The Resolute functioned as a Venator-class Star Destroyer within the Fifth Fleet of the Galactic Republic's naval forces belonging to the Open Circle Fleet. It further served as the primary flagship for Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his fleet throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. During the year 20 BBY, the Resolute, in conjunction with a fleet of Republic warships, engaged the Separatist fleet commanded by Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress within the Sullust system. As the battle raged, Ventress launched an attack on the Resolute in a Ginivex-class fanblade starfighter supported by droid tri-fighters, which targeted and damaged several critical systems of the vessel, while Ventress herself led an assault on the bridge. Ultimately, the Resolute was destroyed, but its crew successfully evacuated before its demise.
The leadership team of the vessel, called Resolute Command, was located on the Resolute's command bridge. Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan and a Jedi Commander, was a member of this command structure and provided assistance to her master during the Battle of Bothawui, where he was in command of Gold Squadron flying V-19 Torrent starfighters against the Separatist fleet led by the Kaleesh warlord General Grievous.
Being a Venator-class Star Destroyer belonging to the Galactic Republic's naval forces, the Resolute was equipped with a pair of bridges, distinguished by their red paint, which indicated its role as a flagship. In addition, it featured hangar bays situated on the dorsal, ventral, and starboard sides of the vessel's hull. To facilitate interstellar travel, the Star Destroyer incorporated a hyperdrive generator and multiple engine units for propulsion. For defensive capabilities, it was armed with several DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets, medium dual turbolaser cannons, and a deflector shield generator.
During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Jedi General Anakin Skywalker received the Resolute to serve as his personal flagship. Skywalker shared command of the Star Destroyer with Admiral Wullf Yularen, who held the rank of captain.

In 22 BBY, during the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Confederacy's Droid Army under the joint command of Kerkoiden General Whorm Loathsom and Sith assassin Asajj Ventress was deployed by Separatist Head of State Count Dooku with orders to seize the planet of Christophsis. This planet was targeted for its valuable resources and its strategically important location along the Corellian Run. Following the Confederacy's successful capture of Christophsis, a blockade consisting of thirty warships was established in orbit by Harch Admiral Trench to prevent intervention by the Republic, which resulted in the trapping of Senator Bail Organa and his troops on the planet's surface. Subsequently, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, aboard the Resolute and accompanied by a fleet composed of two additional Venator-class Star Destroyers and three Pelta-class frigates, was dispatched by the Republic with the mission to breach the blockade and deliver essential relief supplies to Senator Organa.
Upon their arrival at Christophsis, the Resolute and its accompanying warships promptly engaged Trench's fleet, exchanging heavy fire with the Separatist battleships. However, as the two fleets traded blows, the Separatist flagship advanced directly towards the Resolute without opposition, forcing the Star Destroyer's crew to maximize the power of its forward shields. Unleashing a concentrated barrage of turbolaser fire upon the Republic fleet, the dreadnought succeeded in destroying one of the frigates. This loss prompted Skywalker to order the Republic fleet to charge directly through the blockade, despite the frigate's destruction.

Shortly afterward, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in the system aboard his flagship, the Negotiator. He then ordered Skywalker and his fleet to disengage and regroup behind the moon of Leesis to develop a new strategy. Following Kenobi's instructions, the Resolute and its accompanying vessels retreated to the far side of Leesis. There, Skywalker received orders to use a prototype stealth ship to slip past the blockade and deliver the much-needed supplies. However, Skywalker disregarded these instructions and instead launched an offensive, utilizing the stealth ship to destroy Trench's flagship. This action threw the entire Separatist blockade into chaos, allowing Kenobi, the Resolute, and the remaining Republic forces to resume their attack.

