The First Battle for Felucia unfolded as a conflict for control of the planet of Felucia. This clash occurred during the Clone Wars, pitting the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Facing the threat of being overwhelmed by Separatist armies, the Republic was compelled to withdraw.
Republic military units stationed on Felucia, led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, along with Commander Ahsoka Tano, found themselves encircled by overwhelming numbers of Separatist battle droids. During this engagement, Skywalker dispatched Tano on a reconnaissance mission into the jungle. Simultaneously, the Separatists established a blockade around the planet. Consequently, Kenobi and Skywalker recognized the necessity of ordering a retreat for their troops.

Subsequently, Jedi General Plo Koon and his military arrived at the scene. Koon's Venator-class Star Destroyer successfully breached the Separatist blockade. Piloting his Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor, Plo Koon, supported by numerous V-19 Torrent starfighters, escorted the gunships responsible for extracting Kenobi's and Skywalker's personnel. Koon then engaged the attacking vulture droids, while clone pilots, including Warthog, provided cover for the gunships. The gunships successfully landed and commenced the evacuation of Kenobi's and Skywalker's forces.
Nevertheless, Padawan Commander Tano declined evacuation, as her patrol had routed the battle droids. Despite her continued advance, Skywalker persuaded her to withdraw, warning that the droids were regrouping to overwhelm her position. Consequently, Tano and her soldiers abandoned their vehicles and boarded the waiting gunships.
As a consequence of her actions during the battle, the Jedi Council assigned Tano to guard duty within the Jedi Archives. The retreat from Felucia adversely impacted the Republic's broader strategic objectives within the sector.