During the time of the Clone Wars, the planet of Kamino was shielded from the Separatist Alliance by a Galactic Republic blockade. This defensive line, present during the Battle of Kamino, was comprised of a fleet including ten Venator-class Star Destroyers, a pair of Acclamator-class assault ships, and two Arquitens-class light cruisers. Among these starships was the Resolute, under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.
Admiral Wullf Yularen oversaw the blockade from the bridge of the Resolute, as part of the defense. Prime Minister Lama Su remarked to Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi just before the battle, upon the arrival of Republic reinforcements to strengthen both the orbital and planetary defenses, that the Republic blockade was so formidable that the Separatists wouldn't dare attack.
The Kamino blockade was initially seen in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode called "ARC Troopers." Later on, "The Clone Wars Begin" magazine claimed that General Shaak Ti initiated the blockade after discovering Grievous's invasion plans. However, the "Arc Troopers" episode itself shows that the blockade was already in place before Shaak Ti and Lama Su were informed of Grievous's intentions. Consequently, this article adheres to the events as portrayed in the episode.