Warthog, a clone trooper and skilled pilot, fought for the 104th Battalion under the command of Jedi Master Plo Koon during the Clone Wars conflict. As an experienced pilot, Warthog participated in numerous battles throughout the Clone Wars. During the First Battle of Felucia, which occurred in 21 BBY, he piloted a V-19 Torrent starfighter on a mission to rescue Republic ground troops. At the Battle of Kadavo, Warthog flew a Z-95 Headhunter in another rescue operation, this time to liberate Republic individuals and the enslaved Togruta people from the planet Kiros. He also flew a LAAT gunship when Republic forces engaged in a humanitarian mission on the planet Aleen in 20 BBY.

On the planet of Kamino, Warthog was born as a clone derived from the genetic template of the bounty hunter, Jango Fett. Along with his clone brothers, he was created to serve within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. He became a clone trooper pilot serving within the Republic Navy. During the Clone Wars conflict against the Separatists, Warthog was under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe within the ranks of the 104th Battalion. During the First Battle of Felucia in 21 BBY, Warthog piloted a V-19 Torrent starfighter alongside General Koon in order to extract Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and their troops who were at risk of being overwhelmed. As they got closer to the Separatist fleet positioned above the planet, Koon instructed Warthog to safeguard the Republic gunships while he engaged the enemy vulture droids. After passing the fleet, Warthog was among the three pilots tasked with escorting the gunships that landed to rescue the Republic forces on the ground. During the aerial combat, Warthog found himself pursued by two vulture droids. Unable to evade the enemy starfighters, he requested assistance, and Koon swiftly intervened, eliminating both pursuers. Expressing his gratitude to the General, Warthog continued the mission, ultimately succeeding in evacuating the Republic personnel.

In 20 BBY, Warthog was a member of the Wolfpack when they journeyed to the planet Aleen for a humanitarian mission aimed at helping the Aleena, whose world had been devastated by groundquakes. While piloting a gunship, Warthog was taken by surprise when an Aleena riding a flying can-cell waved at him and shouted excitedly before flying away. Warthog remarked that it was "going to be another one of those planets" before following the Aleena and landing in the town, where members of the Wolfpack started unloading the supplies.

Later that year, following the Confederacy's abduction and subsequent enslavement of Togruta colonists originating from the planet Kiros, the Zygerrian Slave Empire coerced these individuals into forced labor within a slave processing facility situated on the planet Kadavo. Warthog became part of General Koon's fleet, which contained Admiral Barton Coburn and the 104th Battalion, on a mission to rescue them, piloting a Clone Z-95 starfighter. As the forces approached the facility, Koon instructed the fighters, including Warthog, to increase their speed to attack mode. As they initiated the elimination of the turret towers and the enemy HH-87 Starhoppers, Warthog's fighter sustained damage to its wing. While Warthog was trying to evade his attacker, General Koon intervened, shooting down the pursuing fighter. Warthog and the other pilots continued to eliminate their designated targets until it was safe for Admiral Coburn to position his ship, the Arquitens-class light cruiser Hand of Justice, beneath the facility to rescue the Togrutas.

Warthog, a male human clone originating from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, possessed a height of 1.83 meters (6 ft, a weight of 80 kilograms, and tan skin. He shared a positive relationship with Plo Koon, and the Jedi General would offer assistance during battles when necessary.

Warthog was a seasoned pilot with extensive experience and high proficiency in combat operations, particularly in aerial dogfights. He was skilled at piloting numerous starfighters, such as the V-19 Torrent starfighter and the Z-95 Headhunter. Furthermore, he was also capable of operating an LAAT/i attack gunship.
Warthog wore standard clone pilot armor, similar to Phase I clone trooper armor but with added life-support systems and a helmet featuring improved sensors. Later, during the Kadavo mission, he wore an updated and improved version of the rig. Warthog customized both versions of his armor with crimson markings on the helmet. Like other clone troopers, Warthog had a behavioral modification biochip implanted in his brain by Kaminoan scientists from birth, which ensured compliance with certain orders.
Warthog's initial appearance was in "Holocron Heist," the opening episode of the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The episode was broadcast on October 2, 2009. His voice was provided by Dee Bradley Baker, who voiced all the clone troopers throughout the series.