Teroj Kee

Teroj Kee, a Keteerian male, served the First Order as an operative. For a number of years, he feigned allegiance to the Mining Guild while secretly attempting to pilfer from the Office of Acquisitions situated on the supertanker fuel depot known as Colossus. His efforts were consistently foiled by the store's proprietors, Flix and Orka. The situation escalated when the store obtained a valuable phase connector used for deep [mining](/article/mining]. Commander Pyre then contracted Kee to extract it from the store. After eavesdropping on comm transmissions from the shop owners to ascertain their absence, Kee made his move on a day in 34 ABY when they were visiting Flix's mother. However, Kazuda Xiono, the technician entrusted with the Office of Acquisitions, declined Kee's request to purchase the phase connector.

Kee then submitted an additional delivery order to the store. When Xiono delivered the order to loading dock 23, the First Order agent confined him within the dock's storage container and proceeded to abscond with the device. Despite a minor altercation with Xiono's astromech droid, BB-8, Kee successfully retrieved the phase connector from the Office of Acquisitions' storage area and transported it onto his freighter. Xiono, accompanied by Flix and Orka's pet gorg, Bitey, pursued him aboard the vessel in an attempt to reclaim the device. After Bitey severed the freighter's electrical system, Kee's starship—and the phase connector—crashed into the planet Castilon's oceans. However, Kee, Xiono, Bitey, and several stormtroopers managed to escape using escape pods. Following this unsuccessful operation, Kee reported his failure to Pyre.


First Order operative

During the era of the Cold War between the Resistance and the First Order, a Keteerian male named Teroj Kee existed. At some point, he became employed by the First Order as an operative, taking orders from Commander Pyre. For a number of years, Kee acted as a member of the Mining Guild and attempted to appropriate items from the Office of Acquisitions, which was located on the Mid Rim planet Castilon's supertanker fuel depot Colossus. During this period, the Office of Acquisitions' owners, Flix and Orka, came into possession of a phase connector, a powerful and specialized tool for deep mining.

While working for the First Order, Pyre instructed Teroj Kee to steal a phase connector (pictured).

Upon discovering the device's presence, Pyre engaged Kee to forcibly remove the device from the pair in exchange for payment. However, Flix and Orka refused to sell it to Kee due to his previous theft attempts. Instead, the businessmen kept the phase connector on a hoversled in their back room before eventually selling it to a mining colony on the terrestrial astronomical object Valashar. Refusing to give up, the operative started monitoring their communication device transmissions and planned to seize the phase connector on a day when Flix and Orka planned to close their store to visit the former's parent.

Meeting a mechanic

Teroj Kee was furious with Kazuda Xiono when the latter refused to sell him the Office of Acquisitions' phase connector.

However, on one day in 34 ABY, the pair left the Office of Acquisitions in the care of Kazuda Xiono, a mechanic, while visiting Flix's mother, rather than leaving the store unattended as Kee had anticipated. Surprised to find the store open, Kee informed Xiono that he was affiliated with the Mining Guild and had placed an order for a phase connector from the Office of Acquisitions several weeks prior, describing the rare and expensive item's characteristics.

Using a tablet computer, Xiono reviewed the business's orders and found no record of any orders from Kee, informing him that the store only had a pre-sold phase connector in its back room. After verifying that the device was indeed in the store, the First Order operative pressured Xiono to sell it to him, repeatedly making demands. However, Xiono calmly refused, asserting that the phase connector had already been promised to someone else. As Kee attempted to make an offer on the phase connector, Flix and Orka's pet gorg, Bitey, bit the First Order operative painfully, causing him to curse at the creature. Thinking quickly, Kee decided to try to convince Xiono to abandon his post managing the shop so that the device was left unguarded, which would allow the Keteerian to steal it. The operative then ordered several items from the store's inventory, which the shop assistant gathered and prepared to deliver to him at loading dock 23 in the Colossus's loading docks.

Stolen goods

Teroj Kee trapped Kazuda Xiono in loading dock 23 so he could steal the Office of Acquisitions' phase connector.

While Xiono was away from the store, he left his astromech droid, BB-8, to safeguard the establishment. Kee then held the mechanic at energy weapon-point in the loading dock, closing one side of the storage container. Without flinching, he disregarded Xiono's pleas that he had no funds to give him. The First Order operative proceeded to confine Xiono in the loading dock's storage locker, explaining that he had no personal animosity toward him and was simply conducting business.

Kee then instructed Glem, a Rodian dock worker, to dispose of the materials left in loading dock 23, intending to have Xiono removed from the Colossus so he could steal the Office of Acquisitions' phase connector. While trapped in the storage container, Xiono informed BB-8 of the situation, warning him about Kee. With the mechanic out of the way, the Keteerian broke into the Office of Acquisitions' locked storeroom by using his energy weapon to disable its door controls. Kee expressed elation upon finding the phase connector, which would make him wealthy if delivered successfully, and used its hoversled to transport it.

Droid duel and takeoff

BB-8 attempted to prevent Teroj Kee from leaving the Office of Aquisitions, though ultimately failed.

