episode, which aired in 2008, Boost was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who voiced all other clone troopers in the series. The clone made two further appearances in The Clone Wars, the first in "Padawan Lost," the twenty-first episode of The Clone Wars: Season Three, and the second in "Mercy Mission," the fifth episode of The Clone Wars: Season Four, both of which aired in 2011.