Nenavakasa "Nena" Nalor was a bright female engineer specializing in computers. As a youngling, this Nikto was taken from her homeworld by pirates, then enslaved by a Hutt clan. After escaping, Nalor used her own starship as a contractor for the First Order, convinced they would win the war against the Resistance. In 34 ABY, she was hired to sabotage the Colossus refueling station. While ostensibly repairing the [station](/article/space_station], she secretly sabotaged its control systems, becoming friends with fellow Nikto engineer Neeku Vozo in the process. They developed a strong working relationship.
Nalor blamed the pirate gang aboard the Colossus for its problems, but her scheme was thwarted by Vozo's friend and Resistance member, Kazuda Xiono, and his pirate ally Synara San. She alerted the First Order, then fled the Colossus, hoping Vozo would join her. However, Vozo chose to stay with his friends. The First Order paid Nalor for disabling the station as she left. Vozo and Xiono reversed Nalor's work, allowing the Colossus to escape the Order, who vowed to kill Nalor if they encountered her again.

Nenavakasa "Nena" Nalor originated from Kintan, a world in the Outer Rim where the native Niktos were forced into servitude by the Hutt Cartel. Her life took a dark turn when she was kidnapped as a child by pirates and subsequently "sold" to a Hutt clan. After being enslaved as a worker for years, Nalor bravely escaped the Hutts and departed her homeworld. She then became a contractor for the First Order, utilizing her own starship. As a computer engineer during the First Order-Resistance War, Nalor was hired by the First Order in 34 ABY to sabotage the mobile refueling station Colossus, which had been eluding capture even as the First Order's influence expanded across the galaxy. Agent Tierny devised the saboteur plot, despite Commander Pyre's reservations, and Nalor spent days tracking the Colossus with her starship.
Nenavakasa Nalor transmitted a holographic distress call from her ship, wearing her flight helmet. She claimed to have escaped a First Order attack, which left her vessel with critically low oxygen levels in its life support system. She also transmitted her coordinates, placing her near a [purple](/article/color] nebula. This Nikto's call was received on the Colossus' bridge by two mechanics: Kazuda Xiono, a human member of the Resistance, and Neeku Vozo, a Kadas'sa'Nikto, who had just finished repairing the station's long-range sensors. Also present were the station captain, Imanuel Doza, and Jarek Yeager, the leader of the Colossus' Ace Squadron. Xiono and Vozo argued for a rescue, citing their isolated location in space as significantly reducing the chances of another passing ship. However, Yeager suspected a trap and insisted that Vozo stay to continue repairs, while Xiono would be accompanied by someone capable of using a blaster.

Xiono brought the astromech droid CB-23 and his pirate friend Synara San, a Mirialan, on his rescue mission. He flew a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle to the dark ship, which extended a docking tube to connect to Xiono's ship as it approached. CB-23 confirmed that only one lifeform was present. A colorless gas escaped as the docking tube unsealed. Nalor walked into the shuttle, waving the gas away and coughing, and was greeted by Xiono. After exchanging greetings and thanks for the rescue, Nalor noticed that Xiono and Synara San were pointing blasters at her. She then questioned whether they were rescuing her or if they were pirates.
Xiono admitted that his companion was "technically" a pirate, causing Nalor to back away, raise her arms, and suggest returning to her ship. However, Xiono quickly clarified that she was indeed being rescued and lowered his and San's blasters. When asked what happened, Nalor leaned against a wall, hugging herself, and explained that the First Order was everywhere, with entire worlds surrendering. She claimed she had barely escaped her world. San holstered her weapon and remarked that Nalor was fortunate before questioning her presence in that part of space. Nalor feigned ignorance of her location, claiming to be a computer engineer "with a fried computer" and gesturing towards her ship. Xiono then invited her to the Colossus, explaining that it had also been damaged by the First Order and their mechanic was overwhelmed.

