The High Tower

"The High Tower" marks the fifth installment in the first season of Star Wars Resistance, the animated series. It was initially broadcast on Disney Channel on October 28, 2018.

Official description

Kaz and BB-8 are resolute in their mission to infiltrate the tower and discover the motives behind the First Order's arrival at the platform, which remains shrouded in mystery.

Plot summary

Power outages

The episode commences with the Colossus suffering a power failure. Kazuda Xiono is sent tumbling onto Bucket amidst the darkness. Kaz questions who extinguished the lights as BB-8 beeps in response. Kaz offers an apology to Bucket, who retorts with a grumble in Binary. Tam Ryvora assists Bucket in getting up and inquires of Kaz what he did to Bucket. Kaz retorts that he is the one with the injured face. He then receives a transmission from Neeku Vozo, who is in the process of testing out new comlinks.

Neeku expresses his joy at being able to communicate with Kaz at any given moment, to which Kaz responds that there's no need since he's standing right there. Neeku explains that it was dark, preventing him from seeing Kaz. Kaz cautions him against getting too close, as the comlinks are generating static. Neeku concludes that this necessitates maintaining a distance while utilizing the comlinks.

Team Fireball then hears an announcement broadcast overhead by Captain Imanuel Doza, instructing the inhabitants of the Colossus to conserve power by abstaining from all non-essential usage, as they are rationing their fuel reserves for the subsequent 100 hours. Tam voices her frustration, suggesting they power down the repair shop and perhaps visit Aunt Z's Tavern for a drink. Kaz agrees, with BB-8 echoing his sentiment through beeps.

The mechanics then make their way into Aunt Z's Tavern. Aunt Z greets them warmly, inquiring if Kaz's group intends to spend any credits this time and offering them three "waters." Kaz orders three Cirilian Sour Pastes, earning Neeku's approval. However, the station's power subsequently cuts out, eliciting complaints from the patrons. An elderly human patron identified as Al remarks that he feels like he's blinking with his eyes open. A woman grumbles about her inability to accomplish anything.

Kaz inquires of Aunt Z regarding the duration of the situation. Aunt Z asserts that it is intentional, implicating Captain Doza in orchestrating the power outage. She alleges that Captain Doza and his associates in Doza Tower retain power while the rest do not. Upon Kaz's inquiry, Aunt Z questions whether he has observed the ships arriving at night, claiming that Doza is affiliated with the First Order. In the background, circuits are frying and the patrons continue to grumble.

Enter Hype Fazon

Later on, the power is restored, much to Kaz's relief. BB-8 beeps. Tam expresses skepticism regarding Aunt Z's assertion that Captain Doza is responsible for the power outages, questioning his potential motives. Neeku concurs, stating that he cannot envision Captain Doza as a member of the First Order, though he concedes that he has never encountered anyone from the First Order before, to his knowledge. Kaz whispers to BB-8 that they must infiltrate Doza Tower to investigate. Neeku points out to Kaz that the tower is up.

Kaz notices the arrival of Hype Fazon at Z's Tavern. He is thrilled to see the Ace leader and expresses his desire to be one. Tam reacts with bitterness upon seeing Hype, who acknowledges a green astromech droid and another patron after taking a seat in a booth. Neeku informs Kaz that being an Ace pilot is not solely about enjoyment, as it also entails transporting shipments and safeguarding the skies. He cautions against the inherent dangers and suggests that Tam possesses a deeper understanding of Hype than anyone else.

Tam recounts that Hype was once a close friend until he achieved Ace status. She laments that Hype subsequently disregarded her, prioritizing only himself. When Kaz inquires whether Tam can introduce him to Hype, she scolds him for being "unbelievable." Kaz resolves to introduce himself to Hype and expresses his gratitude to Tam.

Kaz approaches Hype's table and greets the Ace leader. He introduces himself, boasting of his undefeated record in races this year. Hype interjects, adding that it extends to the previous year as well. He recognizes Kaz as the individual who raced Torra Doza, acknowledging her as a protégé and commending Kaz's courage in racing against her. Kaz admits that he was unaware at the time, but that he is working his way up under Jarek Yeager. Hype acknowledges Yeager's exceptional piloting skills.

