
A T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, designated TZ-33, fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Before the attack by Republic forces, he was stationed at a Separatist outpost on the planet of Felucia. In 20 BBY, General Grievous dispatched a battalion of reinforcements to the droids under TZ-33's command. Shortly thereafter, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano led Republic forces against the outpost. The Republic forces swiftly gained the upper hand and Skywalker destroyed TZ-33 in the ensuing combat.


Baktoid Combat Automata manufactured the T-series tactical droid TZ-33 for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, deploying it during the Clone Wars to combat the Galactic Republic. In 20 BBY, the droid found itself stationed at a CIS mobile command center, functioning as an outpost on the planet Felucia, which was the site of a long-scale conflict between Republic and Separatist forces vying for planetary control. Upon learning that Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were spearheading clone trooper tank divisions on Felucia, the cyborg Separatist General Grievous dispatched a battalion of battle droid reinforcements aboard a C-9979 landing craft to bolster TZ-33's outpost, aiming to solidify the Separatists' dominion over the Felucia system.

TZ-33 was destroyed by Anakin Skywalker.

TZ-33 supervised the unloading of the newly arrived troops from a Separatist command center, projecting an inevitable Separatist triumph on Felucia based on the arrival of the droids. Unbeknownst to him, Republic forces were observing his actions, preparing to launch an assault on the Separatist outpost. The Jedi and clones divided themselves into three groups, encircling the outpost. However, before they could initiate their attack, Separatist forces detected Republic All Terrain Tactical Enforcers providing support from a nearby ridge. The AT-TEs commenced firing upon the outpost, prompting TZ-33 to command his troops to assemble and initiate a counteroffensive against the artillery vehicles.

Once the outpost's gates were opened, allowing the B1 battle droids and DSD1 dwarf spider droid under TZ-33's command to exit, a contingent of clone troopers led by Skywalker stormed the gate, breaching the outpost's defenses. Subsequently, a second force, under the command of Jedi Master Plo Koon, infiltrated the outpost on the left flank utilizing jetpacks, while a third force, commanded by Tano, scaled the rear wall employing grappling hooks. The Separatist droids were swiftly overwhelmed, and after Skywalker eliminated several BX-series droid commandos guarding TZ-33, he bisected the tactical droid with his lightsaber as it attempted to retreat.


A T-series tactical droid, TZ-33 possessed white sensors along with green and yellow plating. Despite being programmed for military strategic analysis and tactics, TZ-33 failed to foresee the Republic's three-pronged assault on his outpost. He carried no weapon while inside his outpost, and could only attempt to retreat as Skywalker attacked him.

Behind the scenes

TZ-33 made his debut in "Padawan Lost," the twenty-first episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show's third season. The episode was broadcast on April 1, 2011, and TZ-33's identity was not revealed until the credits, which disclosed that Dee Bradley Baker provided the droid's voice.