Nalor agreed to Xiono's proposal: her ship would be fixed in return for helping with the station's repairs. On the Colossus' bridge, Xiono introduced Nalor to Captain Doza and Yeager, mentioning that her ship, like theirs, had been damaged by the First Order. Doza expressed his sympathy, and Nalor continued her lie, claiming that her thrusters were destroyed and she was relying on life support to survive. However, Neeku Vozo interrupted her, rushing between consoles and attempting repairs, barely acknowledging her arrival. Nalor remarked that the "old" station needed attention. She then leaned towards Vozo, who was kneeling by a console, and suggested adjusting the K-spline to soft-reset the computer system. Vozo followed her advice, which worked immediately.
Yeager commented on Nalor's skills as a mechanic, but she corrected him, stating that she was an engineer. Vozo and Nalor introduced themselves, and Captain Doza asked her to help maintain the station. Nalor accepted, stating that the crew had been kind to her, much to Vozo's delight. Vozo then led her down to the Colossus Engineering Level.

Xiono followed, carrying a box of tools, and watched alongside the Chelidae engineers as Vozo and Nalor discussed a power supply fault in the Engineering Level. Vozo's attempt to replace micro-cables was ineffective, but Nalor adjusted the supply levels at a power junction by manipulating console controls, successfully restoring a fan overhead, earning Vozo's praise. She also used a wrench under the Colossus hyperdrive chamber's control table to fix the hyperdrive, impressing Vozo and Xiono. Later, she repaired the hologram display in the Aces' Lounge with a hydrospanner, to the cheers of Vozo and Ace Squadron pilots.
Afterward, Nalor operated the datapad that Vozo had been holding, while he pushed a button by the blast door where the janitor Opeepit was waiting. As soon as the door opened, Opeepit excitedly retrieved a floor sweeper to continue cleaning the Colossus' corridors. Vozo was pleased that the progress meant the Colossus' problems would soon be resolved. Similarly, Nalor held the datapad as Vozo fixed the garbage vaporizer in Aunt Z's Tavern with a hammer. Z'Vk'Thkrkza, "Aunt Z," content and ignoring Xiono, told the two Niktos they could drink at her establishment for free.

As they walked through the station, Vozo noticed Nalor's discomfort and asked why. She expressed her concern about the large number of pirates on the Colossus. They were immediately surrounded by the Warbird gang of pirates, including the Hassk Snarl, the Gamorrean Gork, the Kassk Vusk, and the Trandoshan Skreek. Snarl put his arm around Vozo and asked the engineers to help them in their hangar. Nalor tried to leave, telling Vozo to handle their request while she worked on her datapad's list of repairs, but Gork nudged and growled at her. Despite the threat, Vozo assured his new friend that their work wouldn't take long and agreed to help his "pirate friends."
The pirates led the engineers to their lair, where other pirates were watching a fight between Leoz and a Kassk pirate. Leoz punched the latter into Vusk, in front of Nalor, who was startled and then shoved by Gork. Off-balance, she grabbed Vozo's arm as the brawl continued between the pirates, including Vusk, Vusk's opponent, Skreek, and Gork. Vozo tried to reassure Nalor that the pirates had helped the Colossus fight the First Order. She realized she was holding Vozo's arm and let go, looking around the room and telling Vozo she hoped he was right about the pirates' goodwill.
At the consoles beside the sail barge Galleon, Snarl explained that the pirates were having trouble routing power to their ships before walking away. Nalor showed Vozo an analysis on her datapad indicating that the pirates were draining half of the station's power into the Galleon, asserting that pirates could never be trusted due to their selfishness. Kragan Gorr, the leader of the Warbird gang, overheard Nalor and confronted her for insulting him and his crew, ignoring Vozo's explanation that she was simply reporting her findings.