The plot thickens

Kaz compliments Hype on his exceptional modified G30s, highlighting its custom boosters and modified wings. Hype then points out that Kaz has an operator, prompting a glare from Tam. Kaz then inquires about the Aces' role in transporting shipments. Hype explains that the other Aces are currently transporting a fuel shipment, excluding him due to an understanding with Doza that designates him to be at Aunt Z's Tavern during "their" presence. When Kaz seeks clarification regarding "them," Hype confirms that he is referring to the First Order.

Upon receiving this information, Kaz informs BB-8 that they must gain access to the tower. BB-8 chimes in agreement. When Tam inquires about the situation, Kaz informs her and Neeku that she was correct in her assessment of Hype's ego. Kaz then fabricates a need to charge BB-8 due to low power, prompting BB-8 to feign power depletion. This ruse allows Kaz and BB-8 to slip away unnoticed.

Meanwhile, in the overcast skies of Castilon, three other Aces are engaged in patrol. Freya Fenris instructs her wingmates to intensify their visual scanning. Given the platform's power outage, Ferris states that they will need to manually guide the shipment in. She instructs them to follow her signal. A transport emerges from the clouds, prompting the Aces to encircle the vessel. Over the intercom, Ferris directs Transport TY-700 to lock onto her signal and follow them home. The TY-700's pilot acknowledges the instruction and complies by following the Aces towards the Colossus.

The First Order arrives

At the Colossus hangar bay, an Ugnaught vendor is being harassed by a pair of birds. After driving them away, he informs Kaz and BB-8 that the power outage has prompted authorities to impose a curfew, mandating that everyone remain indoors. Kaz acknowledges the directive. While observing from the balcony, Kaz witnesses the Aces escorting a fuel tanker. He notes that it does not resemble a First Order vessel. Kaz is surprised by the arrival of Tam and Neeku, with the former questioning his presence.

As the Aces execute a flyover, Tam inquires whether Hype informed Kaz about the Aces' mission. Kaz confirms this to be the case. Tam questions whether Kaz was attempting to gain an advantage over her by studying the Aces. Kaz denies this, stating that he is merely observing. The tanker lowers its ramp, revealing Major Elrik Vonreg and a contingent of stormtroopers. Both Kaz and Tam are taken aback by the presence of the First Order.

Tam believes that Aunt Z's suspicions regarding Captain Doza's collaboration with the First Order have been substantiated. BB-8 beeps. When Kaz proposes investigating the First Order's purpose, Tam advises him to remain calm, asserting that there is nothing they can do about it. She adds that they are free to visit the Colossus like anyone else.

Kaz notices Neeku's absence and contacts him via comlink. Neeku informs Kaz of his intention to inquire about the First Order's presence. Kaz, Tam, and BB-8 hurry to caution Neeku, with Kaz urging him not to proceed. They are unable to prevent Neeku from asking Major Vonreg and his men, on behalf of Kaz, about the First Order's purpose. A stormtrooper informs Neeku that he is not authorized to be there and instructs him to move along.

Neeku complies, but informs Kaz that he attempted to inquire on his behalf but was deemed unauthorized to be there. As the First Order delegation passes by, Kaz manages to muffle his comlink. Subsequently, Kaz questions Neeku's actions and confiscates his comlink. A perplexed Neeku inquires about their means of communication.

Hype, ticket to Doza Tower

Kaz, BB-8, and Tam proceed down the corridor. BB-8 beeps, and Kaz expresses his desire for Hype to invite them to the Aces' Lounge within the tower. Overhearing their conversation, Tam asserts that he would never facilitate their entry. Tam recounts her initial obsession with gaining access to Doza Tower upon arriving at the Colossus. She adds that Hype shared this ambition and became an Ace, while she did not. Tam laments that Hype disregarded their friendship and became self-absorbed. She characterizes Hype as arrogant, egotistical, rude, and a terrible friend.

At that moment, Hype approaches them from behind. Kaz feigns friendliness and compliments Hype on his pilot skills, remarking on the vibrant green color of his outfit. Hype recalls seeing Kaz at Aunt Z's earlier and proposes a conversation. Tam reminds Hype that he knows where she has been all along. Seeking to reconcile, Hype extends an invitation to Tam and Kaz to visit the Aces' Lounge as a gesture of goodwill. Kaz expresses their enthusiasm. Hype offers to call ahead to secure their clearance. When Kaz remarks that Hype is not such a bad person, Tam advises him to maintain that belief before departing. Kaz informs BB-8 that they have gained access.