Later, as Republic forces fought the Separatist Droid Army on the planet's surface, Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, running low on supplies, instructed the Resolute and Admiral Yularen to withdraw from the system to acquire reinforcements and resupply. After rendezvousing with a Haven-class medical station to load supplies onto the Resolute, Yularen received a communication from Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, who ordered him to deliver a messenger with critical instructions to Kenobi on Christophsis.
Upon returning to the Christoph system, Yularen promptly dispatched the messenger, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, to the surface aboard a Nu-class transport originating from the Resolute. After landing, the two Jedi explained their situation to the young Padawan, who suggested relaying a signal to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant through the Resolute. However, during their conversation with Yoda, the Resolute, taking heavy fire from enemy turbolasers, lost contact with the Temple and was subsequently forced to retreat from orbit as more Separatist warships entered the system.
Later in the Clone Wars, during the hunt for the Separatist Subjugator-class heavy cruiser named the Malevolence, a warship equipped with two mega-ion cannons capable of disabling entire fleets, the Republic managed to track the vessel to the Abregado system. They then dispatched a fleet consisting of three Venators under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon to investigate. Upon arriving, Koon contacted General Skywalker and Commander Tano aboard the Resolute, which was located in the nearby Bith system, requesting reinforcements. However, their communication was cut short as Skywalker lost contact with Koon and his fleet, who had been destroyed by the Malevolence. This prompted Skywalker and Tano to depart aboard the Twilight for the Abregado system to search for survivors. The two Jedi successfully located and rescued Koon and several clone troopers who had survived the battle. However, they encountered the Malevolence in the process, forcing them to retreat from the system and return to the Resolute with the survivors and vital intelligence about the Separatist battleship.
Later, after the Malevolence destroyed a Republic medical convoy in the Ryndellia system, Skywalker, believing that Grievous intended to attack their Outer Rim medical station, developed a counterattack strategy with the assistance of Shadow Squadron, an elite Republic starfighter squadron equipped with BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers. Departing from the Resolute, Skywalker, accompanied by his Padawan, Koon, and Shadow Squadron, took a shortcut through the Kaliida Nebula, where they encountered the Malevolence upon exiting the nebula. As the battle commenced, the Republic squadron initiated their attack run on the Separatist battleship, targeting its command bridge with the intention of eliminating Grievous. However, they suffered heavy losses, losing nearly half of their fighters during the run. This forced them to break off and instead target the Malevolence's ion cannon, overloading the weapon and crippling the entire warship as it attempted to fire. After sustaining significant damage, the Resolute, the Negotiator, and another Venator-class Star Destroyer emerged from hyperspace and began to pursue the fleeing enemy warship.

As the Malevolence attempted to escape the system, Republic Senator Padmé Amidala arrived and was taken aboard the Separatist warship. This forced the three Star Destroyers to cease their attack while Skywalker and Kenobi embarked on a mission to rescue the Senator. After successfully extracting Amidala from the Malevolence, the Resolute and the other two Star Destroyers resumed their attack. However, the Separatist warship, which had been sabotaged by Skywalker during Amidala's rescue, was ultimately destroyed as it crashed into the nearby Dead Moon of Antar.

After a string of losses against General Grievous, Skywalker and Tano were tasked with protecting the planet Bothawui, which was strategically important for Republic intelligence. Skywalker and Tano commanded a fleet of three Venator-class star destroyers, including the Resolute, to defend against an impending attack by Grievous. Upon arrival, Grievous ordered his Munificent-class star frigates to use the asteroid field for cover, negating the Republic's advantage and diverting all power to their forward shields. Skywalker launched Gold Squadron to engage the Separatist fleet, while Tano commanded the Resolute and the other two cruisers. During the ensuing battle, the Resolute sustained minor damage from incoming fire, while another cruiser was crippled. Unbeknownst to Grievous, Skywalker had set a trap before the battle, deploying multiple All Terrain Tactical Enforcers (AT-TEs) commanded by Captain Rex on the asteroids. When the Separatist fleet was in position, Tano ordered Rex to fire on the frigates from behind, leaving Grievous exposed. With the frigates unable to escape, Grievous abandoned ship, and Skywalker attempted to pursue him, but his fighter was damaged, incapacitating him.
The Resolute remained in position while Skywalker and Tano searched the battlefield for the missing R2-D2. Later, Skywalker launched his starfighter from the Resolute, assisted by R3-S6, on a mission to sweep an outer corridor of space in search of a secret Separatist listening post.

