B1-series rocket battle droid

B1 rocket battle droids, alternatively referred to as B1-series rocket battle droids, rocket battle droids, or even pod hunter droids, represented a specialized modification of the standard B1-series battle droid designed for the specific purpose of locating and eliminating enemy escape pods.

During a series of engagements initiated by the Separatist Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence—commanded by General Grievous and Confederate Head of State Count Dooku—in the Clone Wars' inaugural year against the Galactic Republic, five B1-series rocket battle droids were deployed to seek out and neutralize any survivors who might have fled in vessels via escape pods. However, during a battle within the Abregado system, which culminated in the destruction of Jedi General Plo Koon's fleet by the Malevolence, Koon and three surviving clone troopers annihilated the rocket droids and their Droch-class boarding ship.

Later, in 20 BBY, rocket battle droids were utilized on Florrum during Grievous's invasion of the planet.


Pod hunters, also known as B1-series rocket battle droids, were an enhanced version of the B1-series battle droid, standing at a height of 1.9 meters, and specifically engineered to destroy escape pods. For this task, they were armed with E-5 blaster rifles, rocket packs, and fusioncutters. To differentiate them from standard B1 units, their chassis were painted in a distinctive orange and black color scheme.

When deployed as a unit, they could pilot Droch-class boarding ships capable of attaching to most escape pod designs. These ships could then breach the pods and depressurize the interior, often killing the occupants without the need for blasters. This tactic, while effective, was considered distasteful by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which relied on secrecy.

Despite being equipped for specialized and brutal operations, the effectiveness of B1 rocket battle droids varied. In some instances, B2 super rocket troopers were preferred, relegating B1 units to other short-range space missions or deployment as aerial troopers in planetary conflicts.


B1-series rocket battle droids in action.

During the Battle of Abregado, Count Dooku and General Grievous dispatched a squad of rocket battle droids aboard a Droch-class boarding ship with the mission of hunting down survivors and/or witnesses. The droids eventually located Pod 1977 and proceeded to attach themselves to it. From a nearby pod, Jedi Master Plo Koon and a small contingent of clones observed as the droids breached the pod, ejecting the two clones inside into the void of space. The droids then shifted their focus to the Jedi Master, attempting to board his pod. Koon, aided by clone troopers Sinker and Boost, engaged the droids in combat. After a brief skirmish, Koon severed the boarding ship's connection to the pod, causing it to crash into nearby wreckage.

In 20 BBY, General Grievous deployed B1-series rocket battle droids on Florrum during the invasion of the planet. Later in the conflict, they were also used on Kashyyyk during the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Behind the scenes

The debut of B1-series rocket battle droids occurred in "Rising Malevolence," the second episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, which was originally broadcast on October 3, 2008. Matthew Wood, who also voiced General Grievous, provided their vocalizations.