Despite Tam's resentment towards Hype, she decides to follow Kaz and BB-8. The three accompany Hype to the tower's entrance, which is guarded by three security droids. The droids grant Hype and his guests access to the High Tower. Hype offers to showcase his trophy room en route. Tam sarcastically remarks on their sense of privilege. Hype welcomes the "lower dwellers" to the Ace's Lounge. They pass by Griff Halloran. Hype assures them that they will find the finest drinks, food, and fuel there.

Kaz eagerly helps himself to a tray of delicacies offered by a service droid. Tam gazes away in disgust at the window. Just then, Kaz catches sight of Major Vonreg and his troopers entering a corridor. Kaz inquires of Hype regarding the frequency of the First Order's presence. Hype acknowledges their increased visits but emphasizes that he does not engage with them, as it falls under Captain Doza's purview.

Hype inquires whether Tam is still racing. Tam responds that she is working on a ship. Hype jokes about Kaz racing the Fireball. Tam questions whether witnessing Kaz's crash was his favorite moment. Hype casually remarks that this explains why Tam is working on "junk" instead of flying. Tam retorts that she does not require an "overpriced, tricked-out ship" to win and turns her back on Hype. Hype responds that she will never achieve Ace status without a true racer. Tam vows that when she completes the Fireball, it will be a "real" racer, surpassing his. Tam informs Kaz that they are leaving, only to find that he has disappeared. As Tam searches for Kaz, Hype assures Tam that he was merely joking.

Spying on Captain Doza and the First Order

While navigating the corridors of the High Tower, Kaz observes Major Vonreg and his men entering an office. Kaz attempts to enter the office but finds it locked. Just then, a serving droid approaches with a tray of soup and caf. Kaz feigns friendship with the droid, joking about its weight loss. He then affixes a comlink to the droid's tray before apologizing for mistaking him for another droid. As the serving droid enters the room, Kaz activates his comlink.

As the droid carries the tray into the room, Captain Doza inquires of Major Vonreg regarding his true intentions. The major asserts that the First Order seeks to offer "protection" to the Colossus from pirates, reiterating Doza's need for the First Order. He claims that pirate attacks are escalating and that Doza's Aces require their assistance, emphasizing the Colossus' vulnerability without its fuel supply. Captain Doza rejects his offer and threatens to report this coercion attempt to the New Republic.

Major Vonreg counters by threatening to disclose his numerous dealings with the criminal underworld, all of which violate New Republic trade sanctions. Doza signals for the serving droid to bring his mug of caf, informing Vonreg that the deal is unsatisfactory. He dismisses the First Order's attempt to bribe him with a single fuel shipment, demanding a more substantial offer. Kaz eavesdrops on their conversation using his comlink.

Major Vonreg responds that they will improve their offer, but warns Captain Doza that his future will be bleak until they reach an agreement. The First Order delegation departs as Doza sips his cup of caf. Kaz is elated by his discovery and conceals himself behind the doorframe as the stormtroopers exit the room. Kaz waits for the droid to leave, but the proximity of the two comlinks generates static, alerting the stormtroopers and Major Vonreg.

Saved by Torra

One of the stormtroopers notices Kaz and demands to know his purpose. Kaz retrieves his comlinks and flees. Major Vonreg orders two of his stormtroopers to apprehend the boy. The stormtroopers pursue Kaz through the corridors, one of them firing his blaster, set to stun. Kaz evades the stormtroopers and summons BB-8 for assistance. BB-8 races through the corridors of Doza Tower to aid his charge.

Kaz finds himself trapped between the stormtroopers at opposite ends of a corridor. Just then, a serving droid exits a room and demands to know the cause of the commotion. Kaz seizes the opportunity to flee inside the room, only to discover that it is Torra Doza's bedroom. Kaz greets Torra, but she demands to know his purpose.

