Dangerous Business

title: "Dangerous Business"

"Dangerous Business" marks the thirteenth installment of Star Wars Resistance Season One. This episode was broadcast on Disney Channel on January 20, 2019.

Official description

Kaz strikes a bargain: he'll look after Flix and Orka's shop in return for some needed components. However, the situation escalates into danger when a mysterious customer makes an appearance.

Plot summary

An Improved Mechanic

The episode commences with a speagull soaring above the waters surrounding the Colossus as the sun dawns. Jarek Yeager expresses his apologies for rousing the crew so early, reminding them that the Fireball isn't going to repair itself. Tam Ryvora voices her frustration about the constant repairs needed on the Fireball, blaming Kazuda Xiono's reckless flying habits that always leave the ship damaged. Yeager instructs her to cease her complaints and concentrate on fitting the new GX engine. Neeku Vozo observes that the new engine is already in place. Tam concurs, noting that the repulsorlifts and injectors have also been installed.

They discover that Kaz was responsible for installing these parts. Kaz explains that he repaired the ship because Tam expressed a desire to fly it that afternoon. Tam acknowledges his efforts but points out that he needs to correct the coupling installation. She expresses her gratitude to Kaz, while Neeku adds that his skills are noticeably improving. Yeager then inquires about where he acquired the parts.

Kaz reveals that he made an agreement with Flix and Orka: he would watch their store for the day in exchange. Neeku acknowledges this is positive, but advises Kaz to avoid accidentally causing an explosion at the stall. Tam jokes about Neeku developing a sense of humor, but Neeku insists he was serious. Yeager commends Kaz for his initiative but questions whether he has taken on more than he can manage. Kaz departs with BB-8, and Yeager bids them good luck, suggesting they will need it.

The Holiday Coverage

At the Office of Acquisitions, Flix urges Orka to be quick. Orka retorts, telling Flix not to rush him, citing his long legs that allow him to move swiftly. At that moment, Kaz enters the store. Orka thanks Kaz for his arrival, but Flix clarifies that Kaz is technically indebted to them for the parts they provided. Kaz inquires about their destination. Orka explains that it is a lengthy story, as they are visiting his mother. He assures Kaz that looking after the store is straightforward, detailing the store's operational procedures and emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction. They instruct him to always accept the customer's money.

Flix and Orka further caution Kaz against wiggling his finger at their pet Gorg Bitey, as it will mistake it for food. Orka warns Kaz against selling anything from the backroom, with Flix adding that it contains either a weapon or something dangerously destructive, likely both. They explicitly instruct Kaz to stay away from the backroom. Kaz confidently states that he can handle it as easily as Valerian pie. Orka announces their return that evening before the two depart, accompanied by their DUM-series pit droid G-LN carrying their luggage. Kaz waves his hand, but Bitey bites his finger, causing him to yelp in pain.

BB-8 retrieves the oil.

Kaz assures BB-8 that managing the store will be easy, especially with the droid as his assistant. BB-8 responds by shaking his head, indicating that people generally dislike him. Kaz reassures BB-8 that he is skilled with customers and that he can locate some parts that can be used for the Fireball. Just then, Jooks enters the shop and requests Premium Deluxe D90 Droid Oil. Kaz searches the shop for the premium oil, but BB-8 finds it for him. After assisting the customer, Kaz consults the datapad in search of spare parts for the Fireball.

A Shady Patron

The subsequent customer is a large, brown alien who coughs. Upon being greeted by Kaz, the alien slams his fist on the counter and angrily questions why Acquisitions is open today. Kaz confirms that it is indeed open. The alien demands to know Kaz's identity, and Kaz introduces himself as Flix and Orka's temporary assistant. The alien identifies himself as Teroj Kee, stating that he represents the Mining Guild and placed an order for a phase connector several weeks prior.

Upon Kaz's inquiry, Teroj elaborates that the part is extremely difficult to acquire, expensive, and rare. Kaz examines the inventory and discovers that Acquisitions has no record of an order from Teroj or the Mining Guild. He finds that the shop does possess a phase connector, but it is located in the backroom and has already been sold to a mining colony located offworld. Teroj insists on obtaining the phase connector, but Kaz refuses, stating that it is not available for sale.

When Teroj wiggles his finger, Bitey bites him before the alien can offer a reward. Teroj cries out in pain, exclaiming that the creature nearly severed his arm. Kaz warns him not to wiggle his finger near Bitey, as the Gorg will mistake it for food. As a gesture of compensation, Kaz offers to sell him something else.

Teroj requests three tool kits, ten lenses, and a crate of connector rods. Kaz readily agrees, telling BB-8 that he anticipates a significant sale and that Flix and Orka will be pleased. Teroj then requests that Kaz deliver the items to his locker at Loading Dock 23, claiming that it will be more convenient.

Ambush and a Theft

Later, Kaz prepares to depart for Loading Dock 23, transporting the goods on a hoversled. Kaz instructs BB-8 to watch over the store during his absence. BB-8 cautions that the individual seemed suspicious, but Kaz dismisses it, remarking that everyone on the station has something shady about them. He assures BB-8 that he intends to discover Teroj Kee's true intentions and promises to return soon.

Kaz arrives at Loading Dock 23 and loads the goods into a cargo container. Before he can leave, he is confronted by Teroj Kee, who aims his blaster at him. Kaz protests that he has no credits and claims that he is performing this task as a favor. Teroj replies that it is nothing personal, simply business, before locking Kaz inside the container. Kaz pounds on the container doors but finds them locked. As a crane lifts the container, he contacts BB-8 via comlink.

