During the Clone Wars, a clone trooper known as Lucky fought for the Grand Army of the Republic as part of the renowned 501st Legion. In the midst of the Battle of Quell, Lucky, together with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, trooper Cameron, and other clone soldiers, boarded a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry. Their destination was the beleaguered Liberty, a _Venator_-class Star Destroyer and the flagship commanded by Jedi General Aayla Secura of the 327th Star Corps. After Skywalker managed to board the vessel using a B2-RP super battle droid for transport, Lucky and the remaining troops executed a crash-landing, which unfortunately resulted in the deaths of several soldiers aboard the gunship. Lucky, along with Tano, Rex, Cameron, and one other trooper, survived the impact, though the other trooper was soon killed after boarding. Once aboard the Liberty, they met up with Flash, a clone trooper from the 327th, and reunited with Skywalker.
Following the discovery of Secura and Clone Commander Bly, the group fled to the planet Maridun, where Lucky, Cameron, and Flash met their death at the hands of mastiff phalones.
Lucky's character was featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Jedi Crash," where he, Flash, and Cameron were identified as casualties. The 2022 reference book "The Grand Army of the Republic" later asserted that all three clones were part of Aayla Secura's task force rescued by Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Quell. However, this account presents inconsistencies: "Jedi Crash" depicts Ahsoka Tano and Rex boarding the Liberty with three clone troopers from the 501st, with one of them dying. When they rejoin Skywalker, a different third trooper is present. It remains unclear whether this new trooper is from the 501st, having arrived on another gunship, or whether he is a member of Secura's task force found by the team. What is certain is that at least two of the troopers must be from the 501st, as they were seen boarding with Rex and Tano.
Therefore, this article operates under the assumption that "The Grand Army of the Republic" is inaccurate, and that Cameron and Lucky were, in fact, the two 501st troopers who boarded with Tano and Rex. Flash's affiliation with the 327th has been independently verified, as he was portrayed as part of that unit in the 2019 audiobook Choose Your Destiny: A Clone Trooper Mission. Thus, this article accepts "The Grand Army of the Republic's" assertion that he was a survivor from Secura's crew. Consequently, Flash is considered to be the new third trooper found by the team, a member of Secura's crew who managed to escape the battle with them. Conversely, Cameron and Lucky are identified as the two 501st clones who survived the boarding, accounting for the presence of clones from that legion.