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"The Children from Tehar" marks the sixth installment in the first season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. This episode was initially broadcast on November 4, 2018.
The episode begins with a panoramic view of the Colossus platform. Inside Jarek Yeager's repair shop, Tam Ryvora and Neeku Vozo are working on the Fireball. Kazuda Xiono inquires if he can assist. Tam responds, without intending offense, that the installation of an acceleration compensator demands a level of skill he may lack. Kaz, visibly displeased, takes a seat.
Yeager cautions Tam to handle the casing with care before departing. Tam instructs Neeku to simultaneously tighten all three lockdowns. Neeku observes that he only has two hands, lamenting his lack of a third. Tam sighs and reluctantly allows Kaz to participate. An enthusiastic Kaz grabs a wrench, and the three position themselves with their tools.
Tam instructs them to rotate their wrenches to the left on the count of three. The engine briefly ignites but then shuts down. Kaz asks if he erred on the top or bottom left. Tam expresses her frustration and scolds Kaz for causing the damage. Kaz apologizes and suggests buying a replacement. Tam throws her wrench down and angrily states that they are expensive and hard to find. She throws tools at Kaz, who runs from the repair shop, accompanied by BB-8. One tool strikes Kaz in the back of the head.
Kaz is tending to his injured head at Aunt Z's Tavern. When Kaz asks Aunt Z what she can offer a pilot with limited funds, she serves him a cup of water. Kaz pays and begins to drink. Before he can finish, she informs him that he has exhausted his budget. Taking pity, Neeku covers the rest of the tab. Aunt Z praises Neeku for being a true friend to Kaz, adding, "especially one with money." Kaz thanks Neeku, but expresses concern about replacing Tam's compensator, wondering how he will afford it.
Kaz overhears Glem, a Rodian, and Yani, a Gotal, discussing a 20,000-credit bounty for two missing human children. Kaz notices a datapad holoprojector displaying the children's images. Yani dismisses the children as mere runaways, while Glem believes they are likely far away. Yani comments that most consider their current location as the edge of the galaxy. Glem requests another jet juice.
Examining the hologram, Kaz spots a unique wooden charm on the boy's wrist. Kaz asks Neeku if he recognizes the symbol, but Neeku does not. Kaz believes that finding the children could solve his problems. Neeku reminds Kaz that he lacks the skills of a bounty hunter, having observed them in action. Kaz argues that he is willing to become one for that amount of money, viewing it as a win-win: repairing Tam's part and helping the children. Kaz asks what could possibly go wrong.
At the Colossus marketplace, an Ugnaught vendor argues with Garma, an Arcona, about refills and bowl limits. While the vendor is preoccupied, the two missing children, Kel and Eila, move through the marketplace unnoticed. Garma complains about not getting paid until next week. Eila signals, and Kel steals a bowl from behind the Ugnaught vendor. Since Garma cannot pay, the Ugnaught decides to take the bowl back. Upon turning, he notices another bowl is missing.
Arriving at the marketplace, Kaz instructs Neeku and BB-8 to continue searching. Neeku remarks that their chances of finding the children are slim. Meanwhile, Kel and Eila hide behind a crate and eat from the bowl. However, the Ugnaught vendor discovers them. Kel pushes the crate over, causing the vendor to fall. The children run, with the Ugnaught vendor chasing them. The children run past Bolza Grool, a Klatooinian merchant carrying a crate of gorgs. The Ugnaught vendor collides with Grool, causing him to drop his crate. A gorg lands on the vendor's face.
The children flee, knocking over Kaz, Neeku, and BB-8. Kaz tells them to slow down and asks why they are in such a hurry. Eila has injured her left leg, and Kel assists her. Kaz notices the wooden charm on Kel's wrist and realizes they are the missing children. Kaz assures them that he and his friends mean no harm and tries to stop them from running.
However, Kel leads his sister away. Kaz chases them with BB-8 following. He insists that they only want to help, but Kel pushes him away, saying they don't need assistance. In the process, he drops the wooden charm. Kaz falls on top of BB-8, who beeps in protest. Kaz realizes the children are in danger and need help, telling Neeku they need more eyes on the situation. Neeku suggests that he has friends who can assist, but they only have two eyes each. Kaz becomes interested in Kel's wooden charm, picking it up.
Later, in the depths of the Colossus, Neeku leads Kaz to the platform's Engineering Level. Kaz asks if he knows people down here, commenting on the area's unsanitary condition. The three descend a set of stairs and enter the domain of the Chelidae, an alien species known as the "shellfolk." Neeku introduces Kaz to his Chelidae friends, complimenting one on the appearance of his shell. Neeku expresses his desire for a carapace.
Neeku explains that the Chelidae are the engineers, maintenance workers, and custodians of the power on the Colossus, calling them the true heroes of the platform. He says that they have eyes and ears everywhere, which is how they know what to repair, adding that they know much more. A Chelidae grunts.
Neeku introduces Kaz to two of the Chelidae leaders, explaining that he is searching for two children, which will bring Kaz a great deal of money. Kaz blushes in embarrassment. One of the Chelidae leaders agrees to keep an eye out. Kaz asks if they can move, and is startled by a dormant Chelidae.