BB-8 defends himself against Bitey using his arc welder. Kaz informs BB-8 that he has been locked inside a cargo container at Loading Dock 23. BB-8 races to the location, with Bitey in pursuit, but the droid stings the Gorg. Shortly thereafter, Teroj Kee forces his way into the shop with a blaster. BB-8 hides as Teroj uses a blaster to shoot through the control panel outside the backroom. He laughs as he sees the phase connector, confident that it will make him rich.

The crane operator, Glem, is listening to music and does not hear Kaz's cries for help. He contacts BB-8 through his comlink as the trapdoor beneath the crane opens, revealing the sea below. Back at Acquisitions, BB-8 attacks Teroj Kee with his arc welder, stinging him repeatedly. BB-8 leads him on a chase through the store, hurling objects at him. BB-8 also uses his grappling hook to swing himself at Teroj Kee, but the alien catches him. Teroj Kee traps BB-8 by toppling a cupboard on top of him against a wall.

Inside the crate, Kaz discovers a welder and a set of lenses and begins to burn through the lock. Kaz manages to unlock the crate, but the crane drops it into the sea. Glem looks up to see Kaz clinging to the crane. He asks Kaz what he is doing up there, and Kaz responds by asking what he is doing down there. Glem replies that he is working, but Kaz counters that he is working up there and instructs him to return to work.

Chasing Teroj Kee

Kaz contacts BB-8, who informs him that Teroj Kee stole the phase connector. Kaz is about to ask BB-8 to help him locate Teroj's ship, but Kaz spots Teroj carrying the phase connector away. Kaz follows Teroj onto a ship. He tells BB-8 not to worry, as he has been in far worse situations. While hiding among the crates, Kaz notices three stormtroopers and realizes that Teroj is working for the First Order.

Kaz plans to retrieve the phase connector but encounters Bitey, who bites his finger. Kaz struggles to stifle his scream. Teroj informs the stormtroopers that they have acquired what they came for and should not linger longer than necessary. One of the stormtroopers says let's prepare for launch. Kaz can only say no as the cargo bay is sealed and the freighter takes off. He tells Bitey that this is not good at all. Kaz panics as the ship departs the Colossus.

Bringing Down the Ship

Kaz realizes that he must bring the ship down with the phase generator but is bitten by Bitey again. Kaz sneaks into the engine room and waits for the stormtrooper to leave. He deduces that the power coupling leads to the electrode systems and that if he cuts the power, he can bring the whole ship down. Kaz is unable to disable the cables himself and instead encourages Bitey to bite them.

Teroj and the stormtroopers find Bitey chewing on the power cables and order him to stop. However, Bitey bites deeper, causing the engines to overload and explode. The ship begins to descend toward the sea. While Teroj and the stormtroopers try to find their way out, Kaz also struggles to avoid falling cargo. Teroj fires his blaster pistol at Bitey, but the gorg dodges him. Teroj shoots at one of the power circuits, causing a second engine to explode.

As the ship lists, Teroj and the stormtroopers try to secure the phase connector but are knocked around by the unsecured cargo. Kaz retrieves Bitey and runs to an exit. On the way, the two are separated by a loose piece of cargo. Kaz reaches the corridor and manages to escape on an escape pod. Teroj and two of the remaining stormtroopers also flee into a pod before the ship crashes into the sea and explodes.

Scoring Points for the Resistance

As Kaz flies away, he is pleased that no one will get the phase connector but is saddened that Bitey did not survive. He consoles himself with the fact that Bitey sacrificed his life for the Resistance. However, Bitey reappears on the windscreen, and Kaz is overjoyed to see him. Kaz flies the escape pod back to the Colossus.

Meanwhile, Teroj is contacted by Commander Pyre. He informs Teroj that he failed to secure the phase connector, that his mission was sabotaged, and that the goods were destroyed. Pyre says that is unfortunate and Captain Phasma will not be pleased. He orders Teroj to report back at once. Teroj sighs "that there are days and there are dazed" before flying off with the other two stormtroopers in escape pods.

A Chaotic Return

Back at the Colossus, Kaz thanks Bitey for his help and returns to the Office of Acquisitions, only to find it in a mess. Kaz is horrified by the state of the place. He finds BB-8 trapped in a tight corner. Kaz thinks they have time to clean up before Flix and Orka return. However, Bitey tips several crates over. Just then, Flix and Orka come through the door chatting about Flix's father and Gungans not having feathers.

Orka is shocked to see their shop in such disarray. Kaz says he can explain, and Orka says he better, or Flix is going to kick him into next week. Kaz says it is not his fault. Flix says that we were only gone for a day and that it is appalling they come back to this. Kaz tells them that some guy who knew they had a phase connector came in here and stole it.

Orka asks if the man claimed to be a member of the Mining Guild and called himself Teroj Kee. Kaz confirms this was the case and says that he tried to get the phase connector back but he had to bring the entire ship down in the process. Orka praises Kaz for destroying the ship and its cargo rather than letting Teroj escape with their merchandise. Orka explains that Teroj has been trying to steal from them for years, while Flix adds that no one should leave without paying for it. Orka realizes that Teroj must have been monitoring their comlink to know they were going offworld. Orka dismisses Teroj as a "slimy womp rat."

When Kaz asks what a phase connector is, Flix tells him that they are used to crack open asteroids and planetoids for heavy mining. Orka adds that they are used for drilling and excavating. Kaz says this is good to know while BB-8 shakes his head. Orka says that they will see Kaz early tomorrow morning for work. Flix quips that nobody should get away without paying for it. Orka says that Kaz has to make amends for his damage or repay his debt.

The Approaching Threat

Kaz sighs in agreement. After leaving, he tells BB-8 he will send a message to Poe, and that General Organa will want to know about these things. He asks BB-8 if he thinks that the First Order are using it to drill for more dedlanite or something else. Kaz tells BB-8 he doesn't know and thinks this is bad.