When Jedi Master Aayla Secura required reinforcements to fight the Separatists over Quell, Skywalker and Tano responded in the Resolute. The ship deployed several Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships, carrying Skywalker, Tano, Captain Rex, and clone troopers from the 501st legion, to board the heavily damaged Liberty and rescue its crew before it was destroyed. Skywalker had also arranged for a retrofitted Consular-class cruiser to dock with the Liberty to facilitate their escape. After escaping the doomed flagship, the cruiser was attacked, accidentally activating its hyperdrive. They took evasive action to avoid colliding with the Resolute and then jumped to hyperspace. After the battle, the Resolute was tasked with finding Skywalker, Secura, Tano, Rex, Commander Bly, and clone troopers Lucky, Flash, and Cameron, who had crash-landed on the remote world of Maridun.
The Resolute was part of a fleet, including the Defender and the Redeemer, sent to destroy the blockade surrounding Ryloth, allowing the Republic invasion fleet to begin their ground assault. Skywalker assigned Tano to command Blue Squadron to destroy the Lucrehulk-class battleship and two Munificent-class star frigates guarding the planet. However, during the battle, the Separatist captain Mar Tuuk surprised the Republic by calling in four additional _Munificent_s to reinforce the blockade. Skywalker ordered Tano to return to the Resolute, but she disobeyed, believing she could break through. Several vulture droids attacked the star destroyers, ramming them after being shot down. One droid-fighter crashed into the Resolute's bridge, injuring Admiral Wulf Yularen and forcing Skywalker to retreat. Tano and the remaining members of her squadron returned to the Resolute's hangar bay in time. The Redeemer was too damaged to retreat and was destroyed, but the Resolute and the Defender managed to jump to hyperspace.

Given only one planetary rotation to break the blockade by Kenobi and Mace Windu, Skywalker proceeded with his attack, despite Tano's objections. Using the Defender, which was heavily damaged during the escape, Skywalker rammed it into the Lucrehulk, destroying both. Tano, now in full command of the Resolute, planned to tilt the ship to expose its ventral side to the enemy frigates' fire, protecting the bridge and hangar. They then launched a squadron of BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers to bomb the remaining frigates, relying on their speed to surprise the droid captains. Tano's strategy was successful, and the Republic broke through the blockade, allowing the invasion fleet to reach the planet below.
During the Battle of Devaron, the Resolute was part of the plan to capture Cad Bane and recover the stolen holocron and kyber memory crystal. The ship disabled the hyperdrive on Bane's frigate and destroyed four other _Munificent_s. Skywalker and Tano decided to use three AT-TEs as impromptu boarding craft to board the frigate, much to Yularen's disbelief. The walkers were dropped from the Resolute's ventral hangar onto the frigate. During the ensuing skirmish, the frigate was destroyed, and the Republic forces, along with Bane disguised as a clone, returned to the Resolute.

Once aboard the ship, Bane stole a V-19 Torrent starfighter and a Syliure-31 hyperspace docking ring, allowing him to escape into hyperspace. Bane was later apprehended on Naboo and brought aboard the Resolute for interrogation. While analyzing Bane's Rogue-class starfighter, Skywalker and Tano realized that the kidnapped children were on Mustafar, so they left the ship in the Twilight to rescue them.
During the Second Battle of Geonosis, the Resolute, along with three other Venator-class star destroyers and eight Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ships, was sent to invade the planet. During the battle, Commander Jet contacted Admiral Yularen, requesting reinforcements or air support. Yularen was unable to provide reinforcements, as it would compromise other areas of the campaign, but he provided Skywalker's approximate location. Skywalker later called Yularen for air support, and Yularen was able to spare one squadron of Y-wings.

After Jedi Master Eeth Koth was captured by General Grievous at Saleucami, the Resolute was part of a fleet led by Skywalker, Kenobi, and Adi Gallia to rescue him from Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer. The star destroyer remained in the rear, while the Arquitens-class light cruiser Surrogator advanced to engage Grievous's forces. After rescuing Koth, Skywalker picked up Kenobi and Gallia and returned them to the Resolute. Skywalker continued to fight the space battle, while Kenobi led a detachment of clones to capture Grievous on the planet below.

During the Battle of Sullust, it was destroyed by Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress and her droid tri-fighters. The tri-fighters simultaneously attacked the Resolute's twin bridges, disabling its controls, and the rest of the ship systematically exploded and was evacuated.