Neeku explains that the "shellfolk" can slow down their life systems. He gives the leader a comlink for communication. The Chelidae grunts in response. Kaz leads Neeku out of the engineering deck, saying that they need to continue searching, as word may have spread about the children's presence.
Upon leaving engineering, Kaz and Neeku are greeted by the droid 4D-M1N, who informs Kaz that Captain Imanuel Doza has requested his presence at Doza Tower. She instructs him to follow her, and Kaz swallows nervously. The droid escorts Kaz, Neeku, and BB-8 to Doza's office.
Captain Doza recognizes Kaz as Yeager's new mechanic who challenged his daughter to a race. Kaz admits it was a mistake. Captain Doza notes that Kaz was seen with the two missing children, who have a large reward for their capture. Kaz confirms this. 4D-M1N moves behind Kaz, startling him.
Kaz shows Captain Doza Kel's charm, which Doza examines. Kaz asks why the children are running. Doza points out that mercenaries typically don't ask questions, only seeking payment. Kaz denies being a mercenary. Doza asks Kaz to consider who would offer such a large reward for two missing children, and why. Kaz says he didn't, and that he just wanted to help the children to get home. Doza remarks that he certainly did, and promises to let him know if they find them. He instructs 4D to escort Kaz, Neeku, and BB-8 out.
After they leave, Captain Doza contacts Captain Phasma via hologram. Captain Phasma asks if Captain Doza has decided to accept the First Order's proposal. Doza says that he has decided, in the interest of strengthening their relationship, to provide some information that he knows they desire.
Doza asks Phasma why the First Order would place such a large bounty on a pair of missing children. Phasma claims that they are children of a high-ranking and wealthy family within the First Order. She claims that they would be quite grateful to know the whereabouts of their missing family members. Doza tells her that they were spotted here on his platform within the last hour. Phasma is pleased and says that she will dispatch her agents to retrieve them.
Doza tells her that these children were wearing a symbol which doesn't resemble a First Order insignia. Phasma reiterates her claim that the children are members of a high-ranking family, and are not military. She tells Doza that the First Order is grateful for this display of loyalty. He tells her to remind her agents that this is his station and that in the interests of their future relationship, they need to abide by his laws. Phasma promises to remind them. After the transmission has ended, Doza fingers the charm.
The janitor Opeepit is pushing his cleaning cart over a drain. Kel and Eila are hiding below the drain. Eila is tending to her injured left leg. Kel asks if it hurts, and Eila says she thinks her leg is broken. Eila tells Kel that she hates this place and wants to return to their homeworld of Tehar. Kel responds that she knows they can't do that because there is nothing back there anymore. He adds that they are safe here for now. Eila disagrees, saying that no place is safe from "him." Eila is startled by BB-8 rolling over the grate.
Back at Yeager's workshop, Tam asks Kaz where her compensator is. Kaz claims that he was just going to get compensation to compensate her for the compensator. Neeku tells Kaz that he is receiving urgent news from their friends. Over the comlink, the Chelidae informant tells Neeku that they have found the children. Kaz is excited and wants to go, but Tam grabs him by the ear. She tells him that he isn't going anywhere without the compensator, as she wants its specs matched exactly. He drops the compensator by accident, and struggles to carrying the heavy device.
Kaz follows Neeku and BB-8 to the engineering platform, where the Chelidae are caring for Kel and Eila. Kel is suspicious of Kaz, thinking he is after them for the money. Kaz tells Kel that he is trying to help, and that if he gets them home he can make some money and that they won't be lost. He thinks that whoever is looking for them is offering a lot of credits because they care.
Eila tells Kaz that they are not lost, but ran away. When Kaz asks from who, Kel tells her that if he wants to help, his sister's leg is broken and she needs medicine. Neeku tends to Eila and finds that she has a fever. Neeku asks the young ones where their parents are. Kel tells them that their parents are gone, and that their whole village is gone. He adds that they are the only survivors.
When Neeku asks who was it who destroyed their people, Eila mentions the name Kylo Ren. When Neeku asks what a "Kylo Ren" is, she replies that that's what his army called him. She says that he was dressed in black and carried a lightsaber, like in the stories about the Jedi. Kel finishes off by saying that he and his sister barely escaped this destruction.
Kel adds that Kylo brought a small army with him. Kel and Eila stowed aboard a cargo ship and made it off Tehar to the Colossus. Kaz realizes that the children are running from the First Order, and vows to keep the children save from them. Kaz tells Kel to come along so they can get his sister some help.
An Upsilon-class command shuttle approaches the Colossus. While walking through the marketplace, Kaz tells Kel and Neeku that they need something for a broken bone. However, they can't bring Eila to a medical station because they will asks for identification. Kel says that he knows what his sister needs, and leads them to a stall selling herbs. Kaz thinks that Eila needs a bio-cast, not plant food.