Nalor insisted that the pirates were siphoning the Colossus' power, presenting Gorr her datapad. When a power irregularity briefly caused a rumble and interrupted the hangar's lights, she pointed at the ceiling to emphasize her point. Gorr insisted that Nalor's data was wrong and threatened the engineer, calling her a "girl" and a "child." She was unfazed when he pushed away her arm holding the datapad and handed the device to Vozo. She put her hands on her waist and challenged the pirate leader to carry out his threat.
Vozo, uncomfortable, tried to defuse the situation, suggesting they were all friends and fellow Platformers. However, Nalor declared the pirates to be selfish thieves who didn't share that sentiment. Gorr again denied stealing the station's power, claiming they didn't even have a fair share of energy. The confrontation was interrupted by a power outage in the hangar, at which point Nalor persuaded Vozo to leave. The pirates followed them, calling them "cowards" to run, while Synara San, who had just arrived, watched quietly.

The Nikto returned to the bridge of the Colossus, where Nalor explained her suspicion that the pirates were stealing the station's power to Captain Doza, Yeager, Xiono, and CB-23. Doza wanted the pirates removed, but Yeager was wary of violent resistance. Xiono volunteered to investigate and cut off the gang's power supply, while the engineers would prevent future theft. The captain agreed, and at nighttime, Xiono and CB-23 found large cables extending from a power port in the hangar, seemingly confirming Nalor's suspicion. However, Synara San caught him in the act before he could pull the plug.
Meanwhile, Nalor and Vozo installed regulators in service tunnel A2, supposedly to prevent power theft. Vozo commented that it was nice to work as a team, and Nalor asked why he lived on the mobile station and if he had family there. Vozo revealed that his parents were bantha herders who didn't understand his interest in machines but sold their prized calf to fund his engineering career. Vozo realized he hadn't spoken about himself in a while, so Nalor asked if his friends ever asked him. Vozo replied that Xiono liked to talk about his experiences with the New Republic Military Academy and the Resistance, such as meeting General Leia Organa, and Nalor countered that Xiono just enjoyed talking.

After Nalor powered up the machinery, Vozo asked about her childhood. She somberly recounted being captured by pirates and sold into slavery, laboring for years until she escaped. Vozo sympathized, recognizing her dislike of pirates, and they both looked away. Nalor then admitted that the K-spline she asked Vozo to install wouldn't fix the Colossus as he believed. Despite Nalor's attempt to explain, Vozo joked that she must be doing a terrible job if she wasn't intending to repair the station and eagerly prompted her to help finish adjusting the machinery. Nalor quietly agreed with an expression of regret. They later moved to the Engineering Level.

After preventing Xiono from cutting off the pirates' power, San pointed out that she had installed the power couplings and that Nalor's power readouts must be wrong. She deduced that Vozo's new friend was manipulating the station's power. If Nalor was such a good engineer, she should have fixed her own ship. Xiono, admitting he knew little about their guest, San, and CB-23 searched Nalor's ship, held in a small hangar bay. San's suspicions were confirmed by the encryption of Nalor's flight data and, once decrypted, the ship's tracking report of the Colossus. They discovered that Nalor had been tracking the station for days and was tracking them for the First Order.

While San secured the ship to prevent Nalor from contacting the First Order, Xiono tried to warn the Colossus' crew about Nalor's secret. As Xiono and CB-23 rushed through the corridors, the droid made noises, and Xiono expressed his appreciation that Vozo "really" liked Nalor. He also said it would be difficult to convince Vozo of something that contradicted his beliefs. Xiono barged into the Engineering Level to find Nalor and Vozo laughing together, with Nalor sitting on the consoles and Vozo sitting on the floor. They greeted Xiono, saying they had fixed the lights. Nalor waved at Xiono, who asked to speak with his friend privately and dodged Nalor's question about the pirates by saying it went "great."
Nalor watched as Xiono pulled Vozo behind an aisle of machinery. Xiono revealed that she worked for the First Order. Vozo, sympathetic, believed Xiono was making up a story out of concern about his friendship with "a vastly superior engineer" and assured Xiono that he was still his best friend. Xiono insisted he wasn't lying about Nalor's sabotage, but when a power outage suddenly extinguished the lights, they turned to find her gone. Xiono chased after the spy, although Vozo dismissed the supposed proof as his best friend's "clever ruse."