To prevent Kee from leaving, BB-8 used a stun device to shock him. Angered, Kee exclaimed that the attack had hurt and aimed his blaster at the droid, who responded by throwing several cans of Premium Deluxe D90 Droid Oil at him. The pair then chased each other around the store multiple times, with BB-8 swinging from the ceiling to strike the First Order operative in the abdomen. Eventually, Kee dropped a heavy shelf on top of BB-8 and left the store with the stolen phase connector to go his spaceship, a Darius G-class freighter. Afterward, BB-8 informed Xiono—who was still trapped in loading dock 23—of what had transpired.

Meanwhile, Bitey had secretly boarded the phase connector's hoversled without Kee's knowledge. After escaping from the loading dock, Xiono pursued Kee onto his ship as the thief pushed the stolen phase connector aboard and placed it among other shipping containers. After boarding the vessel, the mechanic approached the device but quickly concealed himself, realizing that First Order stormtroopers were also on the freighter. Kee reentered the room accompanied by stormtroopers and instructed them to prepare for the ship's launch, as they had acquired what they came for. Panicking, Xiono then began devising ways to prevent the vessel from leaving the Colossus, hoping to retrieve the device for Flix and Orka from the thief.

Plunged into the seas

As their freighter began to crash, Teroj Kee and two stormtroopers attempted to keep the phase connector stable.

As the ship departed the Colossus, Xiono tricked Bitey into biting through a wire, disabling the ship's electrical systems. Kee and two stormtroopers heard the commotion caused by the electrical malfunction and rushed toward Bitey, with the former yelling at the gorg to stay away from the ship's wires. However, Bitey only bit down harder, causing an explosion on the ship that sent the vessel listing sideways.

After regaining his balance, Kee fired several blaster shots at the gorg, missing before eventually striking the creature and causing it to fall off a high ledge. As the ship's motors failed, Kee and two stormtroopers hurried to the phase connector and attempted to stabilize it. However, they soon lost their balance as their freighter shuddered and plunged toward Castilon's ocean, realizing the effort was futile. Xiono, Bitey, Kee, and the stormtroopers fled the ship via escape pods, leaving the phase connector to plunge into the water.

Teroj Kee reported the failure of his mission to Pyre.

Afterward, Kee informed Pyre of the endeavor's outcome, insisting that his mission had been sabotaged, which resulted in the destruction of the phase connector. Pyre relayed that Captain Phasma would be displeased and instructed him to report back immediately, prompting Kee to sigh defeatedly. Meanwhile, Xiono explained to Flix and Orka that Kee had attempted to steal their phase connector. Although initially furious, Orka was impressed that Xiono brought down an entire ship rather than allow a thief to abscond with their merchandise. After leaving the Office of Acquisitions, Xiono informed BB-8 that he would send a message to Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot, informing him that the First Order was seeking a phase connector so he could notify General Leia Organa of the Resistance.

Personality and traits

Teroj Kee was willing to attack those who got in the way of his objectives.

As a First Order operative, Kee was willing to use trickery, repeatedly deceiving Xiono to accomplish his objectives. When refused, Kee persistently insisted that Xiono sell him the Office of Acquisition's phase connector, even though it was unavailable. After other methods of persuasion failed, Kee was willing to drown Xiono in a cargo container by tricking him into delivering an order there.

Greed motivated the Keteerian, as he wanted to obtain the phase connector on the Colossus because of its value. He found great satisfaction in defeating BB-8 by trapping him under a shelf, as he was then able to successfully flee with his stolen item. Kee was extremely irritated by Bitey interacting with him, especially after the gorg derailed his ship's attempt to escape the Colossus with the phase connector. Kee had dark eyes and light orange skin. His skin had slightly darker markings on his face and on the lower part of his arm.

Skills and abilities

Kee was a skilled thief capable of wielding a blaster pistol. As an operative, he was able to stake out Flix and Orka's Office of Acquisitions to determine when they would be away from their store so that he could attempt to steal their phase connector in their absence. The Keteerian was physically fit, capable of engaging in hand-to-hand combat and moving heavy objects, such as the metallic shelf he trapped BB-8 under.


Teroj Kee's blaster

While posing as a Mining Guild representative on the Colossus, Kee wore a paneled green garment paired with a tan vest bearing the organization's emblem. The one-piece suit's sleeves and several of the ports on its chest were made of silver-colored metal. The Keteerian also wore a black waistband, black fingerless hand coverings, and black footwear. Kee owned a blue-and-gray blaster, which he used to shoot at several individuals and to open the Office of Acquisitions' vault. He also used a Darius G-class freighter equipped with escape pods to try to leave the Colossus.

Behind the scenes

Concept design of Teroj Kee by Amy Beth Christenson

Teroj Kee made his debut in "Dangerous Business," the thirteenth episode of the initial season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which was broadcast on January 20, 2019. Before the episode's release, he appeared unidentified in an extended sneak peek for the season that was released on the official Star Wars YouTube channel on September 27, 2018. In "Dangerous Business," John Ennis provided Kee's voice.

Amy Beth Christenson, the art director for Star Wars Resistance, created a concept illustration of the character on July 6, 2017, while Aaron Pham, an artist at Lucasfilm Animation, created another concept art piece for his blaster on June 27 of the same year.

