The 322nd was a clone cadet unit within the Clone Youth Brigade of the Galactic Republic active during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, Boba Fett infiltrated the Clone Youth Brigade, and when asked by fellow clone cadet Whiplash, used the cover that he was transferred from the 322nd. As a result of his infiltration, Fett was able to sabotage the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance in an attempt to assassinate Jedi Master Mace Windu for the murder of his father, Jango Fett.
The 322nd was first mentioned in "Death Trap," the twentieth episode of the second season of the TV series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars that was released in 2010.
The 322nd was first mentioned in "Death Trap," the twentieth episode of the second season of the TV series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars that was released in 2010.