As Nalor ran through the Colossus' corridors, she remotely activated her ship with her datapad and sent her coordinates to her First Order contact. This prompted San to exit the ship, which received the First Order's request to prepare for their arrival. Despite Vozo's pleas to "refrain from running," Nalor turned a corner and waited for Xiono, then shot at him with her blaster pistol, causing Vozo to scream. Xiono dodged the shots and retreated with his friend, while Nalor continued firing, boasting that warning the others was futile, as she had restricted the Colossus' power and shut off its thrusters and defenses for the First Order's arrival.
Xiono asked if her job was to sabotage ships for the First Order. Nalor replied that she was surprised he had figured it out so quickly. Vozo appeared and stated that she had lied about everything. Nalor put down her blaster and clarified that she had indeed been enslaved by pirates as a child, insisting that her actions were necessary for survival. She rejected Vozo's request to stay and help the Colossus' residents, given her skills, persisting in her belief that she must side with the rising First Order. She continued firing at Xiono as he approached, then ran away again.

However, she stopped and turned back to a pleading Vozo, stating that the Resistance had lost and asking him to join her. Despite their affection, Vozo chose to stay with his friends. CB-23 snatched Nalor's blaster from behind her, and the spy angrily said that Vozo had tricked her before leaping over the droid and speeding away. As the Nikto operated her datapad while running into her hangar, San ambushed her, knocking away her datapad and striking at Nalor. The spy tackled San to the ground and boarded her ship despite being harried by blaster fire. As Nalor backed her ship out of the bay, she watched from the cockpit San firing futilely at her craft while Xiono and Vozo stood nearby, with Vozo calling for Nena.

Under the watchful eyes of Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre, the Thunderer, a First Order Star Destroyer, located the Colossus. Subsequently, it launched a squadron of eight TIE fighters with the mission to engage the drifting station. Piloting her vessel, Nalor bypassed the starfighters and approached the Star Destroyer, using a hologram to inform Commander Pyre that she had successfully completed her assignment of weakening the Colossus' defenses. In response, Pyre praised her actions and provided her with payment in the form of credits. After the transmission ended, the engineer privately regretted her betrayal of Neeku Vozo, hoping he would comprehend her reasons before she entered hyperspace.
As the station's vital systems were rendered inoperable and faced imminent destruction by the First Order, Captain Doza used a comlink to contact Xiono, who then revealed that Nalor had sabotaged their home. Seeking a solution, Xiono turned to Vozo for assistance. The Nikto realized that his former engineering colleague had "repaired" the station by rerouting and depleting its power. Vozo, working at the bridge console, instructed Xiono to remove the regulators located in service tunnel A2 and the Engineering Level, and then repair the plasma cable, in order to redirect power to the communication, turbine, shielding, and laser turret systems.

Ultimately, Vozo requested Xiono to disable the pirates' power source. This was done after the human apologized to Gorr and his gang for the accusations previously instigated by Nalor. When the Colossus' systems remained partially unfunctional, Vozo deduced that the K-spline that Nalor had initially recommended inserting was the cause. After removing this component, the engineer's sabotage was completely reversed, and the command droid 4D-M1N piloted the station into hyperspace.
Agent Tierny, displeased that Pyre's concerns regarding the saboteur's reliability had proven accurate, gave the order that their "asset" should be executed if the First Order encountered her again, a sentiment with which the commander wholeheartedly agreed. Aboard the Colossus, Xiono expressed his sympathy to Vozo regarding Nalor, but Vozo considered himself too trusting and open. His friend, however, countered this by stating that those qualities made Vozo a good person. Consequently, the Nikto confirmed that Xiono had become his "bestest friend."

