Shadow Squadron

Shadow Squadron was a distinguished squadron of starfighters composed of a minimum of twelve clone trooper pilots, including individuals such as Broadside and Matchstick. This squadron operated under the command of the Republic Navy throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.


Matchstick's Y-wing is damaged as Shadow Squadron flies through the Kaliida Nebula.

During the Clone Wars, Shadow Squadron functioned as a starfighter squadron for the Galactic Republic, manned by at least a dozen clone trooper pilots who piloted BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers. In 22 BBY, during the Malevolence Campaign, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker established Shadow Squadron with the objective of eliminating General Grievous of the Separatist Alliance and his flagship, the Malevolence. Despite enduring significant losses in the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula, Shadow Squadron achieved victory by rendering the starship's mega-ion cannons inoperable.

Later in the conflict, Shadow Squadron took part in the Battle of Kamino, defending the planet against a Separatist invasion. General Skywalker directed starfighter units against Separatist warships, and together with the Republic blockade, they successfully disabled several vessels. Although Separatist forces managed to land on Kamino's surface utilizing the wreckage of destroyed starships, the invasion was unsuccessful, and the Republic successfully protected the strategically important planet. Shadow Squadron was also involved in the Battle of Kadavo, which resulted in the freedom of Togruta slaves, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" from Zygerrian enslavers, ultimately leading to the destruction of the Kadavo slave processing facility.

Nimbus-class V-wings of Shadow Squadron escort Chancellor Palpatine's Theta-class shuttle.

As the war neared its conclusion, Shadow Squadron's pilots were piloting modified Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters that had enhanced shielding and hyperdrives. In the final months of the war, as one of the Republic's top-tier clone units, they undertook crucial assignments such as providing escort for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's personal Theta-class T-2c shuttle. They also participated in the defense of the Republic's capital during the Battle of Coruscant.

