A Separatist outpost functioned as a CIS mobile command center located on the planet Felucia. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized it in their conflict against the Galactic Republic. The defense of the outpost relied on a contingent of DSD1 dwarf spider droids, B1-series battle droids, and BX-series commando droids. Overseeing these forces was the T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid TZ-33, who directed operations from his Separatist command center. During the events of the Second Battle of Felucia, Republic forces, under the leadership of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, successfully seized the outpost.
During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems maintained control of an outpost situated on the planet Felucia, in their fight against the Galactic Republic. Throughout the protracted Second Battle of Felucia, a period marked by continuous struggle between the Republic and Separatists for planetary dominance, the outpost was defended by DSD1 dwarf spider droids, B1-series battle droids, and BX-series commando droids, all under the command of the T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid designated TZ-33. Upon learning that the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were leading multiple clone tank divisions on Felucia, Separatist General Grievous dispatched a C-9979 landing craft filled with additional B1 battle droids to bolster the outpost's defenses.

As the reinforcements made their arrival, Skywalker's Republic forces observed the outpost and began formulating an attack strategy. The clones and Jedi divided themselves into three assault teams, positioning themselves strategically around the outpost. Skywalker and his troops took position at the main gate, while Tano and her squad, led by Clone Corporal "Comet," positioned themselves at the rear wall. Jedi Master Plo Koon led his clone contingent on the left flank. Before the Republic forces could initiate their attack, the Separatists detected several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers providing support to the Republic troops from a nearby ridge. Acting on Koon's orders, the AT-TEs commenced firing, prompting TZ-33 to order his troops to evacuate the base and launch a counterattack. As soon as the droids exited the outpost's gates, Skywalker and his forces charged, battling their way into the base's interior. Once Skywalker's assault began, Koon and his troops utilized the Force and jetpacks to vault over the outpost's walls, while Tano's unit eliminated the sentries on the rear wall before scaling it using grappling hooks to join the attack. Tano, however, was prevented from entering the base when she was stunned and captured by the Trandoshan hunter Lo-Taren before she could scale the wall.

Once inside the base, the Republic forces swiftly subdued the Separatist droids, with Skywalker personally bisecting TZ-33. After securing the outpost, Skywalker ordered a search for the missing Tano, but she could not be found. Despite continued searches, Koon eventually convinced Skywalker that they needed to leave Felucia, assuring him that Tano could take care of herself and would return. Subsequently, a portion of the Republic forces departed the outpost to engage in combat elsewhere, with Skywalker and Koon returning to the planet Coruscant.