
The Triumphant, serving as the flagship under the command of Jedi Master Plo Koon, was a Venator-class Star Destroyer during the Clone Wars. During the Battle of Abregado, this starship met its end when Koon and his fleet encountered the formidable Malevolence, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser.

Only Koon, Commander Wolffe, and clone troopers Boost and Sinker survived the destruction of the Triumphant, with the vast majority of its crew perishing.


Back in 22 BBY, the Triumphant starship participated in the search for a mysterious Separatist weapon, a weapon that was causing widespread damage to Galactic Republic fleets.

The Triumphant and accompanying fleet track the Malevolence to the Abregado system

Plo Koon, a Jedi Master, was aboard the Triumphant along with Commander Wolffe, clone troopers Boost and Sinker. Alongside two other Venator-class Star Destroyers, the Triumphant tracked the unknown weapon to the Abregado system. It was here that they discovered the Malevolence, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser under the command of General Grievous and Count Dooku.

Before engaging the cruiser in combat, Koon contacted Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, and Ahsoka Tano, his Padawan, who were stationed in the nearby Bith system. He reported his location and requested reinforcements. Skywalker responded that he was under strict orders to protect their current staging area and could not assist Koon. Communication was then cut off by the Malevolence. As the Separatist cruiser approached, the Triumphant braced itself for the impending battle.

The Triumphant is caught in a blast from the Malevolence's ion cannon

Before Koon's fleet could get into firing range, the Malevolence unleashed its ion cannons, sending a massive wave of ionic energy that disabled the Triumphant and the accompanying cruisers, leaving them vulnerable to a barrage of turbolaser fire. The two leading Star Destroyers were quickly destroyed. Koon then gave the order for his crew to evacuate the Triumphant. Four escape pods were launched from the flagship before its destruction, but one was struck by debris and exploded.

Later, two of the remaining three escape pods were hunted down by a pod hunter, as the Malevolence sought to eliminate any survivors who could reveal the position and nature of its secret weapon. Koon, Wolffe, Boost, and Sinker, aboard the last remaining lifepod, fought off the pod hunter and were eventually rescued from the debris field by Skywalker and Tano aboard the Twilight, making them the only survivors of the Triumphant's destruction.

Behind the scenes

The Triumphant made its initial appearance in a flashback featured in "Ambush."

In some scenes of the episode "Rising Malevolence," the Triumphant's wings are depicted with three red stripes, while in others, they have five. Given that most scenes show five stripes, this article assumes that the correct number is five.

