The Battle of Bothawui transpired in the vicinity of the planet Bothawui during 22 BBY. The Galactic Republic achieved victory, effectively halting a Separatist offensive that was part of the larger Clone Wars conflict.
The Galactic Republic had experienced several setbacks at the hands of the Confederate General Grievous, which was weakening the Republic's control over the galaxy's Outer Rim. Within a single month, General Grievous launched invasions against numerous planets and established blockades along key hyperspace routes that led to Bespin, Kessel, and Mon Calamari. Upon learning that Grievous's next objective was Bothawui, the homeworld of the Bothans and a crucial asset for Republic Intelligence, the Jedi High Council deployed Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and their Republic fleet with orders to apprehend the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies.
Before the Republic's arrival at Bothawui, Grievous intercepted the fleet and forced them out of hyperspace during an engagement. Despite this interruption, the Republic fleet successfully reached Bothawui, prompting Grievous to revise his strategy. The Supreme Commander opted to abandon his pursuit of Skywalker and instead engaged in a battle at Falleen, resulting in the annihilation of a Republic battle group. Following the conflict at Falleen, Grievous directed his fleet towards the strategically important planet of Bothawui. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, along with his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and their task force consisting of three Venator-class Star Destroyers, received the assignment to defend and secure Bothawui. However, Jedi Council member Obi-Wan Kenobi advised Skywalker to withdraw and regroup, aware of Grievous's impending arrival. Furthermore, spies had informed the Separatist general about the presence of Jedi cruisers positioned beyond the planetary rings. Despite facing numerical inferiority, Skywalker had conceived a tactical plan.

Grievous, deducing that an aerial assault would leave his vessels exposed to enemy fire, instructed his fleet to approach through Bothawui's asteroid belt. This maneuver not only provided cover from Skywalker's fleet but also allowed Grievous to divert power to his forward shields. Upon reaching firing range, Grievous's fleet initiated an assault, ultimately disabling the closest cruiser. Skywalker, piloting as Gold Leader, led Gold Squadron in engaging Grievous's fleet. One of the V-19s sustained enemy fire and collided with another fighter, resulting in the destruction of both. Consequently, Skywalker ordered Gold Squadron to execute evasive maneuvers and retreat. Nevertheless, Skywalker remained in the battle and revealed his strategic surprise to Grievous. Subsequently, Ahsoka signaled Captain CT-7567 "Rex" and his AT-TEs, which had been strategically positioned on the asteroids, to launch an attack on Grievous's fleet from the rear.
Having diverted all power to their forward deflectors, the frigates were rendered entirely vulnerable to the rear assault and were swiftly destroyed one after another. Recognizing the shifting momentum of the battle, Grievous decided to withdraw; however, his droid captain inquired about their destination. With the frigates unable to maneuver for escape, the general boarded his personal starfighter, the Soulless One, and personally fled the battle. Skywalker attempted to pursue him, but his fighter sustained damage and became disabled within the meteor field.
Following the engagement, Skywalker was rescued by Rex. However, R2-D2 went missing and was presumed destroyed. The Republic's triumph prevented the Confederacy from establishing a dominant presence in the Mid Rim.
During Grievous's initial entry into the battle, two battle droids are depicted seated in front of the viewport; however, the seat to General Grievous's right is later shown to be unoccupied. As the battle progresses, a battle droid is clearly visible to Grievous's right, although its specific model is unclear. As depicted in Downfall of a Droid, OOM pilot battle droids can be distinguished from B1-series battle droids by their blue markings and several small marks and darker lines on their head. A battle droid exhibiting these darker markings and a mark on its head appears to the right of Grievous during the battle, suggesting that it is a pilot droid, but it is subsequently replaced by a B1 unit.
The reference work Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers mistakenly combines the Battle of Bothawui with the subsequent Mission to Skytop Station.