Here's the reworded MDX content, preserving the original meaning while significantly altering the sentence structure and wording:
**Opeepit** was a [male](/article/gender) [Frigosian](/article/frigosian) who resided on the _[Colossus](/article/colossus)_ refueling station. This took place during the [New Republic](/article/new_republic) [era](/article/new_republic_era). His job on the station was as its only janitor.
## Biography
### Calm before the storm
The _Colossus_ platform had Opeepit as its dedicated janitor. [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono) initially encountered the [Frigosian](/article/frigosian) cleaning the floor during his first visit to the [Office of Acquisitions](/article/office_of_acquisitions). Later, Opeepit and some droids obstructed Xiono's path as he rushed to stop [Jace Rucklin](/article/jace_rucklin) from participating in a race. Subsequently, [Tamara Ryvora](/article/tamara_ryvora) and [Synara San](/article/synara_san) were in conversation near Opeepit in the [Colossus marketplace](/article/colossus_marketplace) as he carried a trash receptacle. After they consumed their [meilooruns](/article/meiloorun_fruit), they disposed of the peels in the bin, which Opeepit then examined. At one juncture, [Neeku Vozo](/article/neeku_vozo) and [Jarek Yeager](/article/jarek_yeager) were purchasing a [gorg](/article/gorg) from [Bolza Grool's gorg stand](/article/bolza_grool%27s_gorg_stand) in the marketplace, while Opeepit was emptying a trash bin into a dumpster nearby. Opeepit was also seen sweeping behind onlookers in the marketplace during a race involving members of [Ace Squadron](/article/ace_squadron). Later on, [pirates](/article/pirate) [attacked](/article/raid_on_the_colossus) the _Colossus_. Opeepit pursued a [Hassk](/article/hassk) pirate using his [floor sweeper](/article/floor_sweeper). While investigating a possible connection between [Captain](/article/captain) [Doza](/article/imanuel_doza) and the [First Order](/article/first_order) under [Poe Dameron's](/article/poe_dameron) orders, Xiono passed Opeepit, who was sweeping the hallway. On another occasion, [Tamara Ryvora](/article/tamara_ryvora) walked past Opeepit as he cleaned the docking pad while she was looking for Neeku. Neeku had taken in a baby [rokkna](/article/rokkna), which he believed to be a stray, and named it [Bibo](/article/bibo). Soon after, the _Colossus_ was attacked by [Bibo's mother](/article/bibo%27s_mother), who was significantly larger than her offspring. Opeepit was cleaning the marketplace at the onset of the attack, causing him to seek shelter indoors with everyone else.
### Sweeper stolen
alt="Opeepit cleaning the floor"
Opeepit cleaning the floor
After the First Order's [rescue](/article/torra_doza%27s_abduction) of Torra from the [Warbird gang](/article/warbird_gang), [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper_(first_order)) from the First Order [occupied](/article/occupation_of_the_colossus) the _Colossus_. Opeepit was in conversation with [Rolt](/article/rolt), a [Gotal](/article/gotal), in the marketplace when three stormtroopers began harassing [Glem](/article/glem), a [Rodian](/article/rodian). Later, as he was cleaning the floors in a hallway, two stormtroopers approached and inquired about the duration of his employment on the _Colossus_. Opeepit struggled to recall and responded in his [native language](/article/frigosian_language), but the stormtroopers insisted on taking his sweeper. Opeepit resisted, attempting to reclaim it, but one of the stormtroopers used their superior size to intimidate him into relinquishing it. As they departed, Opeepit protested vocally, shaking his mechanical [utility arm](/article/utility_arm) in frustration, before lowering his head in dismay. Later that day, Xiono and San nearly collided with him while exiting a [turbolift](/article/turbolift), prompting a verbal outburst from him. After the two apologized quickly, Opeepit explained that he was simply in a foul mood. When Xiono asked what was amiss, he voiced his complaint about the confiscation. Xiono and San offered their condolences, but Opeepit merely muttered to himself as he exited the lift.
Without his floor sweeper, Opeepit was compelled to use a brush to clean the floors. While scrubbing at a hallway intersection, a stormtrooper, actually [Resistance](/article/resistance) [spy](/article/spy) Kazuda Xiono in disguise, stepped into the puddle, prompting Opeepit to instruct him to go around. As the trooper departed, he remarked that Opeepit would clean the floors more quickly with a floor sweeper, causing him to mutter sarcastically to himself. That evening, he was carrying a basket of [fruit](/article/fruit) when the same stormtrooper bumped into him, causing the fruit to spill. Enraged, Opeepit kicked a piece of fruit aside as two stormtroopers passed him. Later, Opeepit was scrubbing the floors in the marketplace when the _Colossus_ began to sink. Large doors were sealed to prevent internal flooding, but some seawater entered the area where Opeepit was cleaning before they were closed.
## Personality and traits
Opeepit was a Frigosian male characterized by [yellow](/article/color) hair and cybernetic hands.
## Equipment
Opeepit wore a breathing mask and heavy black goggles for protection from the atmosphere and light of [Castilon](/article/castilon). He used a floor sweeper as his cleaning tool.
## Behind the scenes
Opeepit's character was created for the _Star Wars Resistance_ animated series. His initial appearance was in the [Season One](/article/star_wars_resistance_season_one) premiere episode, "[The Recruit](/article/the_recruit)," but his identity wasn't revealed until after his appearance in "[Fuel for the Fire](/article/fuel_for_the_fire)," in _Bucket's List_. [Justin Ridge](/article/justin_ridge) provided his voice.
content="Star Wars Resistance — The Recruit (First appearance)"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Fuel for the Fire"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Synaras Score"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Secrets and Holograms"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Bibo"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Neekus Reward"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The Need for Speed"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The First Order Occupation"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The New Trooper"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Descent"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Into the Unknown"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Hunt on Celsor 3"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The Engineer"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Kazs Curse"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The New World"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The Escape"