The Blade of Dorin, a blue-colored Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor, served as the personal vessel of Jedi Master Plo Koon during the Clone Wars. He fought for the Galactic Republic with it, and his astromech droid, R7-D4, was always by his side.
Anakin Skywalker, a fellow Jedi, presented the Blade of Dorin to Jedi Master Plo Koon during the time of the Malevolence crisis. Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan, had a feeling Koon would be joining their mission to take down the Malevolence, so she got his starfighter ready in advance. As Shadow Squadron checked in, Koon joined the BTL-B Y-wing formation aboard the Blade of Dorin, which was equipped with a hyperspace docking ring. The two Jedi acted as fighter escorts alongside Shadow Squadron to get to the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center before the Separatist warship known as the Malevolence could.

During the events of the First Battle of Felucia, Koon commanded a squadron of gunships that deployed from a Venator-class Star Destroyer to rescue Republic soldiers stationed on Felucia. He instructed his wingman, Warthog, to safeguard the gunships while he engaged and destroyed the Separatist vulture droids. Successfully navigating past the blockade, they evacuated the ground troops.
In the course of the Battle of Kadavo, Koon, accompanied by several Z-95 Headhunters, arrived on Kadavo as reinforcements to aid the Jedi battling the Zygerrians. Flying the Blade of Dorin, Koon, identified as Wolf Leader, commanded the forces. When two HH-87 Starhoppers began chasing him, Koon instructed his astromech droid, R7-D4, to temporarily shut down the engines of his starfighter. This allowed him to drop behind the enemy fighters and eliminate them. Subsequently, he attempted to take out the Zygerrians' turrets to enable a Republic cruiser to move in for a rescue operation. However, their [shields](/article/deflector_shield] proved too strong, necessitating Anakin Skywalker's intervention from the ground to destroy them.