During the First Order-Resistance War, the Nikto engineer Nenavakasa Nalor was dispatched by the First Order to undermine the Colossus platform. Nena, pretending to be a marooned traveler, successfully ingratiated herself with the Colossus crew, especially the Nikto Neeku Vozo. Although she tried to create division between the Colossus residents and the Warbird gang, Synara San and Kazuda Xiono uncovered Nena's identity as a First Order operative. Even though Nena got away, Kaz and Neeku were able to reverse her sabotage efforts and flee from the First Order's grasp.
In the early stages of the First Order-Resistance War, a covert operative was deployed to locate and sabotage the Colossus platform. The First Order was hunting this platform with the goal of either capturing or destroying it. Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau, one of the two commanders in charge of the hunt, masterminded this plan, despite Commander Pyre's reservations. Nenavakasa Nalor, a Nikto engineer and former slave who had cultivated a philosophy that prioritized aligning with the "winning" side of any conflict, was selected and employed for the assignment.
After observing the Colossus for a number of days, Nena transmitted a fake distress signal, which was picked up by the station's newly repaired long-range scanners. She falsely claimed her ship had suffered extensive damage. Upon receiving this signal, Team Colossus members Neeku Vozo and Kazuda Xiono felt compelled to respond, even though Jarek Yeager expressed skepticism. When Xiono and the pirate Synara San boarded Nena's ship and discovered she was an engineer, Xiono promptly invited her to join the Colossus, since Vozo, the only other engineer, was overwhelmed with repair work.
Once aboard the Colossus, Nena impressed Captain Doza and Yeager by volunteering her engineering skills. Given the Colossus' shortage of engineers, they enlisted her services. Nena also established a close bond with Vozo, and their mutual passion for engineering led to a romantic connection. Under the guise of repairing the space station, Nena secretly installed various devices designed to prevent the Colossus from escaping. These actions included installing regulators in Service tunnel A2, disabling the ship's turbines and thrusters, and installing a case blind on the Colossus command bridge.
In an attempt to create discord between Captain Doza and Captain Kragan Gorr and his Warbird gang, Nena fabricated evidence suggesting that the pirates were stealing power from the Colossus. In reality, Nena was covertly diverting the Colossus' power to her own ship to aid the First Order and replenish her vessel's energy reserves. While Captain Doza readily accepted Nena's claims, Xiono requested permission to investigate the matter. Xiono's strategy involved cutting off the pirates' power supply while Nena and Vozo ensured that the pirates could not steal it.
Implementing their plan, Xiono and the BB-series astromech droid CB-23 attempted to infiltrate the pirates' quarters undetected, but Synara San discovered their presence. As a friend to Xiono, Synara informed him that the pirates were not stealing the Colossus' power. She revealed to Xiono that she had installed the power couplings. She then persuaded him to assist her in searching Nena's ship.
During their inspection of her ship, Synara found no evidence of laser cannon damage, thereby disproving Nena's claim of being attacked by the First Order. Inside the ship's cockpit, Synara discovered that Nena had been tracking the Colossus for several days and had also been communicating with the First Order via her transmitter. Synara remained with the ship to prevent Nena from escaping, while Xiono and CB-23 departed to warn Neeku.
Initially, Neeku dismissed Xiono's accusations, suspecting that he was simply jealous of his friendship with Nena. Realizing that her deception had been exposed, Nena fled through the corridors, using her datapad to activate her ship and transmit the Colossus' coordinates to the First Order. When confronted by Neeku and Xiono, Nena confessed to spying for the First Order. Nena explained that she was willing to do anything to survive, having been enslaved by pirates as a child. Despite efforts by CB-23 and Synara to apprehend her, Nena managed to evade her pursuers and escape aboard her starship. Nena felt remorse for betraying Vozo, while Vozo was deeply hurt by her deceit.
As Nena escaped in her ship, Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny's Star Destroyer Thunderer arrived. After receiving payment from the First Order for her services, Nena jumped into hyperspace but was plagued by guilt over exploiting Vozo. First Order TIE/fo space superiority fighters bombarded the Colossus with laser fire, causing substantial damage to the station, including destroying the holoprojectors in the Colossus marketplace's. The Colossus' gun emplacements managed to destroy several TIE fighters.
While under attack, Xiono and Vozo collaborated to undo Nena's sabotage. Xiono deactivated the regulators in Service tunnel A2, restored the turbines in the engineering deck, and repaired the plasma cables. He also persuaded the pirates to temporarily cut off their power so that they could generate sufficient power for their hyperdrive. Finally, Vozo managed to deactivate the case blind that Nena had installed on the bridge, enabling the Colossus to jump into hyperspace.
Dismayed by the failure of the sabotage, Pyre and Tierny agreed to have Nalor executed if they encountered her again. Tierny reasoned that an asset was only valuable to the First Order as long as they remained active. Due to his experiences with Nena, Neeku began to question his own trusting and open-hearted nature. However, Kaz reassured him that these qualities were what made him a good person.
The sabotage of the Colossus was first depicted in the Star Wars Resistance Season Two episode "The Engineer," which premiered on Disney XD on November 3, 2019.