Fourth Fleet

The Fourth Fleet represented a specific fleet designation within the Republic Military's naval forces, operating under the command of Plo Koon, who held positions on the Jedi High Council and as a Jedi General. Within the Fourth Fleet was General Koon's own battle group, a smaller formation comprising three Venator-class Star Destroyers, one of which was the Triumphant, serving as Koon's flagship. This Fourth Fleet was integrated into the broader structure of the Open Circle Fleet.

Established in 22 BBY, the Fourth Fleet was among the various Republic naval groups mobilized in response to the Separatist's Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, known as the Malevolence. Regrettably, the Malevolence inflicted heavy losses on the Republic Fourth Fleet, including the destruction of Plo Koon's task force during the Battle of Abregado. Ultimately, the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula saw the Open Circle Fleet successfully destroy the Malevolence.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of the Republic Fourth Fleet in the new Star Wars canon occurred in the 2021 publication, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. Conversely, in the Star Wars Legends timeline, the Fourth Fleet was first referenced in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released in 2008.

