Valashar was a celestial body of the terrestrial type. A mining colony situated on Valashar once placed an order with the Office of Acquisitions, which was based on the planet Castilon's supertanker fuel depot known as Colossus, for a phase connector. This mining tool was both rare and costly. Flix and Orka, who owned the establishment, stored the colony's phase connector in their business's storage area and documented the transaction in a database.
During 34 ABY, Kazuda Xiono, the mechanic, briefly managed the Office of Acquisitions. He informed Teroj Kee, a First Order agent, that he couldn't sell him a phase connector because the one they possessed had already been purchased by the Valashar colony. Subsequently, when Kee tried to steal the device, Xiono had to destroy it to stop Kee from leaving the planet with it.
The name Valashar appeared in "Dangerous Business," which was the thirteenth episode from the first season of the animated TV show Star Wars Resistance. The episode first aired on January 20, 2019.