Nenavakasa Nalor, a female computer engineer of considerable intelligence, possessed dark blue eyes highlighted with white and blue-green skin, complemented by yellow horns. Her early life was marked by trauma, stemming from her abduction by pirates, subsequent enslavement, and forced labor. Later, she chose to serve the First Order as their influence expanded across the galaxy. Upon introducing herself to Neeku Vozo, she provided her full name but indicated that her friends referred to her as Nena; the Order also knew the engineer as Nena. She maintained a seemingly positive demeanor toward the crew of the Colossus, even as she deceived them and sabotaged their station.
The First Order operative tried to conceal her acts of sabotage by instigating conflict between Captain Doza and his allies and the Warbird gang. She boldly accused the gang of power theft and confidently confronted them alone, even in their hangar, because of her resentment towards pirates. Before Nalor fabricated data to implicate the pirates in theft, she displayed a worried expression when near them, sometimes crossing her arms while speaking with others, and briefly grasped Vozo's arm when they were caught in a fight.

Nalor quickly established a strong connection with Vozo, who was particularly enthusiastic and trusting, as they worked together to resolve engineering problems on the Colossus, and they shared stories about their respective pasts. Nalor considered him to be "different," and wished that he would join her in leaving the Colossus, even though she had never desired a partner before. While she was quick to fire at Kazuda Xiono after he revealed her intentions, she lowered her blaster when facing Vozo, and angrily accused her fellow engineer of tricking her as his friends attempted to block her escape. Privately, Nalor felt remorse for having to leave Vozo behind.
To the amazement of Neeku Vozo, the Colossus' mechanic, Nalor expertly identified ways to repair the station that Vozo had overlooked, and successfully restored the functionality of many vital systems using tools like the hydrospanner and wrench. Simultaneously, she secretly sabotaged the station's control systems. She also falsified data on a datapad to falsely accuse the pirates on the Colossus of stealing power. Nalor demonstrated competence in firing her blaster, preventing Kazuda Xiono from pursuing her, and in hand-to-hand combat against Synara San, allowing her to escape to her ship, which she piloted herself.

Nena Nalor's attire consisted of a tan jumpsuit featuring beige and dark beige tones, shoulder pockets on each sleeve, and kneepads tucked into dark beige boots with dark brown accents. She also wore a brown utility belt with a gray clasp and two pockets on each side. She also donned dark brown gloves that exposed her fingertips, which allowed her to operate her personal datapad and the repair tools on the Colossus. A dark gray layer of the jumpsuit formed a collar around the Nikto's neck, over which she wore a flight helmet as a pilot.
Nalor carried a well-used blaster pistol that fired red bolts and piloted a starship with worn gray and yellow exterior markings. The ship contained a common area with a chair and two bunks, with the top bunk occupied by various crates and cargo items. The flight data of Nalor's ship was encrypted, concealing her tracking system's targeting of the Colossus and her connection to the First Order. The pilot maintained a credit account into which the Order deposited payments upon her completion of their contracts.
The character Nenavakasa Nalor made her debut in "The Engineer," the fifth episode of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series' second season. This episode revealed the character's full name and premiered on November 3, 2019, following Nalor's appearance (unnamed) in the season two trailer released on the official Star Wars YouTube channel on August 14. A character design created by Lucasfilm artist JP Balmet was dated January 30, 2018. Meghan Falcone provides the voice for Nalor, and her husband, Josh Brener, voices Neeku Vozo. Brener stated that working with his wife on "The Engineer" was perhaps his most cherished experience in Star Wars Resistance and praised her performance, especially in portraying Nalor's traumatic history with pirates.

An earlier version of the episode included a scene where Vozo accompanied Kazuda Xiono and Synara San to Nalor's ship, where Vozo was left speechless upon seeing her. Josh Brener recalls that a portion of the scene featured Vozo sharing details about his early life and family before moving to the Colossus, including how his parents initially struggled to understand his passion for engineering school but supported him nonetheless because of his enthusiasm. Following their work on the episode, Meghan Falcone and Josh Brener proposed several storylines that would bring Nenavakasa Nalor back.
Leland Chee, the custodian of the Holocron continuity database, posted an image on social media on February 25, 2023, categorizing Nikto subspecies, including a note for Nenavakasa Nalor: "Maybe we say she's a Numol'elrul." The Numol'elrul are a Nikto subspecies with green and blue-green scales that exist within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially introduced in Fantasy Flight Games' 2015 supplement to the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game, Lords of Nal Hutta.