Before he can explain, Torra assumes that he has mistaken her kindness for romantic interest. As the stormtroopers pound on her door, Torra assists Kaz in escaping through her bedroom window. The stormtroopers and the female serving droid enter the room. The droid protests the First Order's intrusion. Torra informs the stormtroopers that Kaz went in the opposite direction, but one of the stormtroopers looks out the window. Kaz manages to remain hidden by clinging to the narrow ledge below. The stormtroopers believe Torra and depart the room. Kaz carefully moves along the ledge.

Cat and mouse

Meanwhile, Tam and Neeku are enjoying drinks at Aunt Z's Tavern. Neeku remarks that Kaz appears to be having a "great time" at Doza Tower. Tam grumbles that she is glad someone is, before inquiring how Neeku knows Kaz is having a great time. He points to Kaz navigating his way along the Tower's ledge. Aunt Z and her serving droid also notice Kaz. Tam is astounded, while Aunt Z wagers 20 credits that Kaz will fall. Al bets 50 credits on Kaz, while Jooks bets 60. The other customers begin placing bets on Kaz, much to the distress of Tam and Neeku.

Kaz reaches the end of the first ledge and attempts to jump to a second ledge. However, he loses his balance and barely manages to cling to the second ledge. As Kaz climbs back up, Neeku cheers with the other patrons, but Tam is worried. Kaz continues his walk. He tries to leap to the third ledge but finds it too wide. Neeku joins in the cheering. Kaz realizes he must jump to avoid capture. He takes a gamble and manages to jump onto the third ledge.

The bar patrons cheer for Kaz. While walking along the third ledge, Kaz comes under fire from two stormtroopers. Under the barrage of blaster fire, Kaz leaps onto the fourth ledge and descends the building's exterior. Meanwhile, BB-8 is frantically searching for Kaz. Kaz runs across a balcony while dodging blaster bolts. As the stormtroopers race after Kaz, he bangs on a blast door. Just in the nick of time, the blast door opens, and Kaz falls inside to the cheer of Aunt Z and her patrons. While Neeku cheers with the crowd, Tam is relieved that Kaz escaped.

On the other side, Kaz is relieved to have escaped the stormtroopers and hugs BB-8, thanking the droid for saving him. He informs BB-8 that he has significant news to report to Poe Dameron: Doza is poised to strike a deal with the First Order. BB-8 beeps. Kaz expresses his concern that if Doza is indeed the First Order mole, they will be in over their heads. He reassures BB-8 that Poe will know how to proceed.

Avoiding a diplomatic incident

Meanwhile, Captain Doza questions Major Vonreg and his stormtroopers regarding the cause of the commotion. Vonreg informs Doza that they discovered a spy outside his office. Torra, standing behind her father, feigns shock. Major Vonreg adds that the spy attempted to evade them. Captain Doza expresses his shock, but Torra vouches for Kaz, claiming that the "spy" was merely a friend visiting her. When Vonreg inquires why he was not with her, Torra claims he was attempting to leave the tower.

Believing his daughter, Doza informs Major Vonreg that he disapproves of the First Order's presence on his platform and their false accusations against his citizens. Captain Doza asserts his knowledge of his people and supports his daughter's account. He instructs Major Vonreg and his troopers to depart. The major reluctantly complies, while Torra smiles at her father.

Home away from home

Back at Yeager's garage, a weary Kaz and BB-8 return while Tam and Neeku are repairing the Fireball. Tam questions Kaz's whereabouts and admonishes him for risking his life. Kaz explains that he was in an unauthorized area. He states that it is a lengthy story and expresses his relief at being back before lying down on a mattress. BB-8 beeps.

When Tam inquires about Doza Tower, Kaz remarks that it is not as idyllic as it is portrayed. Tam welcomes Kaz back to reality, where they must work for a living, before dropping a tool on him. Kaz returns Neeku's comlink. Neeku expresses his delight at their ability to communicate, and Kaz instructs him not to do so when they are in the same room. Just then, the power is restored, to the delight of Tam and Neeku. Neeku credits Captain Doza for the restoration. Aware of Doza's reliance on the First Order for fuel, Kaz adds that he executed it flawlessly.

As Major Vonreg and his troopers depart on their tanker, Captain Doza reviews security cam footage of Kaz on the ledge, pondering the boy's identity.



  • Star Wars Resistance: Complete Season OneAugust 20 , 2019 [5]


