Mission to suspected Confederate space

During the time of the Clone Wars, a mission was undertaken by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker to reconnoiter a specific sector of space's outer reaches for signs of Separatist forces. Flying his Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor equipped with a hyperspace transport ring, Skywalker was joined by astromech droid R3-S6, standing in for R2-D2, his regular droid who had been lost during the Battle of Bothawui. Little did Skywalker know, R3-S6 was secretly a spy for the Separatists, and he feigned incompetence while actively working to undermine the Jedi Knight, thereby attracting the notice of General Grievous and his fleet. In the battle that followed, Skywalker's hyperspace ring was obliterated, leaving him marooned in the void. R3's actions, however, also alerted Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan on the Resolute, who, along with Clone Captain Rex and a unit of clone troopers, arrived in the Twilight to extract Skywalker from the clutches of Grievous and the Separatist warships.