Kel spots a plant with the sprigs removed. Neeku pays for the herb, to Kaz's surprise. Neeku replies that money should be used on the necessities for anyone who needs it. Just then, they hear the voice of the First Order Commander Pyre, a gold-plated stormtrooper, who is questioning a purple-skinned alien vendor about the runaways. As the alien gestures, Kel confronts Kaz about his promise that they would not find him. Kaz says they have to find a way out of here without being spotted. BB-8 draw's Kaz's attention to a chute.
While Kel is making his way to the chute, one of the stormtroopers spots the boy and alerts his commander. Kel, Kaz, Neeku, and BB-8 escape down the chute as the blast doors close, leaving the stormtroopers outside. Pyre tells his men to follow him. Kaz and the others emerge in the lower levels, where they are sighted by a pedestrian. Pyre and his men bump into the pedestrian and chase the fugitives, firing their blasters on stun. The group flees to engineering, and BB-8 seals the blast door in the nick of time.
As the stormtroopers cut their way through the blast door, the group raise down the stairs into the engineering room. The Chelidae seal the second blast doors before the First Order can breach the deck. Neeku says that they are safe because the doors are blast proof, and Kaz counters that they don't know for how long.
With Eila in pain, Kaz tells Neeku to prepare the herbs. Neeku says they can use the bag as a compress. When Kaz asks why the First Order wants them so badly, Kel tells Kaz that the First Order placed a bounty on them. When Kaz asks why, Eila says that they don't know, but that the First Order won't stop. She says that they took away their parents and home and don't know why.
As the First Order forces their way through the second blast doors, Kaz tells them to stay calm and that they need to get the First Order to stop following them. Kel says that they won't stop as long as they are alive, and that they will just keep coming. As the First Order cut their way through the door, Neeku reminds Kaz that this is a dead end. Kaz says that he now knows what he has to do, and convinces the others to help him open a grate leading down to the ocean below. Neeku asks if Kaz's plan is to plunge them into the "icy waters of bodily destruction and certain death."
Kel and Eila watch as the First Order troops break down the second blast door. Commander Pyre demands to know where the children are and the Chelidae part to reveal Kel and Eila. Pyre offers the children the choice of coming with the First Order or being destroyed. Kel clutches his sister, and the two move towards the grate.
Kel defiantly says that they will never let themselves be taken, and the two seemingly plunge into the ocean below. Pyre and his men barge past the Chelidae and look through the hole. Pyre orders one of his stormtroopers to scan the waters for life signs. One of the stormtroopers brings a scanner, and reports that the two life signs are slowing and that body temperatures are dropping.
The second stormtrooper informs Commander Pyre that Captain Phasma is trying to call, and asks what he should tell her. Looking at the ocean below, Pyre says he will speak to her. Pyre contacts Phasma by hologram and reports that the children are no more. Phasma is very impressed, and believes that now that the children are gone, their plans will remain out of the reach of the Resistance. She praises Commander Pyre for doing well and orders him to return to base. The stormtroopers leave.
The Chelidae then look through the hole to find the children safely on the lower floor. Kaz praises one of the Chelidae for his nice catch, and asks Neeku if his shellfolk friends are okay. Neeku reassures him that they are, because they merely slowed down their life signs. The two Chelidae surface from the ocean.
Kaz deduces that now that the children have met their "doom," the First Order will leave them alone for a while. Kel thanks Kaz and Neeku, and says he was wrong about them both. The Chelidae chief tells the children that the shellfolk have invited them to stay for as long as they like. Neeku translates their language into Galactic Basic Standard. Eila thanks them both while stroking a gorg. Kaz also thanks one of the Chelidae for fixing Tam's compensator. However, he almost drops it.
Back at Doza Tower, Captain Doza looks at Kel's wooden charm. 4D-M1N tells him that the First Order has left the platform. Doza thanks the droid and fingers the charm, looking ominously at the horizon.
Back at Yeager's repair shop, Kaz returns with the compensator. Tam assumes that he has fixed the compensator, and asks how he did that. Kaz replies that he did it with the help of some friends, and claims it's no big deal. Tam is surprised to learn that Kaz has friends, and remarks that he is full of surprises. She asks Kaz what other secrets he's keeping from her. Kaz denies keeping secrets and claims that he is the most open person she will ever meet.
Kaz then excuses himself, and contacts the Resistance via a computer screen. He is greeted by the Abednedo Ello Asty. Kaz identifies himself, and tells Ello that he is trying to reach Poe Dameron. Ello identifies himself, and says that he is taking reports from all agents and spies until Commander Dameron is back from his mission. Kaz realizes that there are other spies and agents besides him.
He tells Ello that they had these two kids from Tehar, and that their planet was taken over and its population wiped out by the First Order. Ello says he has never heard of Tehar, and thinks that the planet is in the Unknown Regions. Kaz also reports that someone called Kylo Ren was leading the First Order Army. He asks if that name means anything to him. Ello says that General Organa will want to hear about this immediately. He praises Kaz for his excellent intel, and tells him that Poe has said a lot of good things about him and that he is doing great things for the Resistance. Kaz thanks Ello before signing off.